
  • 网络Visual Pleasure
  1. 视觉快感、日常生活与心理焦虑&当代泛亚地区恐怖电影心理研究

    Visual Pleasure , Daily Life and Psychological Anxiety & Study on Contemporary Pan-Asian Horror Movies

  2. 观看的行为(浏览、观看、凝视,以及观察、监视与视觉快感的实践)和阅读的形式(解码、解密、阐释等)一样具有深奥的内涵。

    The behaviors of seeing include look , watch , gaze , observe , monitor and practice of visual pleasure . The forms of reading are decode , uncover and illuminate .

  3. 学生在学习的过程中得到了视觉的快感和心灵的陶冶。

    Students have received the visual pleasure and spiritual mold in the course of study .

  4. 审美心理分为两类,一类是事物形式在人神经系统视觉区与快感区建立的联系通道,称为记忆型审美心理;

    Abstract : Aesthetic mentality falls into two types : memory - oriented aesthetic mentality and need - oriented aesthetic mentality .

  5. 一方面,当代视觉艺术颠覆工具理性的主导,强调追求视觉感性的快感,为感性正名,重新树立感性的价值。

    On the one hand , contemporary visual art subverts the dominance of instrumental rationality , and emphasizes the pursuit of pleasure of visual perception .