
  • 网络Intelligent processor;AIPU
  1. 光学模式识别和人工智能处理器

    Optical Pattern Recognition and Intelligence Processors

  2. 但智能手机处理器的成本远比个人电脑(pc)处理器低廉,单价为10至15美元。

    But smartphone processors are much cheaper than PC processors , at $ 10 - $ 15 a pop .

  3. 本文描述了一个将专家系统作为智能前端处理器(IntelligentFront-End),面向知识的人-机接口模型。

    This paper describes a model of a knowledge-oriented human-computer interface that takes an Expert System as an Intelligent Front-End ( IEE ) .

  4. 文章介绍了SOC设计流程、智能I/O处理器组成,在开发该处理器时VHDL源代码的优化问题。

    The design flow of SOC , the constitute of intelligent I / O processor and the optimization issue of the VHDL during the development of this processor are introduced in this paper .

  5. 最近在巴黎,美国芯片制造商高通(Qualcomm)公布了一项与其传统核心业务——智能手机处理器和电脑——相去甚远的技术:电动汽车无线充电器。

    Last week in Paris , the US chipmaking company Qualcomm unveiled technology far removed from its traditional heartland of smartphone processing and computers - a wireless charger for an electric car .

  6. 智能手机处理器技术发展趋势的研究

    Study on Trend of Smart Phone Processor Technology

  7. 配合装有智能微型处理器的控制单元,当电力供应异常或停止,档杆会完全自动升起,省却人手调校的麻烦。

    Fitted with intelligent micro-processor control unit , when the power supply anomalies or stopped , file will be completely automated rising bar , save the trouble of manually adjustment .

  8. 但是五年后的今天出现了更快更智能的处理器和更先进的无线宽带,使智能手机能更好的预测用户的心思以及下一句想要说什么。

    But five years later , smarter and faster processors , plus better wireless broadband , have allowed smartphones to do much better at predicting what users mean , and what they are likely to say next .

  9. 基于改进Montgomery模乘算法的智能卡协处理器设计

    A Co-processor Design for Smart Card Based on Enhanced Montgomery 's Modular Multiplication Algorithm

  10. 智能静电水处理器的设计

    A design of the intelligent water treatment system

  11. 这种可信任元素不同于可信任硬件如智能卡和协处理器,它是一种基于加密电路构造的第三方服务称为可信任服务。

    The trusted element , which differs from traditional trusted hardware such as smart card or co-processor , offers a third party service based on an encrypted circuit construction .

  12. 以医用超声波气泡监测传感器为例,给出了基于单总线LIN协议的智能传感器与主处理器的通信接口设计方法;

    Taking the ultrasonic air-bubble watching sensor as an example , the paper gives the design method how the intelligent sensor interfaces with the CPU based on monobus LIN protocol .

  13. 阿里巴巴集团控股有限公司上周三宣布,将成立一家专门的芯片子公司,旨在开发定制的人工智能芯片和嵌入式处理器,以进一步支持这家科技巨头庞大的云计算和物联网业务。

    Alibaba Group Holding Ltd announced last Wednesday it will establish a dedicated chip subsidiary that aims to create customized artificial intelligence chips and embedded processors to further support the tech giant 's sprawling cloud and internet of things businesses .

  14. 目前各种智能手机内置的处理器速度越来越快、处理能力越来越强,并且手机自身所内嵌的各种陀螺仪传感器已经能够较为准确的检测出手机的状态并获得各种数据参数。

    Nowadays , the speed of build-in processor in smartphone becomes faster and faster , and the processing ability becomes more and more powerful . In addition , the build-in gyroscope sensor can accurately detect the state of smartphone and obtain a variety of data .