
  • 网络distance
  1. 灯光信号显示距离测试

    Light signal visibility test back focal distance

  2. 通过试验表明该系统分光测量精确度高、结果稳定可靠,对信号透镜质量控制、确保色灯信号显示距离、提高铁路运输效率有重要作用。

    It can play a significant role in quality control of signal lens , ensuring light display distance , and enhancing railway traffic efficiency .

  3. 单击或用箭头键高亮显示距离所住最近的区域。

    Click or use the arrow keys to highlight the region nearest to where you live .

  4. 灯光信号显示距离测试手势信号(司机指示转弯等的)

    Light signal visibility test hand signals ( made by the driver of a car , etc to show which way it will turn , etc )

  5. RADIX-Turbo型CT机多分格显示的距离测量方法

    Distance Measurement on RADIX-Turbo CT Multi Tesselated Display

  6. Mantel检验显示遗传距离与地理距离显著相关。

    The significant correlation between genetic distance and geographic distance were revealed by Mantel test .

  7. 信号越弱,显示的距离越不精确。

    The weaker the signal , the less accurate the displayed distance will be .

  8. 民意调查显示,距离大选还有两周时间,两位候选人的支持率很接近。

    Poll showed a close race in the final two weeks of the campaign .

  9. 步行去车站的路上,他得到了锻炼&Nike应用程度显示的距离为0.91英里(约合1465米)。

    He gets exercise walking to the station & 0.91 mile , according to his Nike app .

  10. 不过上述文字游戏棘手依旧,显示双方距离依然遥远。

    But the stubborn persistence of such word games also shows how far apart the two sides remain .

  11. GPS和指南针的资料将用来计算并显示方位、距离、高程(方向)的准确性有些米你衣领。

    The GPS and compass information will be used to calculate and display azimuth and elevation ( direction ) and the distance with an accuracy of some meters to your collar .

  12. “XP支援服务停止倒计时”显示的是距离2014年XP停止服务还剩多少天。

    " Windows XP End of Support " gadget shows the number of days remaining until Windows XP End of Support in2014 .

  13. 采用Nei氏标准遗传距离和遗传相似系数及模糊聚类分析研究了中国葡萄属植物的分类和进化关系,结果显示:遗传距离和相似系数明显地反映出种间的差异;

    The classification and relationship of Chinese wild species of grape were analysed with Nei 's standard genetic distance similar coefficient and fuzzy cluster analysis .

  14. 结果显示:中距离跑虽能有效提高女大学生的800m成绩,但她们的生理负荷较大、疲劳加深;

    As a result , middle distance race can effectively improve their marks of 800-metre race but they physically have heavier burden and feel more tired .

  15. 细节物体将被显示到这个距离。

    Detail objects will be displayed up to this distance .

  16. 眼镜上的密码显示火种源距离这里230英哩

    The code . The code on these glasses indicates the All Spark is 230 miles from here .

  17. 较差收星信号可能引起计算位置的游离,从而增加了显示的旅行距离。

    Poor visibility to satellites may cause the calculated position to wonder around , increasing the apparent traveled distance .

  18. 而平均数是15公里多,与里程标志显示的实际距离14公里相差不大。

    The average was just over 15 , not far off the real distance of 14 ( as measured by the kilometer markers ) .

  19. 14个杂交水稻新品种(组合)被归为4类,显示出遗传距离较近,遗传基础狭窄的特点。

    Fourteen varieties ( combinations ) could be classified into four groups according to genetic distance , showing near genetic distance and narrow genetic basis in the new varieties .

  20. 调查研究结果显示,权力距离作为衡量人们价值观的一个方面,在一定程度上影响了管理者行为。

    The results show that power distance , as one of the dimensions of cultural work values , has influenced the behaviors of managers in Chinese SOEs in a sense .

  21. 排序结果显示,海运距离的缩短、海洋货物运输量和能源需求、航运物流平台的建设能力等方面所受的影响程度最大。

    According to the results of sorting , the shortened shipping distance , marine cargo transportation volume and energy demand , building capacity of shipping logistics platform , have been the biggest impacted .

  22. 结果:治疗计划系统所显示图像的距离精度<1%,靶中心位置精度<2mm,等中心吸收剂量精度<1%。

    Results : The distance accuracy of images displayed by 3D TPS was < 1 % , and the location accuracy in isocenter < 2 mm . The absorbed dose accuracy in isocenter was < 1 % .

  23. GIS数据的二维表达和可视化手段已经比较成熟,但事实上距高质量显示还有很大的距离。

    Although the 2D representation and 2D visualization method of GIS data is mature , it is far from high-quality visualization .

  24. 并搭载了温度传感器和LCD触摸屏,利用Qt图形界面来显示采集到的距离、温度信号,并通过在Qt上设置按键来对电机的行走发出控制信号以实现对系统的监控。

    I also used the temperature sensor and the touch screen , used Qt graphical interfaces to display temperature signal and distance signal , and used key-press setting in Qt to send signals for electromotor .

  25. 民意调查显示两者之间的距离在缩小。

    Polls show the gap between the two narrowing .

  26. 研究表明,系统信噪比增益得到提高并且显示出良好的距离分辨能力和方向分辨能力。

    Research results show that the SNR is improved in the system with good distance resolution and angular resolution .

  27. 新闻画面显示,这栋建筑距离卡扎菲平时接待来宾的帐篷非常近,已经遭到“彻底摧毁”。

    State TV footage showed that the building , which is quite near to the tent where the Libyan leader usually receive guests , had been severely damaged .

  28. 这张图片实际显示的,是距离火星北极不足240英里的沙丘上覆盖的一层薄薄的冰冻二氧化碳、或干冰。

    The photographs actually show sand dunes coated with a thin layer of frozen carbon dioxide , or dry ice , less than 240 miles from the planet 's north pole .

  29. 但这项报告也显示,这些国家距离他们在2010年设定的共同目标还非常远,即将全球变暖幅度控制在约3.6华氏度(约合2摄氏度)。

    Yet the analysis also shows that the nations are still a far way from meeting their own shared target , set in 2010 , of limiting global warming to about 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit .

  30. 针对实验制备的碳纳米管阵列,也进行了模拟仿真,计算出了最佳场致发射阵列间距值,结果显示当点阵相对距离为其高度的1.5倍时,可以产生最大场致发射电流密度。

    The analog simulation also calculated the best field emission array density of the nanotube we have used in experiments , and discovered that carbon nanotube arrays might have the maximum current density when its distance between each other is about its height 1.5 times .