
  • 网络Intelligent push;Smart Push
  1. 本文研究的信息智能推送正是针对这个问题而提出。

    Information intelligent push in this thesis is proposed to this problem .

  2. 信息智能推送的关键部分是用户兴趣发现,它通过对用户历史访问信息的行为进行学习,找出不同用户对不同类型信息的潜在兴趣。

    It can find the potential interest of different users to different kinds of information by studying historical visiting information behaviour of user .

  3. 一方面,在信息分发系统总体结构的基础上,对信息智能推送功能进行了分析和设计。

    On one hand , functions of information intelligent push are analyzed and designed on the basis of the architecture of information dissemination system .

  4. 并结合物资管理系统,详细分析了智能推送技术的应用领域及其具体实现的关键技术。

    Then combining with material management system , it analyzes the applied field of the intelligent push technology and the critical implementing technologies in detail .

  5. 针对当前信息交互效率不高的问题,通过对智能推送技术的分析,提出智能推送系统平台的基本架构。

    Aiming at the inefficient trouble existed in information alternation , the paper puts forward the architecture of intelligent push platform through the analysis of intelligent push technology .

  6. 通过对用户个性化规律的挖掘,能够主动发现用户需求,为资源库库内搜索提供可靠依据,从而实现教学资源的智能推送过程。

    By the data mining to customers ' personalized rules , we can actively find the demands of customers , provide reliable bases to search in the database of resources , and realize the intelligent supply of educational resources .

  7. 电子政务中基于移动Agent的智能信息推送系统

    Mobile Agent Based Intelligent Information Pushing System in E-Governance

  8. 利用智能信息推送技术,为专业用户提供经过过滤的有针对性的文献信息。

    Utilizing intelligent information push technology to provide filtered and customized information .

  9. 该负责人还称,不久该系统将可向学生的智能手机推送个性化的运动信息。

    It will soon be able to push individually customized exercise information to students ' smartphones , the official added .

  10. 然后,举例而言,在进餐时它可向用户的智能电话推送一家提供了用户最喜爱的菜品的邻近饭店的菜单。

    Then , for example , at mealtime it can push to the user 's smartphone the menu of a nearby restaurant that serves the user 's favorite dishes .

  11. 将该方法与常规方法进行实验对比,结果表明该方法具有更高的检索效率和更好的查准率。2、研究并实现了遗址遗产的智能主题推送服务。

    The experiment compared the method with the conventional method , and the experimental result shows that the method has high efficiency and precision retrieval results . 2 . A smart theme push service is Designed and implemented .

  12. 如果Watch的主要用途之一是显示智能手机应用推送的通知,它还能独立存在吗?

    If one of the Watch 's main uses is to display notifications pushed out by smartphone apps , could it have an independent existence ?

  13. 非智能化的推送模式主要有移动终端和邮件分类信息定制、个性化的信息中心;

    The unintelligent " push " mode includes : classified information customizing bye-mail and mobile terminals , personalized information center .

  14. 零售商可以使用该应用向走过自己某家门店的智能手机用户推送折扣信息;它也可以被当作一款游戏,用来鼓励人们努力找到新的夜总会地点。

    The app could be used by a retailer to promote discounts when the smartphone owner walks past one of its shops , or as a game to encourage people to try to find a new nightclub venue .

  15. 你的智能手机会使用推送技术自动更新邮箱情况,一旦收到邮件就立刻在你的手机上显示新信息。

    Your smartphone can update your email automatically using a technology called push , which brings new messages to your phone the instant they are transmitted .