
  • 网络btv;Beijing TV;Beijing Television
  1. 同时让我来给你们介绍来自北京电视台的非常可爱的姜华小姐。

    And let me introduce to you , from BTV , the very lovely Jiang Hua .

  2. 尽管事后李鹤彪致歉,但是北京电视台仍然抵制郭德纲,封杀他的相声节目。

    Li later apologized , but BTV still blacklisted Guo and refused to broadcast his cross-talk .

  3. 千禧年北京电视台BTV-7生活频道“民以食为天”栏目荣获金盘奖。

    Millennium Beijing TV channel BTV-7 life ," Hunger breeds discontent " column won the gold award .

  4. 北京电视台已经开始有选择地提供一些国外的节目。

    Beijing TV station has begin to offer selectively some foreign programs .

  5. 北京电视台《科技全方位》节目预告之二用自动化赢取未来&功能部件

    Win in the Future Via Automation & Function Units

  6. 北京电视台新闻节目生产网络系统

    News Program Production Network System at Beijing Television

  7. 随着1958年北京电视台的开播,我国的电视新闻诞生了。

    As the broadcasting of Beijing TV in 1958 , our television news was born .

  8. 北京电视台卫视频道2008年奥运会报道研究

    Study on the Olympic Reporting of the Satellite Channel of Beijing Television Station during 2008 Beijing Olympic Games

  9. 谢谢里克.我是来自北京电视台的姜华,是“你好世界”的主持人。

    Thank you Rick , I 'm Jiang Hua from Beijing TV and I 'm the host of Hello World .

  10. 全新体验创新合作全方位、立体宣传&机床杂志社、北京电视台联合推出工业自动化大型系列节目播出在即

    New Learning from Practice , Innovative Cooperation to Realize Full Position Promotion & Large Series Programme Industrial Automation Will Be Broadcasted

  11. 北京电视台“透明度”栏目因为“纸馅包子”的假新闻,而备受关注。

    Beijing Television " transparency " in columns because of " paper paste dumplings " false news , and cause for concern .

  12. 这部电视剧号称经典巨制,将会在从周六开始在北京电视台以每晚两集的进度播放

    The series , which boasts a stellar cast , will be telecast from Saturday by Beijing Satellite TV , with two episodes every night .

  13. 然后阐述了北京电视台体育频道举办两项大型活动的得失,主要包含经济、社会和品牌三个方面。

    Second , stated the benefits of large-scale events of Beijing TV sports channel . Mainly includes three aspects of brand , economic and social benefits .

  14. 在北京电视台等媒体上继续举办外国人演唱中文歌,开展用汉语讲故事活动。

    Contests for foreigners singing Chinese songs and telling stories in Chinese will continue to be organized in such media outlets as the Beijing TV Station .

  15. 报道说,北京电视台已经为新闻真实性的失察而道歉,并表示会采取措施增强职员的道德感。

    Beijing TV had apologized for failing to check the report 's authenticity and said it would make efforts to improve staff ethics , the paper added .

  16. 这以后还获得了北京电视台十年人物歌手大奖,到目前为止只有我一个外国歌手拿到了这个奖。

    After this decade , I received " 10-Year People Award " from Beijing Television and so far I am the only one foreign singer who won this award .

  17. 北京电视台与北京有线广播电视台合并后,资源得到合理调整,平均每周播出时间达到857小时。

    Upon the merging of Beijing TV Station with Beijing Cable Broadcasting & TV Station , resources were adjusted reasonably , with the average weekly telecast time reaching 857 hours .

  18. 现场报道是北京电视台《法治进行时》栏目的品牌标识,也是《法治进行时》取得成功的基本因素之一。

    Live Reporting is the brand of Nomocracy Right Nownm in Beijing TV Station , and it is also one of the factor for Nomocracy Right Nownm get its success .

  19. 我是来自中国国际广播电台的里克(中文).谢谢!同时让我来给你们介绍来自北京电视台的非常可爱的姜华小姐.

    Wo Shi Like ( Chinese ) from China Radio International . Thank you . And let me introduce to you , from BTV , the very lovely Jiang Hua .

