
  • 网络Zhaopin
  1. 智联招聘CEO郭盛在周五的年终晚会上发表了上述观点。

    Guo Sheng , chief executive of Zhaopin Ltd , made the remarks at a year-end ceremony on Friday .

  2. 这次增持是Seek为实现很久以来让智联招聘上市的目标而迈出的重要一步。上市计划在智联招聘向新城市和新市场扩张的过程中被推迟。

    The deal is an important step for Seek to make good on its long-standing aim to take Zhaopin public a move that has been delayed as the Chinese company expands into new cities and markets .

  3. Seek说,去年年底智联招聘拥有约1.22亿美元的现金。

    At the end of last year , the Chinese online market place operator had around $ 122 million in cash , Seek said .

  4. SeekLtd.即将斥资1.05亿美元增持中国招聘网站智联招聘(ZhaopinLtd.),这是该公司为实现智联招聘首次公开募股(IPO)迈出的最新一步。同为招聘网站的Seek是澳大利亚交易所(ASX)上市公司。

    Seek Ltd. is spending US $ 105 million to raise its stake in Zhaopin Ltd. , in the latest step toward an initial public offering of the Chinese employment website .

  5. 上个月的一项调查发现,在中国热门招聘网站智联招聘(Zhaopin)上,被调查的招聘广告中10%以上都明确表示要招聘男性或女性。

    Last month , a study found that over 10 % of job ads surveyed on Zhaopin , one of China 's most popular hiring boards , said they were explicitly seeking to hire a man or a woman .

  6. 智联招聘八月份曾在新浪微博上进行了一项调查。

    Carried out a survey on Sina Weibo micro blog in August .

  7. 在智联招聘主要城市的竞争指数中,四川成都排名第一。

    In Zhaopin 's competition index for major cities , Chengdu of Sichuan province ranked first .

  8. 智联招聘网职业顾问孟光(音译)鼓励毕业生要勇于挑战自我。

    Meng Guang , a career consultant from Zhaopin . com , encourages grads to challenge themselves .

  9. 对于职场类小说的畅销,智联招聘网的高级职场顾问陈宁并不感到意外。

    The popularity of office novels does not surprise Chen Ning , a senior career consultant at Zhaopin .

  10. 智联招聘是中国的一家人力资源网站,其于周二发布了白领求职季度报告。

    Zhaopin , a Chinese human resources website , released the quarterly report for white-collar workers on Tuesday .

  11. 智联招聘高级顾问王益欣表示,薪资水平和就业前景是白领跳槽考虑的两大主要因素。

    Wang Yixin , a senior consultant at Zhaopin , said the major reasons driving the job-hopping frenzy are salary and employment outlook .

  12. 来自智联招聘的职业发展顾问黄若珊认为,大学生应该更关注实习经验而非实习收入。

    It 's better to care more about your experiences than your income according to Huang Ruoshan , a career development consultant at zhaopin.com .

  13. 智联招聘网高级咨询师陈曦(音译)表示,在经济衰退期中,很多公司都裁掉了那些不能为公司带来利润的职员。

    According to Chen Xi , a senior consultant at Zhaopin . com , companies discard staff who cannot generate profit in economic slumps .

  14. 智联招聘公司执行总裁郭盛表示,当前隐藏在中国就业压力下的最大问题是求职者和企业需求之间的不匹配。

    Guo Sheng , CEO of Zhaopin , said the biggest problem underlying the job pressure in China is the mismatch between employers and job seekers .

  15. 据智联招聘网职业顾问陈宁介绍,学生兼职市场的暗淡现状预计还会持续一段时间。

    According to Chen Ning , a counselor at Zhaopin . com , students can expect the gloomy part-time job situation to last for some time .

  16. 智联招聘网职业顾问钱亮亮鼓励同学们去做兼职,以便更好地利用在学校里学到的知识。

    Qian Liangliang , a career consultant at Zhaopin . com , encourages students to take part-time jobs which make good use of their campus knowledge .

