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xiǎn shènɡ
  • make its presence or power felt
显圣 [xiǎn shèng]
  • [(of the ghost of a saintly person) make its presence or power felt] 指神圣的人死后显灵(迷信说法)

  • 赖。上帝显圣。--唐. 李朝威《柳毅传》

  1. 这些年轻人说几乎每天都会看到圣母马利亚显圣。

    The young people have claimed almost daily visitations from the Virgin Mary .

  2. 我在显圣时看到过。

    I have been informed * In visions .

  3. 卢尔德的治疗,忘却的河流,诺克的显圣,淌血的圣像。

    Lourdes cure , waters of oblivion , and the knock apparition , statues bleeding .

  4. 《关帝历代显圣志传》中的关羽形象与叙事策略

    The Image of Guan Yu and the Narrative Tactics in Biography of Emperor Kuan in Successive Dynasties

  5. 早在西晋时期,中国的“亿万富翁”就开始人前显圣了。

    As early as West Jin period , the Chinese billionaires began to show off their wealth .

  6. 身为显圣的器皿,我们接受并承载基督,而祂就通过我们的存在展现在世人面前。

    As vessels we receive and contain Christ that He might be expressed through our entire being .

  7. 约翰发现父亲不在看他除了神灵显圣以外,他现在什么都看不见。

    John saw that his father was not seeing him , was not seeing anything unless it were a vision .

  8. 加拿大广播电视标准委员会说,显圣电视台不应当播出其“今日力量”栏目中的一辑节目。

    The Canadian Broadcast Standards Council said Vision TV had been wrong to show an episode of " Power Today " hosted by U.

  9. 拉斯拉哈斯大教堂建于瓜伊塔拉河的河谷之内,据说是圣母玛利亚显圣的地方。

    Built inside the canyon of the Guaitara River , Las Lajas was said to be the site of an apparition of the Virgin Mary .

  10. 主显圣容节(基督教节日,在8月6日,纪念基督在三个门徒前面貌的改变)。

    The Transfiguration ( Christian festival ( 6 August ) commemorating the moment when Christ appeared before three of his disciples in a mystically changed form )

  11. 这也可以说是金刚藏菩萨显圣,也可以说是弘忍大师修行的威德把他们都慑服了。

    You could say that was a manifestation created by the Vajra Treasury Bodhisattvas or you could say it was the awesome virtue of Great Master Hongren that frightened them .

  12. 教皇说,他这次来访是要和来自世界各地的朝圣者一同聚集到圣母院,纪念圣母玛丽亚向一名14岁的牧羊女显圣150周年。

    The pope said he wanted to join pilgrims from around the world , who are converging on the Marian shrine of Lourdes to mark celebrations for the 150th anniversary of the apparitions of the Virgin Mary to a 14-year-old peasant girl .