
  • 网络New North Zone
  1. 重庆北部新区政府形象传播调查研究

    Investigation and Analysis on the Government Image Transformation of Chongqing New North Zone

  2. 想请问在北部新区有适合外国孩子上学的中学吗?

    I wonder is there any middle schools for foreign children in New North Zone ?

  3. 基于GIS的城市土地质量评价方法研究&以重庆市北部新区为例

    GIS-based Methods to Land Qualities Evaluation

  4. 基于GIS的重庆市北部新区土地利用变化状况及过程

    The Change of Land Use and Its Process in the Northern Region of Chongqing Based on GIS

  5. 基于3S的土地利用时空特征研究&重庆市北部新区为例

    Research on spatial-temporal features of land use based on 3S & Exapmple for northern new city of Chongqing

  6. 重庆市北部新区土地利用空间分异研究

    Research on Spatial Differentiation of Land Use in North Region of Chongqing

  7. 产业结构模式创新是北部新区区域创新体系中最高层面的创新,即推进产业的升级和结构优化。

    Its purpose is to promote industry and improve structure .

  8. 重庆市北部新区开发创新模式探索

    The Innovative Mode of Exploiting Northern New Area in Chongqing

  9. 创造良好的投资环境对北部新区吸引外资、办好开发区有重要的作用,这是北部新区创新体系中主要层面的要素创新。

    Ihis is the main factor of innovative system in northern new area .

  10. 小城镇规划中的四个结合&以重庆市酉阳县北部新区修建性详细规划为例

    Four Combinations in the Layout of Small Town

  11. 国内外园区发展及重庆北部新区的借鉴

    The Development of Parks at Home and Abroad and the Reference to Chongqing North New Park

  12. 关于打造重庆北部新区核心增长极的研究

    Study on How to Built the Core Economy Growth Pole of the Chongqing New North Zone

  13. 重庆北部新区绿地系统景观动态分析与格局优化

    Analysis of Landscape Dynamics and Pattern Optimization of Green Space System in New North Zone in Chongqing

  14. 重庆北部新区高新园2012年发展战略水环境影响论证

    Demonstration of Water Environment Impact of the New High-tech Area in Northern Chongqing in 2012 's Development Strategy

  15. 在重庆新的城市版图规划中,北部新区为实现新的城市发展观提供了客观可能性。

    The establishment of EBD in CNNZ provides objective possibilities for Chongqing 's development in the city 's new layout .

  16. 从区域经济发展的角度探索出新区的区域创新体系的构成部分,并结合北部新区的功能定位、发展目标、发展性质构建出北部新区区域创新体系。

    It explores the constitution of regional innovative system in a new area in the view of regional economy development .

  17. 北部新区的居委会和村委会数已分别分解到九龙坡区和渝北区。

    Neighborhood committees and village committees of Chongqing Northern New Development Zone are divided into Jiulongpo District and Yubei District respectively .

  18. 本文重点对重庆北部新区在产业的发展过程中实施产业集群战略的问题进行了研究。

    In this thesis , how to carry on industrial cluster strategy in ChongQing New North Zone ( CQNNZ ) was researched .

  19. 然后从重庆市产业发展和城市发展的角度分析了北部新区的成立是重庆拓展创新空间的需要,并简要介绍了北部新区的概况及特点。

    Moreover , it points to the fact that the foundation of northern new area is necessary for Chongqing to develop innovative space .

  20. 基于遥感的区域景观特征及其动态变化研究&以重庆市北部新区为例

    Researches on characteristics and dynamic changes of regional landscape based on remote sensing & a case study of the northern part of Chongqing City

  21. 以重庆北部新区为对象,运用该模型和方法对重庆北部新区生态系统健康现状进行了评价。

    In this paper , an urban ecosystem health assessment index system was built , and an assessment model based on attribute theory was established .

  22. 介绍了重庆市江津区北部新区的城市设计理念与方案。

    This paper discussed the urban design scheme for the North Jiangjin District , Chongqin City , on the north bank of the Yangtze River .

  23. 本案位于重庆北部新区,是一个充满生命活力的地产项目。

    This project locates right in the New District of north Chongqing city ; it is absolutely an exciting real estate project which full of vitality .

  24. 而在“产业基地与生态新城同建”的新理念中,“生态”成为重庆北部新区高新园最与众不同的一面旗帜。

    However , under the new concept of " building up a new ecological city with industrial economy ", ecology becomes a different flag for EBD in CNNZ .

  25. 山地城镇生态化开发建设和景观营造方法的应用实践&攀枝花市米易县城北部新区规划实例

    The Practice of Ecological Construction in Mountainous Cities and Landscape Construction Methods & A Case Study from a New District Planning in North Miyi County , Panzhihua City

  26. 渝中区、江北区、渝北区、沙坪坝区、南岸区、九龙坡区、大渡口区、巴南区、北部新区

    Yuzhong District , Jiangbei District , Yubei District , Shapingba District , Nanan District , Jiulongpo District , Dadukou District , Banan District , and Northern New Zone

  27. 产业空间组织创新是北部新区区域创新体系内主要层面的要素创新。

    Part five : Innovation in the organization of the industrial space Innovation in the organization of the industrial space is the main factor of regional innovation system in northern new area .

  28. 本论文根据研究的区域环评评价指标体系,对重庆市北部新区经开园鸳鸯片区规划进行了评价,提出了存在主要问题和对策建议。

    This thesis has made assessment on programming of Yuan Yang in northern Open Economic Zone of Chongqing based on research in index system of programming EIA , and has put forward some main problems available and suggestions .

  29. 以重庆市北部新区高新园这一正处于快速城市化的区域为例,研究了地表水资源的生态特征和变化趋势,并对水资源的系统规划进行了初步探讨。

    This paper studied ecological characteristics and change tendency of surface water resources in northern new district of Chongqing municipality which was by way of speed urbanization . Space distribution and utilization planning of surface water resources was also proposed .

  30. 重庆北部新区政府机构在实施产业集群战略过程中,要发挥出引导、监管和服务三大职能,构造良好的产业集群环境,使重庆北部新区的产业集群向优质、高效的方向发展。

    In the process of forming industrial cluster , the government should take three functions ( leading , supervising and service ) and construct fine environment for industrial cluster to be able to get faster development with high quality and effectiveness .