  20. 中央电视台、北京电视台、新华社、美联社、知名报刊、网络及专业媒体竞相采访、宣传报道本届展会。

    China Central Television , Beijing Television , Xinhua News Agency , Associated Press , well-known newspapers , networks and professional media scramble to interview , and report this expo .

  21. 近日,中国广播电视协会公开谴责著名相声演员郭德纲在北京电视台台长王晓东因病去世时,在微博上发布的不当言论。

    The Radio and Television Association of China has condemned a popular comedian after comments he made online about the death of a former head of television station Beijing TV .

  22. 首先对北京电视台体育频道运作大型活动进行了分析,分析了其自身条件、市场环境、商业模式,并从品牌延伸的视角对其进行了综合的阐述。

    First , analyzed reasons for the success , include four reasons of its own conditions , market conditions , business models and comprehensive exposition from the perspective of brand extension .

  23. 自从1956年北京电视台播出的我国第一部电视剧到我国现在的电视剧生产第一大国,见证了我国50多年电视剧发展的历程。

    Since the1956BTV ( China Beijing TV Station ) broadcast the first TV series to now China is the largest drama production country , witnessed the development of China ' s50years of drama .

  24. 据相关媒体报道称,北京电视台于12月2日致信中国广播电视协会,谴责郭德纲的“打油诗事件”,并指责其为“社会道德带来不良影响”。

    According to media reports , the station wrote to the Radio and Television Association on Dec 2 to complain that Guo 's post was aimed at Wang and had " negative effects on social morality . "

  25. 据相关媒体报道称,北京电视台于12月2日致信中国广播电视协会,谴责郭德纲的打油诗事件,并指责其为社会道德带来不良影响。

    According to media reports , the station wrote to the Radio and Television Association on Dec 2 to complain that Guo ` s post was aimed at Wang and had " negative effects on social morality " .

  26. 据北京电视台记者张帆(音译)透露,尽管台里之前就曾要求员工对网上的“打油诗事件”只发布“合理见解”,但她直到上周日才知道这一争端愈演愈烈。

    Zhang Fan , a BTV reporter , said she did not know about the row until Sunday , although she revealed the station had previously ordered employees to post online " only sensible opinions " about the limerick .

  27. 以北京电视台体育频道、上海电视台体育频道与广东电视台体育频道的中超联赛转播内容为研究依据,对各台的中超联赛转播现状进行了梳理。

    TV sports channel in Beijing , Shanghai and Guangdong TV Sports Channel TV sports channel broadcast the contents of the Super League for the study based on the broadcast of the Super League status of Taiwan has combed .

  28. 郭德纲与北京电视台的恩怨可以追溯到2010年8月,当时北京电视台记者为查证郭德纲别墅是否非法侵占公共绿地一事,前往其位于北京大兴区的住所进行采访。

    The feud between the comedian and BTV dates back to August 2010 , when a BTV reporter visited Guo 's home in Beijing 's Daxing district to verify reports the comedian had illegally extended his property onto a public space .

  29. 是的,今年的比赛由中国日报社和爱立信(中国)有限公司主办,国际英语联合会和中国高校英语口语协会协办,赞助单位有英孚教育集团,北京电视台,新加坡时代出版集团,上海外语教育出版社以及培生出版集团.

    That 's right . This year 's competition is organized by the China Daily and Ericsson China Company Limited , Coordinted by the Enlish Speaking Union and China University English speaking Association , and Co-sponsored by EF Education , Beijing Television , Times Publishing Group of Singapore , Shanghai Foreign Laguage Education Press , and pierson Education .

  30. 去年周六李娜在悉尼成功晋级半决赛,50万中国人守在电视机旁观看北京电视台的这一体育栏目,而这次是要进入决赛!你可以想象全中国会是怎样的举国沸腾!

    They go their nuts on Saturday when the final play drop , you know last year , 500000 people watched on one , one Beijing television station when she made the semi-final in Sydney , so this time it is gonna be the final . You can multiply that many many times over , right across China .