
  • 网络Time distance;temporal distance;interval
  1. 实验2a的结果表明:时间距离表征有助于读者对目标进行持续的追踪;未达成目标促进了信息的整合,并削弱了时间距离的远近效应。

    The results of experiment 2a showed : the representation of temporal distance conduced to tracking the goal continuously ; uncompleted goal aided integration of the text information , and weakened the far-close effects of temporal distance .

  2. 实验2b的结果表明:在回溯事件的建构中,读者把回溯事件表征为时间距离的背景信息;未达成目标促进了信息的更新,但是并不能有效地对时间距离表征产生影响。

    The results of experiment 2b suggested : on the process of constructing the flashback events , the reader represented the flashback events as the background of temporal distance ; although uncompleted goal assisted updating of the information , it could not influence the representation of temporal distance effectively .

  3. 当前对P2P系统的结构研究已从路由次数的有效控制逐渐转向追求更为实际的时间距离。

    Current research on P2P structure that has made a highly controlling routing scheme with limited hops of message transfer , now turn to pursue lower network latency that is more factual .

  4. 该方法在实测海杂波数据的时间距离像中应用Radon变换的非相干积累方法,仿真结果表明该方法实现了海杂波背景下微弱目标的检测,并且性能优越。

    Non-coherent integration of Radon Transform is applied to range-time images of real sea clutter data . The result shows that it realized the detection of small-target in sea clutter and the performance is good .

  5. 通过对ISAR回波的横向数据进行Morlet小波变换,搜索小波变换模的极大值和对应的极大值点,得到目标的时间距离多普勒三维像,然后按时间点进行采样,得到目标的距离瞬时多普勒像。

    The time range Dopper image of a target is obtained by processing transversal data extracted from ISAR target echoes with Morlet wavelet transform and finding local maximum of wavelet transform modulus and its location . Then the range temporal Doppler image is obtained by sampling time .

  6. 风险决策任务中时间距离对框架效应的影响

    Influences of Temporal Distance on the Framing Effect in Risky-choice Tasks

  7. 作为一个精灵要找到你的时间距离。

    To be an elf is to find your distances of time .

  8. 进餐时间距离睡觉时间至少四小时。

    Eat no less than four hours before turning in .

  9. 针对时间距离约束的网络化控制系统带宽调度策略

    Scheme of bandwidth scheduling for networked control systems in accordance with temporal distance constraint

  10. 幸运的是,在这方面时间距离可以帮助我们,因为它能区分消极的偏见和积极的偏见。

    Fortunately , temporal distance can help us for it can separate positive prejudices from negative ones .

  11. 解释水平理论:从时间距离到心理距离

    Explaining Bridging Inferences : An SDRT Approach ; Construal Level Theory : From Temporal Distance to Psychological Distance

  12. 此书追溯了这些在时间距离上超过二千年的作品中所论及之中国对女性的了解。

    It traces the Chinese understanding of women as discussed in writings spanning more than two thousand years .

  13. 先用空间距离过滤相似线段,再用时间距离和速度距离提纯线段簇。

    Filtering similar line segments based on spatial distance similarity and refining clusters based on temporal and speed distance .

  14. 应用临床步态分析方法,测定了50例健康中老年人,44例中风患者的时间距离值。

    The time-distance ( TD ) gait values of 50 middle - aged healthy subject and 44 apoplectic patients were compared .

  15. 距离性被认为是过去时的本质特性,包括时间距离、真实性距离和心理距离三种。

    Remoteness is regarded as the defining feature of the past tense , including remoteness in time , reality and psychology .

  16. 利用双轴时间距离图,提出一种适于形成双向绿波的相位结构设计方法,并进行了算例分析,表明了该相位结构设计方法的简单实用性。

    Phase scheme design method that facilitates the generation of ideal two-way green wave is proposed based on two-axis time space diagram .

  17. 然而对元原则的追求却又忽视了许多重要的因素,如时间距离、后现代语境等。

    But following this principle could ignore some important elements , such as time distance , postmodern context , and so on .

  18. 第二,时间距离现在越近,曲线越矮胖,这也就意味着标准差越大,温度数据分布越广。

    Second , more recent curves are flatter . A flatter curve means a bigger standard deviation and a wider spread of results .

  19. 在空间的维度上,主体与对象的隔绝在造成了空间、时间距离的同时也带来了心理距离。

    In the space dimension , main body and object in isolation caused space , the distance in time also brings a psychological distance .

  20. 对于各种故障情况,应用相关整定思路进行离线计算,得出各种原理的时间距离特性。

    Applying relative arithmetic to all kinds of faults and calculating off-line , We can master time-distance relation chart for all kinds of faults .

  21. 困扰我们对屈原爱国主义作冷静、理智研究的因素,主要有楚国视野与秦国视野的不同(空间距离)、历史意识与当代观念的差别(时间距离)。

    The main factors affecting the calm and sensible research into Quyuan ′ s patriotism are the space difference between historical consciousness and present sense .

  22. 审美距离具体表现为空间距离、时间距离和时空距离。认识和理解审美移情和审美距离,对于准确地把握中国古典诗歌的审美情感过程,对于分析和鉴赏中国古典诗歌,不无裨益。

    A good understanding of them is helpful to precisely grasp the aesthetic processes of Chinese classical poetry and to analyse and appreciate them better .

  23. 正文三个部分分别从时间距离的控制、概括叙述和场景描绘、叙述距离展开论述。

    The three parts of texts discuss from the aspects of the control of temporal distance , generalization narration , scenic depiction and narrative distance .

  24. 在我国快速城市化时期,高速铁路网的建设将迅速缩短沿线城市的时间距离,从而重构我国城镇群的空间结构关系。

    By referring to related international studies , this paper presents the possible changes of the spatial structure based on high speed railway network plan .

  25. 其实,我们在生活中经常会面临不同程度违规行为,时间距离对它们的影响是否一样?对这一因素的忽视,很可能导致研究结果的不一致。

    In fact , we often face different degrees of moral transgressions in the daily life . Is effects of temporal distance on them the same ?

  26. 审美距离是审美经验中一个非常重要的问题,审美距离包括审美时间距离、审美空间距离、审美心理距离和审美情感距离。

    Aesthetic distance is a very important topic in aesthetic experiences , which includes aesthetic temporal distance . Spatial distance . Psychological distance and emotional distance .

  27. 如果设置了一个事件并且当前时间距离最后一个事件的执行时间足够远,则将执行一个新事件。

    If an event has been set and the current time is far enough from the last event execute time , a new event is executed .

  28. 空间分割采用修正的分水岭变换,并通过一种基于时间距离和空间距离测度的区域合并算法克服过分割问题。

    Improved watershed is utilized for spatial segmentation , and a region-merging algorithm based on novel tem-poral distance and spatial distance is adopted to overcome ″ over-segmentation ″ .

  29. 提单与信用证制度使国际贸易得以跨越了空间和时间距离,同时也使买卖双方的权利得到充分的保障。

    Bills of lading and the letter of credit system not only make international trades cross space and time , but also secure the rights of the contacting parties .

  30. 然而,关于道德判断的主体和对象的重要特性是如何影响时间距离与道德判断之间的关系仍亟待深入探究。

    However , there are some question . For example , what role some important characteristics about subject and object of moral judgment play between time distance and moral judgment ?