
shí jiān yì shù
  • Time Art;temporal/aural art
  1. 论文的第二部分论述李洱小说独特的时间艺术。

    The second part of the paper discusses the narrative time .

  2. 新时期中国小说的时间艺术

    The Art in Expressing Time in Chinese Fictions of the New Period

  3. 戏剧是时间艺术。

    Drama is a kind of time art .

  4. 戏剧是一门综合艺术,是时间艺术和空间艺术的综合。

    Drama is an integrated arts , the art of time and space art integrated .

  5. 歌唱表演是一种转瞬即逝的时间艺术,其灵魂在于创作者、表演者及欣赏者的情感创作。

    Singing performance is one kind of time art which might vanish rapidly as it appears .

  6. 论电子游戏的时间艺术

    On Time Art of Video Game

  7. 其次,他对小说这一时间艺术中的时间的理解和运用也与众不同。

    Secondly , his comprehension and application of the time technique in his novel is distinctive .

  8. 诡谲的时间艺术

    The Treacherous Temporal Art

  9. 遗憾的是,长期以来人们似乎并没有对该小说的时间艺术给予充分的关注。

    Yet , the pity is that it seems few people have paid enough attention to this aspect .

  10. 声乐表演作为一种转瞬即逝的时间艺术,作为演唱者并不能照本宣科地演唱。其灵魂在于对词曲文本的二度创作。

    Vocal music performance as a fleeting time art passes , the soul lies in the two creation of poetry text .

  11. 这一理论平台可以打开现代虚构叙事的时间艺术研究的深度空间。

    This flat roof of theory can open up a deep space for the research of time art in modern fiction .

  12. 音乐是表现艺术,是时间艺术,其音响组织能直接表达人内心世界情绪和情感的变化。

    Music is an art of manifestation and timing , whose sound can express the spiritual and emotional changes inside human being .

  13. 作为造型艺术、视觉艺术的室内设计和作为时间艺术、听觉艺术的音乐,表面上很难说有什么联系,然而由于两者在形式美法则的运用上有着广泛的联系。

    Interior design is an art of modeling and an art of vision , while Music is an art of time and listening .

  14. 摘要时长作为小说时间艺术构建的重要一元,指的是小说故事的时间跨度。

    In fictions , tune scale , an important factor in time 's artistic construction , refers to the time span of the stories .

  15. 设计者应从书中挖掘深层涵义,觅寻主体旋律、安排节奏起伏,在时间艺术中体现空间感受;

    The thesis presents the view that designers should delve into profound meanings of the books , search the main theme , arrange rhythmic movement ;

  16. 本文借助于视觉艺术的外视感应来阐述听觉艺术的内视感应,确定时间艺术具有更为广阔的空间想象力和创造力。

    This paper states the inner audial reaction from the perspective of outer visual reaction and determines the broad spatial imagination and creativity of temporal art .

  17. 歌唱表演作为一种转瞬即逝的时间艺术,其灵魂在于对词曲文本的二度创作。

    As a kind of time art which easily passes away , the spirit of singing with actions is on the recreation work of poetry and version .

  18. 它在一定的空间来表现,要有造型,而它在表现上又需要一个发展过程,因而它又是时间艺术。

    It certainly room for performance , a modeling , performance , and it also needs a process of development , thus it is time for the arts .

  19. 创造绘画视境,使时间艺术(诗)空间化,是营造诗歌意境浓郁画意的根本途径。

    To create a painterly visual state and make the time art ( poetry ) spacify , it is the basic way to construct rich picturesque conception of poetic artistic state .

  20. 动画作为一门现代包含科学技术和艺术,集合空间与时间艺术形式的综合艺术,自诞生之日起就受到全世界的关注。

    Regard as comprehensive art including science technology and art , combining space and time of art style , animation was being paid attention to by the whole world from it born .

  21. 诗与思的另一面是诗与音乐,它们都是时间艺术,其时间存在不是物理时间,而是现象学所谓的本源性时间。

    The other side of poetry and thought is poetry and music , which are both temporal art , existing not in physical time but in original time as advocated by phenomenology .

  22. 第一部分,对音乐这一时间艺术的流传特征即传播作为研究对象,阐述了传播一词的学术概念,及传播对音乐生存和发展的重要影响,指出音乐的本质在于传播。

    The thesis is composed of four parts : In the first part of this thesis , the concept of transmission was introduced , as well as its significance to the existence and development of music .

  23. 音乐是时间艺术、听觉艺术,因而是一门非常抽象而又神秘的艺术;它能直接激起生命的活力,激起人们的情感,拨动人们的心弦。

    Music is the art of time , art of sense of hearing , so it is a door of deep abstract and mysterious arts , which can evoke the vigor of the life directly as well as people 's emotion with the heart 's chord moving .

  24. 摄影是一种瞬间的艺术,摄影更是一种关于时间的艺术。

    Photography is art of movement , it also art of time .

  25. 音乐是情感的艺术、听觉的艺术、时间的艺术。

    Music is an emotional , audio and time art .

  26. 中国园林是时间的艺术。

    Chinese gardens was really the art of time .

  27. 小说自古以来就被称为时间的艺术,传统小说叙事主要呈线性发展。

    Traditional novels mainly follow linear structure because novel is called the art of sequence .

  28. 论电视叙事时间的艺术性处理

    On Art of TV Narrative Time Arrangements

  29. 如果腾出时间练习艺术,你能开发你的创意才能。

    You can develop your creative talents if you take the time to practice your art .

  30. 明清历史演义小说的时间处理艺术

    The Art of Disposal of Time Element in the Historical Romances of the Ming and Qing Dynasties