
  • 网络FASHION CHINA;Vogue China;Fashion from China
  1. 海尔-欧洲经典,时尚中国,我们始终以优质洁具品牌,创特色卫浴文化为目标。

    Haiers-European classics , and fashion in China , we have high quality sanitary ware brand , a bathroom and cultural characteristics as the goal .

  2. 从绿色消费时尚及中国即将加入WTO着眼,介绍了关于绿色纺织品的含义、标志、织物上有害物质的情况及开发绿色纺织品的方向。

    With a view to the green consumption fashion and our presently joining in WTO , the concept and sign of green textiles and harmful substances in textile fabric are introduced . Moreover , some effective approaches to develop green textiles are analysed .

  3. 创意张江时尚传奇中国美术学院上海设计学院2006年毕业生服装秀

    Shanghai Design Institute 2006 Graduate Fashion Show

  4. 宝格丽并非唯一一家将目光放在规模较小、不那么时尚的中国城市的公司。

    Bulgari is not alone in setting its eyes on smaller and less fashionable Chinese cities .

  5. 今年,北京的妇女有了新的时尚&中国传统风格的棉袄。

    This year , ladies in Beijing have a new fashion : wadded jackets in traditional Chinese style .

  6. 该款式尝试利用新的设计元素,融合了现代时尚与中国清代工艺技巧。

    The collection explored a fusion of elements , a combination of modern designs but using Chinese craftsmanship from the Qing Dynasty .

  7. 论合资女性时尚杂志对中国时尚文化的影响

    Analysis of the Joint-venture Female Customer ' Magazine 's Influence on Chinese 's Fashionable Cultural

  8. 您如何看待那些知名的欧洲和国际时尚品牌进军中国这一现象?

    Q.What do you see as the approach of big European and international fashion brands in China ?

  9. 在刚过去的几年里,冬季运动已成为一种新的时尚,在中国各地流行开来。

    Winter sports have become something new that is taking China by storm in the last few years .

  10. 具有时尚意识的中国消费者正在购买空前数量的苏格兰传统服装&从花呢西装到高尔夫格子裤。

    Fashion-conscious Chinese shoppers are buying more traditional Scottish clothing than ever before – from tweed suits to golfing trews .

  11. 具有时尚意识的中国消费者正在购买空前数量的苏格兰传统服装——从花呢西装到高尔夫格子裤。

    Fashion-conscious Chinese shoppers are buying more traditional Scottish clothing than ever before - from tweed suits to golfing trews .

  12. 女性时尚杂志进入中国已20多年,在中国女性阅读界颇为风行。

    The female fashion magazines have been in China for more than 20 years , which increases its popularity among the female readers .

  13. 随着外国时尚品牌涌入中国市场,越来越少的中国人对中山装感兴趣,也不再关注它的内涵。

    With foreign fashion brands coming into the Chinese market , fewer and fewer local people were interested in the Mao suit and its connotations .

  14. 然而,从时尚圣经抢滩中国的那天起,水土不服就成为其广告发展的最大障碍,危机重重。

    However , from the day of " Fashion Bible " appeared in China , " acclimatized ," has become the biggest obstacle in promotion and in advertisement campaign .

  15. 国际版权合作类女性时尚杂志是中国改革开放后走向世界的一个时代印记,是外资进入中国的一次选择。

    Female fashion magazine with international copyright cooperation is an imprint of the times which indicates that China has entered into the world after the reform and opening to the outside world .

  16. 当然,吸引人们追求精神上的康乐和2008北京奥运会前运动这种新时尚也是让中国时髦的消费者掏钱的一种好方法。

    Of course , appealing to a new fad for spiritual well-being and for sports ahead of the2008 Olympics in Beijing is also a good way to get modern Chinese consumers to part with their money .

  17. 《Vogue》是全球顶尖的时尚杂志,而中国目前是世界上最大的移动设备市场。

    Vogue is a global fashion powerhouse , and China is the world 's largest market for mobile devices .

  18. 时尚期刊已经成为中国期刊市场竞争最激烈的领域。

    There is such a fierce competition in the fashion periodicals in the periodicals'markets of China .

  19. 时尚浮雕壁饰来自中国的雕塑

    The sculpture from China Relief coatings

  20. 时尚周上的中国面孔

    Chinese faces at fashion week

  21. 特立独行,见解不凡,我们融合国际时尚潮流,引领中国时尚趋势。

    Original , unconventional , integrating the trends of tomorrow and leading the way for China 's fashion and culture .

  22. 在欧洲,“享受生活”主要是老年人的时尚,而在中国则主要是年轻小资的时尚。

    In Europe ," enjoy life " is the older fashion , and in China are mainly young petty fashion .

  23. 这种活力在生活时尚的改变以及中国人对极品美食的追求上得到了很好的体现。

    This dynamism is well reflected in the change of lifestyle as well as the Chinese pursuit of culinary excellence .

  24. 参与中国时尚变化,改变中国时尚潮流,是我们在2010年代的生存法则。

    Providing the definitive coverage of men 's style and culture and shaping the future of China 's fashion is our way of life in the2010s .

  25. 但较之其他类别的期刊,尤其是文化生活类和时尚类来说,中国财经期刊无论是数量、质量还是规模上都存在着差距。

    But compared with the periodical of other classifications , especially the culture life and the fashions , there is disparity on both quantity , quality and scale .

  26. 我把这种精神化作一个充满智慧、有想法、热爱传统文化、追逐时尚潮流、彰显中国独特趣味的公仔。

    I turned into a spirit of wisdom , there are ideas , love of traditional culture , fashion trends , highlighting the unique taste of Chinese doll .

  27. 当然,前面的路还很长,我确信越来越多的赶时髦的北京人会给很多欧洲和纽约时尚人士带来在中国发展的机会。

    While there still is some distance to go I think there are definitely more and more ultra trendy people in Beijing that could give many European and NY fashionistas a run for their money .

  28. 陈学冬是职业模特儿,当红演员,被当作是时尚标杆,受到中国“零零后”的追捧,去年他在米兰和当红博主gogoboi一起为Dolce&Gabbana走秀。

    Chen , a professional model and popular actor is considered a style icon that 's loved by Chinese Millennials ; last year in Milan , he walked the Dolce & Gabbana runway with fashion blogger gogoboi .

  29. 对于当时西服业特征的研究,不仅对于历史研究有所贡献,对于现今上海的时尚之都和中国的时尚产业建设都有很多的可以参考借鉴的经验。

    The study on characteristics of it will not only make a contribution to historical research , but also give a lot of useful experience for establishing fashion city of Shanghai and constructing fashion industry of China .

  30. 另一方面应当加强对中国传统家纺设计文化的研究,设计开发出具有时代性和时尚性的采用中国传统技艺制作的世界一流家纺产品,以促进中国家用纺织品行业的发展。

    The other is enhance research of Chinese traditional design in house culture , design and develop out the top - grade product in house of world that vogue adopting the Chinese traditional technical skill , thus promote the development of the Chinese household - use textile product industry .