
  • 网络microcrack;microcracks
  1. 通过装车运行试验,证明显微裂纹在一定条件下有利无害。

    It is proved that in practical operational test the microcrack is effective and harmless under certain conditions .

  2. 预应力钢丝用77B热轧盘条中沿轴向存在的条带中富集碳、锰,且含有显微裂纹和孔洞,是连铸坯凝固过程中成分偏析与凝固缩孔、疏松等缺陷造成的。

    In 77B hot rolled wire rods for prestressed steel wires , there is segregational strip of C Mn , microcrack and microhole . The causes are segregation , residual shrink hole and porosity of continuous cast steel billets .

  3. 显微裂纹生成抗力R(MC)在疲劳中的应用

    Appliance of resistance to microcrack r_ ( mc ) in fatigue

  4. Mg与SiO2反应动力学呈线性关系,其原因是A层段层状存在显微裂纹,显微裂纹的存在使本应呈现非线性规律的Mg向SiO2扩散反应动力学发生了改变。

    Linear reaction kinetic of reaction between magnesium and silica is aresult of microcrack existed in lamellar .

  5. SS(3B)电力机车车轴轮座显微裂纹分析及对策

    Analysis and Countermeasure on Microscopical Crack on Axle Wheel-seat of SS_ ( 3B ) Electric Locomotive

  6. 加入少量的Fe对提高摩擦因数的作用不大,Fe含量增加,材料的摩擦因数及其稳定性增加,但耐磨性降低;Fe的氧化膜上分布较多网状显微裂纹。

    When Fe content increase , Frictional coefficient and wear volume increase also , there are many micro-cracks on the oxide film , it can reduce the intensity of these films .

  7. 普通WC-Co涂层表面粗糙,存在大量条带状结构,部分区域存在显微裂纹及孔隙,涂层中元素局部偏聚的情况比较严重。

    The common WC-Co coating is more coarse , and there existed a large amount of pieces of layer by layer structure .

  8. 工艺焊接性试验结果分析表明,在进口NiSB-162-200纯镍焊缝区存在气孔和显微裂纹,接头熔合线附近有方向性很强的晶粒长大倾向。

    The process weldability testing result indicates that the pores and the metallographic micro-crack are present in the welding zone of pure imported nickel metal NiSB-162-200 , and the very obvious tendency of grain growing up exists adjacent to the welding joint fusion line .

  9. 高碳钢孪晶马氏体显微裂纹成因及其影响因素探讨

    Factors causing microscopic cracks in high carbon twin crystallite martensite

  10. 弯曲载荷作用下8090Al&Li合金显微裂纹的萌生、扩展和断裂

    Microcrack initiation growth and fracture of an Al-Li Alloy under bend loading

  11. 面弯产生的显微裂纹沿δ/γ相界分布。

    Those microcracks distribute along δ / γ phase boundaries .

  12. 激光硬化合金铸铁活塞环的显微裂纹

    The microcrack on the laser hardened piston ring of alloy Cast - iron

  13. 模具线切割表面变质层及显微裂纹的分析与研究

    Analysis and Research for Surface Modification-lay and Micro-crack of Die and Mould on Wire Cut

  14. 作者用金相方法对高碳钢孪晶马氏体中显微裂纹形态、密度及其主要影响因素进行了研究。

    The morphology , density and factors causing microscopic cracks in high carbon twin crystallite martensite are studied in a metallographic approach .

  15. 试验表明:棕眼表面与经丝固定点接触,产生显微裂纹,形成显微凹坑。

    The experiment result shows that the surface of heddle eye contact with organzine silk , the material of heddle has produced micro-cracks , then forms micro-pits .

  16. 通过快速寿命测试、原始形貌和失效后形貌的分析,总结出钛阳极的三种失效形式,阐明它们与原始显微裂纹的关系。

    Three basic types of failure pattern of titanium anodes were summarized by the use of accelerated life-time tests and morphological analysis for the virgin and inactivated surfaces .

  17. GH105合金冷拉棒表面存在的碎晶层和其内部的显微裂纹是热处理裂纹源。

    It is suggested that the broken crystal layer and microcracks in surface layer of the cold drawn rod is the source of the heat treatment induced cracks .

  18. 表面碳势为1.1%C的渗碳硬化层内,临近外表面部位的枣核马氏体中会出现显微裂纹。

    When carburized under high carbon potential ( 1 . 1 % C ), microcracks tend to appear on the martensitic matrix near the outer surface of the layer .

