- 名The Ex;ex-girlfriend;Former girlfriend

Chuck : Predictably , your ex ran the old grill-the-best-friend play .
Are you having remorse sex fantasies about your ex ?
His previous girlfriend was a dancer with the Royal Ballet
The new man in my life ( let 's call him Dave ) had a very jealous ex-girlfriend .
I was sad when my ex-girlfriend left me , but within1 two weeks I met someone who is much better for me and now we 're married2 .
One man Lukacs interviewed confessed that he had hacked into his ex-girlfriend 's Facebook account .
My ex-girlfriend Rebecca · B Americans , my American English teacher , a good communicator and American Literature .
But it appears the One Direction singer has no bad feeling towards his ex-girlfriend , as he described her performance at the event as being really good even going on to add that she looked great .
Bonnie : Do you know what happened with his ex-girl friend Katherine ?
Bridge and Miss Perroncel split last summer , but the Manchester City defender is said to be devastated that one of his best friends apparently had a relationship with his former girlfriend .
Overstreet last dated Brooke Butler , who he started dating in 2015 .
This is part of his pulishment for beating his ex-girlfriend singer Rihanna .
Cloak developers Brian Moore and Chris Baker say they came up with the idea after too many chance encounters with ex-girlfriends .
In Farewell , My Lovely , Moose Malloy drolly tells his ex-girlfriend Velma , " Hiya , babe . Long time no see . " And in 1949 , the poet Ogden Nash published his poem " Long Time No See , Bye Now " in The New Yorker .
The girls and I were talking , and , we think that maybe Paul Young killed Mrs. Huber , and if he did , then maybe he killed yourold girlfriend , too ,
Valerie Trierweiler , the French president 's ex-girlfriend , was there , as were Catherine Deneuve , Jade Jagger , Kate Moss and a Thai princess .
He had heard his pal had begun dating his ex-girlfriend , so Mr. Hassard , 39 , a NASA engineer from Muscle Shoals , Ala. , approached him in church one day to ask about it .
Previous to linking up with Zoe , Penn took some time to live the single life , having split from his girlfriend of three years Blake Lively last October .
Its unclear how Sam will be reintroduced we learned in the premiere that he moved out of state with his family or what his return will mean for exes Quinn and Mercedes .
One New Yorker who used his photogenic dog to create a blog dubbed Sammy and the City is now dragging his estranged girlfriend to court claiming she stole the lucrative website .
One New Yorker who used his photogenic dog to create a blog dubbed " Sammy and the City " is now dragging his estranged girlfriend to court claiming she stole the lucrative website 。
Taking to his Instagram account the following day , Justin Bieber gave credence to those whispers by posting a black and white shot in which he appears to be enjoying another , more intimate moment with former girlfriend Selena Gomez .
Aniston , 42 , and Theroux , 39 , did not begin dating until the actor ended his longtime relationship with girlfriend , costume designer Heidi Bivens , 35 , according to sources .
Yesterday I accidentally ran into my ex-girlfriend on the street .
Darrin 's ex-girlfriend has invited you both over for dinner .
Was it the editor your ex-girlfriend was in love with ?
Justin Bieber still has ex-girlfriend Selena Gomez on his mind .
Right down to the charred remains of Voss ' ex-girlfriend .
Their study showed that females preferred men who had ex-girlfriends
This axe was once used to hack an ex-girlfriends ' furniture .