
xiǎn xué
  • practical learning ;famous theory or school of thought;field of research that draws much attention, popular subject
显学 [xiǎn xué]
  • [famous school] 著名的学说、学派

  • 世之显学,儒墨也。--《韩非子.显学》

  1. 隐喻研究已成显学,本文对这一术语所蕴含的修辞意义与诗性精神进行了如下分析:一、隐喻(metaphor)一词的词源意义与修辞意味;

    This paper attempts to make a tentative analysis of the rhetorical meaning and poetic spirit implied in metaphor .

  2. 有清一代,训诂考据之学成为显学。

    In the Qing Dynasty , textology became a famous study .

  3. 人类学作为一门古老而年轻的学科,已成为国际学术界的一门显学。

    Anthropology has been an important subject in international academic circles .

  4. 努力使民族学人类学成为中国学术界的显学

    Try to Make Ethnology and Anthropology Remarkable Subjects in Chinese Academic Circles

  5. 摘要语言类型学是当代语言学的显学。

    Linguistic typology is a distinguished school in contemporary linguistics .

  6. 文化研究在当今国际国内学术界已发展为显学,有学者甚至把它看作是后现代主义之后学术发展的主潮之一。

    Cultural studies has obtained a significant position in contemporary academic circle .

  7. 目前,鲁迅周作人研究已经成为一门显学。

    Currently studies of them are becoming increasingly popular .

  8. 军事医学伦理学在国外已成为显学,并正在经历激烈的争论。

    Military medical ethics is a famous theory abroad and have drawn controversy .

  9. 而事实是,儒学变成显学的趋势似不可逆转。

    And in fact , the trend of Chinese classics craze is irreversible .

  10. 孔子学说与先秦显学的关系

    On the Relationship between Confucian Doctrines and Famous Schools of Thought at Pre-Qin Times

  11. 可以说,有关专注力的研究已经称得上是一门显学。

    In a sense , the study of mindfulness has become a distinguished school .

  12. 先秦诸子时代,墨家与儒家并称显学。

    During the period of pre-Qin scholars , Mohism and Confucianism were two remarkable schools .

  13. 儒学,现在已成为俄罗斯中国学的显学。

    Confucianism has now become a prominent aspect of " China studies " in Russia .

  14. 上个世纪80年代以来神话研究逐渐成为显学,而女神研究依然较为寂寞。

    The study of myth has become hot since1980s , but goddesses are still negleted .

  15. 本文阐述了孔墨二人在文质观和美学思想上的异同,并分析了由此而带来的曾经同为“显学”的儒墨两家的不同历史命运。

    This article expounds the differences on their aesthetic ideas and analyses their different historical fates .

  16. 女性文学研究,目前已成为学术界的显学。

    The study on the female literature have become a hotspot of the academic circle now .

  17. 世纪之交,中国文化哲学已经成为哲学研究中的显学。

    Philosophy of culture has been a hot topic since the end of last century in China .

  18. 作为一门具有国际影响的当代显学,红学之学科理论,是这门学科存在的学理依据。

    Discipline theory is the academic basis of Redology which is a revolutionary theory with international influences .

  19. 灾后重建前后,羌族研究一度成为显学。

    Around the reconstruction , the study of Qiang has been a famous school at a time .

  20. 湖湘文化是中国传统文化领域里一朵含苞怒放的奇葩,日益为世人所注目和重视,已成为一门显学。

    Hu Xiang Civilization Is A Flourish Flower In Chinese Traditional Culture And Becomes An Influential Subject .

  21. “红学”是二十世纪中国文化史中的显学之一。

    The Redology is one of famous social science in the Chinese cultural history of the20th century .

  22. 艺术本体论研究已是20世纪的显学。

    Art ontology research has been a renowned discipline in the 20 ~ ( th ) century .

  23. 20世纪80年代以来,国际社会掀起了一股研究和实施公民教育的热潮,一时公民教育俨然成为政治学、教育学领域的显学。

    Since the 1980s , the international community set off a research and implementation of civic education .

  24. 20世纪70年代以来,在世界范围内,特别是在西方发达国家社会性别课程开始成为高等院校的显学。

    Since 1970 's , the course of Social Sex has become an important course in the world .

  25. 从历史中反思,我们再看今日的儒学,我们更应将其视为一种显学。

    Learning from the history , then look at the governance today , it 's much more remarkable .

  26. 当代西方文论正面临着文化研究转向,文化研究正成为当代学术的显学。

    Contemporary Western Literary faces turned to cultural studies , cultural studies is becoming a significant contemporary academic study .

  27. 当代哲学正在发生主体哲学向主体间性哲学的转向,主体间性哲学日益成为显学,它是时代精神的体现,是主体间性道德教育提出的理论来源;

    The philosophy of intersubjectivity is the theme of the times and theoretical origin of moral education of intersubjectivity .

  28. 伴随全球化进程的不断推进,自由主义在我国日益成为显学。

    With the the continuous advance of globalization , liberalism has become an increasingly hot topic among Chinese scholars .

  29. 近一百年来,符号学迅猛发展,已成为传播学的一个经典理论工具,在中国也迅速发展成一门显学。

    In the last one hundred years , semiotics got rapid development , also became a distinguished school in China .

  30. 进入新世纪以后,中国近代社会史的研究更加繁荣,已经成为中国近代史领域里的一门显学。

    In the new century , this discipline has become even more prosperous in the field of modern Chinese history .