  19. 通过分析加工后工件表面形貌、显微裂纹和机械性能变化,逐步探索出使短电弧切削技术具有良好工艺特性的加工条件。

    By analyzing the change of the surface morphology , microcosmic crack and mechanical performance , gradually worked out a good processing conditions with a good technological characteristic for SEAM .

  20. 分析表明,材料微观性能劣化是导致材料表面萌生显微裂纹的主要原因,而在微细观尺度上材料的损伤演化将呈现出显著的不均匀性和概率统计特征。

    It is pointed out that the deterioration of micro properties of material results in the initiation of microcracks , and the damage evolution shows remarkable inhomogeneity and the probability characteristics on the micro scales .

  21. 其活化是由于吸氢前后内在双相复合结构促使合金颗粒沿相界产生淬火显微裂纹,并在吸放氢过程中逐渐扩展,颗粒内部露出大量新鲜反应界面所致。

    It seems to be ascribed to the appearance of a great number of fresh surfaces within powder particles resulting from the as-quenched microcrack along the interphase boundaries within particles propagating gradually in the process of hydrogen-absorption and dissociation due to the intrinsic double-phase structure .

  22. 裂纹尖端超钝化、裂纹分叉、沿着层间偏转,形成显微裂纹区,裂纹停在障碍晶粒前的边界上为这种材料的韧化机制;

    The crack tip blunted , crack bifurcation , the deflection of the main crack by the lamellae takes place , a diffuse zone of micro-cracks is formed , and crack stopped by a barrier made by a grain with a lamellar interface orientation unfavorable for crack propagation .

  23. 熔体自生原位增韧Al2O3/20%ZrO2(3Y)复合陶瓷显微结构、裂纹扩展与增韧

    Microstructures , crack propagation and toughening of melt-growth in-situ toughening Al_2O_3 / 20 % ZrO_2 ( 3Y ) composite ceramics

  24. 得到了镍基喷焊层元素熔入量对奥氏体焊缝显微组织及裂纹敏感性的影响规律。

    The influencing rules of the content of alloy elements in nickel-base spraying layer on the microstructure of austenite weld and the crack sensitivity were found .

  25. 检测某轮中速大功率柴油主机失效活塞环的基体材料及腐蚀产物的成分,用扫描电镜观察活塞环的显微组织和裂纹形态。

    The microstructure and crack forms of the piston ring of the diesel engine were observed , and the chemical compositions of the piston ring material and corrosive matter in the cracks were examined .

  26. 通过对断裂模具的化学成分、显微组织及裂纹形态进行分析观察,确认模具是由于热处理工艺不当,在工作过程中产生疲劳裂纹而导致断裂。

    Through the analysis and observation of the chemical composition , microstructure and the ruptured shape for the ruptured dies , it is confirmed that the rupture of the dies was caused by the improper heat treatment process and the fatigue cracks during the operation .

  27. TiB2颗粒增强ZA-8锌合金的显微组织与疲劳裂纹扩展行为的关系

    Relationship between microstructure and fatigue crack propagation behaviour in tib_2 particulate reinforced za-8 Zn Alloy

  28. 根据维氏压痕的断面轮廓、径向裂纹尺寸和相关的计算表达式,测试了显微硬度Hv和裂纹萌生的临界载荷值,评估了该准晶材料的杨氏弹性模量E和断裂韧性。

    According to the profiles of the indentation , radial crack size and related equations , the microhardness Hv , Young 's modulus E , cracking threshold , and fracture toughness hade been evaluated .

  29. 通过测量裂尖后两岸显微硬度压痕随裂纹张开闭合的距离变化,建立了缺口根部角裂纹裂尖附近的裂纹张开位移和载荷的关系,以此确定裂纹的张开应力。

    The varying distance between the microhardness indentations at the blanks of the cracks as a function of applied loads could be monitored to determine the crack opening displacements near the crack tip , which were used to obtain the crack opening load .

  30. 骨的显微损伤是由于反复受载所致的仅能在显微镜下观察到的骨基质的损伤,往往表现为各种形态的显微裂纹或弥散性损伤。

    Bone microdamage usually appearing in different type of microcracks in the bone matrix as a result of repetitive mechanical loading and can only be identified by microscopy .