  17. 智联招聘的资深咨询员王一欣表示,大多数职场女性认为仅仅靠着丈夫的工资来养家糊口是不大可能的。

    Wang Yixin , a senior consultant at Zhaopin , said most career women think it is impossible to live solely on their husbands ' paychecks .

  18. 智联招聘首席执行官兼董事郭盛称,随着经济的稳定,就业市场第三季度继续改善。

    Guo Sheng , chief executive and director of Zhaopin.com , said the job market in the third quarter continued to improve as the economy steadied .

  19. 智联招聘2014年的报告显示,生物工程学和计算机专业毕业生中找到专业对口工作的比例分别仅占8.9%和13.6%。顽固的怪圈

    A 2014 Zhaopin.com report shows that only 8.9 percent of bio-engineering graduates and 13.6 percent of computer science majors found jobs in their field of study .

  20. 中国知名的智联招聘网站曾进行过一项针对白领的调查显示,70%已婚或已订婚的受访者都表示:他们怀念单身时光。

    In a survey of white-collar workers on popular Chinese jobs site Zhaopin.com , about 70 percent of married or committed individuals said they missed being single .

  21. 2009年3月,智联招聘网站曾针对办公室中手机铃声的使用情况做了一项调查。大约有5000名网友参与该调查,回答了他们心中最难以忍受的铃声类型。

    A survey on " workplace cell phone ring tones " by Zhaopin.com in March , 2009 , asked around 5000 respondents what ring tones they found most annoying .

  22. 来自智联招聘的一份最新调查数据显示,去年留学生海归已达186200人,较2010相比增长了38.8%

    The latest statistics from Zhaopin.com show that the number of students returning from studying abroad has reached 186200 last year , an increase of 38.8 percent from 2010 .

  23. 根据求职应聘网站智联招聘的数据显示,上海市今年第一季度白领平均工资达到了每月8800元。

    Analysis from job recruitment site Zhaopin.com says white-collar workers in Shanghai average salaries through the first quarter of this year have come in at around 88-hundred yuan per month .

  24. 到今天为止,前程无忧发展成为国内的网上招聘网站之一,与中华英才网和智联招聘形成三国鼎立的局面。

    As of today , 51job develop into a domestic one of the online recruitment website , and the Chinese network of excellence and the recruitment of a three-utmost situation .

  25. 智联招聘首席执行官郭盛称,好企业的核心激励机制并非薪酬,而是受尊重程度、培训和自我实现。

    Guo Sheng , CEO of Zhaopin.com , said the core incentive mechanism at a good company is not the salary but the level of respect , training and self-fulfillment .

  26. 智联招聘的在线调查在全国范围内收到了超过8000份的回应,为中国年轻白领为何渴望跳槽提供了更多的细节。

    An online survey by Zhaopin.com , which received more than 8000 responses nation-wide , provided further details on why China 's young white-collar workers are so keen to move on 。

  27. 智联招聘2013年12月的报告显示,超过350万人都想在金融行业找到一席之地,而金融行业实际上所能提供的岗位只有50万。

    A Zhaopin.com report shows that in December 2013 , there were over 3.5 million people searching for jobs in the finance field , while only 0.5 million positions were readily available .

  28. 中国的年轻白领为什么如此热衷于跳槽?智联招聘展开的一项网上调查对此提供了进一步信息。这项调查在全国范围内收回8000多份问卷。

    An online survey by Zhaopin.com , which received more than 8000 responses nationwide , provided further details on why China 's young white collar workers are so keen to move on .

  29. 据智联招聘去年报道,在受访的14300名白领中,有超过半数的人在工作时间不会锻炼、三分之二的人每周加班超过5小时。

    Last year , zhaopin.com reported that more than half of 13400 white-collar respondents do not exercise during work hours and over two thirds work more than five extra hours per week .

  30. 国内领先的人力资源服务网站——智联招聘针对116家京沪企业做了一项调查,结果显示有近60%的公司仍然最看重求职者的实践经验。

    According to a survey of 116 Beijing and Shanghai-based corporations by Zhaopin.com , a leading human resource services site , nearly 60 percent said they still valued applicants ' hands-on experience most .