
xiǎn shì shū chū
  • display output
  1. 主要介绍基于DSP的键盘输入和显示输出的软硬件实现方案。

    The hardware and software system based on DSP to response the keyboard input and display output was introduced .

  2. 在桌面虚拟化中,用户的整个PC环境在中心服务器上运行,图形化显示输出发送到客户机设备。

    In desktop virtualization , a user 's entire PC executes on a central server , with the graphical display output to a client device .

  3. 扼要地介绍了嵌入式目标系统如何通过串口在Windows的超级终端软件中显示输出信息的一个具体方法。

    This paper introduces a concrete way which the output information of embedded target system be displayed in windows ' software hyper terminal .

  4. 为采集到加工状态下的非对称等离子体弧图像,论文自行设计搭建了图像采集系统,主要包括:等离子体弧发生装置,光学滤光装置,CCD图像传感器和图像显示输出装置。

    Image acquisition system mainly included : plasma arc generator , optical filter device , CCD image sensor and image display output device .

  5. 最后本文对NC系统的显示输出性能、服务器的资源消耗和网络环境的适应能力进行了测试。

    The paper also provides a performance test of the system : the output performance , server resources and the ability to adapt to the network environment .

  6. 由于其可伸缩的绘制性能和高分辨率的显示输出,基于PC集群的并行绘制系统成为目前实现高性能、低成本大型绘制平台的首选解决方案。

    For its extensible rendering performance and high-resolution output , PC-cluster based parallel rendering system becomes a preferred solution to build large rendering platform with high performance and low cost .

  7. 在我的Linux机器上使用xview命令将不能显示输出图像。

    The output image will not display using the xview command on my Linux machine .

  8. 您可以点击CreateQuery按钮,以为特定值的工作项创建一个新的查询;您还要指定工作项的什么区域来显示输出。

    You can click the Create Query button to create a new query for work items with certain values in certain fields ; you also specify which of the work items'fields to show in the output .

  9. 通过使用客户机虚拟化,用户的整个PC环境在数据中心中的共享服务器或专用的刀片服务器上运行,图形化显示输出发送到远程访问设备。

    With client virtualization , a user 's entire PC environment executes on a shared server or dedicated blade client in the data center with the graphical display output to a remote access device .

  10. 如果没有将该输出指派给一个变量,或者没有在别的地方将它用作调用语句的一部分,则shell将会尝试执行输出而不是显示输出。

    If it is not assigned to a variable , or it is not otherwise used as part of the calling statement , then the shell will attempt to execute it rather than display it .

  11. 主要包括外部晶振、键盘输入、LCD液晶显示输出和CVSD语音处理部分。

    The design mainly includes the external crystal-controlled oscillation , keyboard entry , LCD display output and CVSD voice processing parts .

  12. 本文首先从硬件设计的角度,构建了基于DSP的基本系统,设计并搭建了外围电路,包括指令输入电路、采样输入电路、脉宽调制(PWM)输出电路、显示输出电路、以及保护电路。

    The hardware system was constructed based on DSP system with peripheral circuit including command input circuit , sampling circuit , PWM ( pulse-width modulation ) output circuit , display circuit , and protection circuit .

  13. 系统由DSP、MPU和前向通道等模块组成,完成信号采集、数据处理、显示输出、报警提示等功能。

    The system is composed of DSP , MPU and front channel modules to perform signal collection , data processing , output display , danger alarming and other functions .

  14. 以下的DB2命令显示输出包括了这些参数的当前设置,其中tsom是IBMTSOM所使用的数据库名

    The following DB2 command shows output that includes the current setting of these parameters , with tsom as the database name used by IBM TSOM

  15. 采用键盘作为系统的输入设备,LCD作为系统的显示输出设备,同时提供了串行、USB、以太网接口,SDRAM和FLASH等。

    In the system , using the keyboard as its input and the LCD as its output , it also provides general serial ports , USB and Ethernet port , flash memory and SDRAM , etc.

  16. 基于COM的C/A/S三层软件结构是客户层检查输入数据、显示输出数据;业务逻辑层处理客户层请求、完成计算;

    C / A / S 3-layer software structures based on COM are client layer examined input data and displayed output data , operation logic layer processed client request and accomplished computation , and data serve layer read and written database .

  17. 工作的重点分两部分:一是在PC上模拟手机软件运行所需的硬件部分,如模拟LCD的显示输出,键盘的模拟,flashROM的模拟等;

    In other words , there are two important parts in this process : one is to simulate the hardware environment needed by the mobile software . For example : the simulation of output of the LCD , the simulation of flash ROM etc.

  18. 如果您正在使用NTSC电视机之外的其他设备作为输出设备,可能会希望进行这种修改;不过尽管代码能够正常操作,但是可能不会产生一个清晰的显示输出。

    You will want to change this if you 're using something other than an NTSC TV set as your output device ; though the code will still operate , it probably won 't generate a legible display .

  19. 从验证结果中可以看到本设计具有的几个特点:1、如果改变输入原图像的分辨率,scaler能够正确识别并将结果显示输出。

    From the results , Several characteristics of this design can be found from the results : 1 、 If change the input of original image resolution , scaler can distinguish correctly and the result shows the right output .

  20. 区别于传统的包容式TEMPEST计算机的设计方案,本文设计一个软硬结合的实时数字信号处理系统,系统用专用的CPLD芯片为核心搭建硬件电路,包括图像采集、算法处理和显示输出三大模块。

    Different from the traditional enclosure design project of TEMPEST computer , it adopts the idea of combination of hardware and software , and designs a real-time digital signal processing system with the CPLD chip as the core which includes visual sample module , algorithm process module and display module .

  21. 结合SDRAM对数字图像的存储原理,完成图像存储模块的设计;4、通过NiosⅡCPU的调用将SDRAM中的数据读到FIFO缓冲中,经过时序控制模块再将数据读出并通过VGA接口显示输出。

    SDRAM for digital image storage principle , to complete the design of the image storage module ; 4 、 Nios ⅱ CPU call the data in the SDRAM into the FIFO buffer , the data is read out and display output through VGA port using the timing control module .

  22. 半实物仿真系统中的数据/曲线显示输出子系统

    Data / curve display output subsystem in the hardware-in-loop simulation system

  23. 按指定主机的次序显示输出。

    Output appears in the order the machines are named .

  24. C++可变大小彩色汉字显示输出类的开发

    Development of Variable Sized Chinese Character Coler Display Output Series

  25. 设置当前堆栈帧,而且不显示输出。

    Sets the current stack frame and displays no output .

  26. 输出采用了大电流驱动输出和显示输出。

    It uses large current drive output and display output .

  27. 这将启动服务器并在控制台窗口中显示输出。

    This starts the server and displays the output in the console window .

  28. 按照该流程处理输入消息,然后系统会显示输出消息。

    The input message is processed by the flow and the output message is displayed .

  29. 运用程序语言统计帧图像中的种子数,并显示输出最终的检测结果。

    Adopting procedure language to statistic seed counts in the picture , manifesting end detection result .

  30. 显示输出系统主要包括显示器、打印机及声报警器等。

    And display and output system is composed of indicator , printer and acoustic warning unit .