
  • 网络Window;display window;Monitor;LCD
  1. 显示窗中的电池显示器指示电池状况。

    The battery indicator on the display window shows the battery condition .

  2. 将数据导入MIMIC软件,选择显示窗位及窗宽以求最佳显示效果,从三个方位的断层图像检验中耳各个结构的连续性,并选择合适的方位建立新的二维断层图像。

    The images were imported into MIMIC , in order to achieve the best resolving effect a suitable windows level and width was selected , and were check the continuously of all components in three orientation and a suitable direction was selected to generated a new serial images .

  3. 结论耳颞区火棉胶薄层断面标本能良好显示圆窗区及其周围结构的解剖位置和毗邻关系,可直接与高分辨率CT扫描图像进行对照研究,其结果对耳科疾病的影像诊断及手术治疗有?

    Conclusions Temporal bone transection specimen had a clear picture of anatomical position between round window area and its related structure . Versus CT , the result contributed to image diagnosis and operation on auris diseases .

  4. 第3组中左、右冠状动脉以75%为最佳显示相位窗者分别占72.2%和55.5%,右侧冠状动脉以45%为最佳显示相位窗者占33.3%;

    For third group , 72.2 % of left coronary artery segments and 55.5 % right coronary artery segments were best presented at 75 % image reconstruction window , 33.3 % of right coronary artery segments at 45 % coronary artery segments ;

  5. 显示了林窗边缘壁面的热力效应除与太阳高度角、太阳辐射的时间长短和强度有关之外,林窗边缘树木高度也是不可忽视的因子。

    This indicates that , besides solar angle , time and intensity of radiation , the height of trees is also an important factor that influences thermal effects of vertical thermal active surface of edges .

  6. 林窗中央和北侧林冠下的红外辐射及可见光在总辐射中所占份额随季节的变化而不同,充分显示了林窗辐射环境的异质性;

    The ratios of infrared and visible light radiation to total solar radiation varied with the seasons at the center and north edge of the canopy gap , which fully indicated the environmental heterogeneity within the canopy gap .

  7. MATLAB仿真结果显示,采用加窗后的系统识别率得到了明显改善。

    The simulation result in MATLAB indicates the performance of the system with liftering window is further improved .

  8. 仿真结果显示,采用加窗方法可有效提高频率扫描法的频率识别精度。

    The result of the simulation reveals that the precision of frequency identification can be raised effectively when using frequency windowing method .

  9. 第2组显示两侧冠状动脉以75%为最佳显示相位窗者均占80%(12/15);

    Bilateral coronary artery of 80 % cases ( 12 / 15 ) were best visualized at 75 % image reconstruction window in second group ;