
  1. 由于各种各种测量因素和造型手段的局限性,基于测量数据重构出来的B样条曲面模型的表面品质有时并不能满足用户的要求,因此经常需要通过光顺来改善重构曲面的品质。

    Because of some random factors in data acquisition process or limitation on modeling methods , the quality of the constructed B-spline surfaces may not always satisfy the users ' requirements .

  2. 近几年,Autodesk公司推出了新的软件MechanicalDesktop(简称MDT),这个软件提供了参数化几何造型手段,使设计和修改过程更加自动化。

    During these years Autodesk company published a new software : Mechanical Desktop ( for short : MDT ) which provide parameterized model technology and make design and modify more automatically .

  3. 论摄影的造型手段和表现力

    On the Ways and Expressing Strength of Mould-making in Photography

  4. 区别于以用光为主要造型手段的西洋画。

    It is different from western painting which is mainly based on light .

  5. 为工业产品设计提供了更为方便的造型手段。

    Thus provided a more convenient means of modelling for industrial product design .

  6. 本文认为,以线条为主要造型手段是楚艺术的重要形式特征。

    The article holds that lines as a major shaping method is an important feature of the Chu art .

  7. 运动摄影是影视艺术独特的造型手段,它是使影视艺术成为独立艺术的标志之一。

    Moving photograph is a unique means of film and television art , and is one of mark of independence art .

  8. 以线为主的造型手段是传统写意人物画最为基本的风格特点。

    Regard the " line " as the main shape means is the most basic style in traditional freehand brushwork figure painting .

  9. 由于神经网络特有的结构灵活性、可重新训练性和强鲁棒性,使得它可以成为一种有效的几何造型手段。

    Because of the flexible structure , retrainable and strong robust , the neural network can come to be an effective model method .

  10. 空间表现,对于绘画这种以线条、色彩等造型手段来塑造平面视觉形象的艺术样式而言是极其重要的一部分。

    Performance space for this kind of line drawing , color and other design tools to shape the image of the art visual style is an extremely important part .

  11. 构图不仅是形象化的过程,也是画家造型手段的形象思维过程与方式和法则。

    Constructing picture not only is an imaginary process , but also is the thinking course in images , the method and the principle of painter 's modelling means .

  12. 伦勃朗在他的油画中使用的是传统的造型手段,通过他的作品,让人们对于在传统技法下怎样处理光影效果有了更细密的认识。

    Rembrandt is used the traditionally methods in his painting , through his work ; people can understand how to deal with lighting effects have a more detailed understanding .

  13. 从装饰手法、色彩运用、造型手段、材质肌理等方面进行论述,论证侗锦纹样在土特产包装设计中的设计表现。

    From the decorative techniques , use of color , style , material texture and other aspects generalize and discuss Dong brocade patterns in the native products packaging design performance .

  14. 声乐语言是音乐化的歌唱性语言,通过音乐的造型手段使语言音乐化,使语言更富于音乐的旋律节奏感与歌唱性。

    Vocal music is the language of the singing language , music by means of modeling language of music the language is even more richly musical rhythm and singing nature .

  15. 以线来描绘物象是人类最古老的绘画形式,在远古的人类就有了以线为造型手段的绘画艺术。

    Line is one of the most ancient drawing forms in depicting objects and human beings , which has become an important method in drawing art in the ancient times .

  16. 从人体的结构出发,探讨并研究服装设计中常用的造型手段&分割线中的公主线分割。

    A study of the method of posture in the design of clothes , the separation of the princess line has been done based on the structure of human body .

  17. 服装是一种构成艺术,是探讨形态与材料之间关系和变化规律的一种造型手段。

    The clothing is one kind of constitution art . It 's a modeling method to discuss the relationship between the shape and the material as well as its changing rule .

  18. 20世纪,在现代主义的浪潮下艺术由架上解放出来,装置艺术以其独特的观念和造型手段成为新的艺术表现形式。

    Under the tide of Modernism , art was liberated from the shackle , and with its unique concept and modeling method installation art had became new form of artistic expression .

  19. 传统水墨画以笔墨作为主要造型手段,是有其独特的思想渊源和历史渊源的,当然这也与笔墨自身的特征不可分割的。

    As a result of having a unique origin of ideology and history , of the feature of Pen and Ink , Chinese Traditional Ink Painting regards " Pen and Ink " as its key plastic method .

  20. 速写作为现代人搜集素材的造型手段,一直倍受古今中外画家们的重视与青睐,也是中国画家作为创作训练的必然手段。

    Sketch as modern people collecting material modeling means , has been paid much attention and favor of painters at all times and in all countries , but also Chinese painter as an inevitable means of creation training .

  21. 论影视美术设计中人物造型的手段电影美术的历程

    On the Means of Character Molding in the Artistic Designing in Film and TV Review On Art Designing

  22. 儿童画线条是儿童的主观创造,是重要的造型艺术手段。

    Children 's drawing lines is the children 's subjective creation , and it is an important way of modeling art .

  23. 在服装设计中,结构设计是造型的重要手段,结构的变化创造了多样的服装造型。

    Structure design is an important means in fashion design . The changes of structure created various costumes .

  24. 线描在中国绘画中一直作为造型的主要手段存在与发展,从而形成独特的民族风格。

    Being a unique traditional style , line drawing in Chinese painting has been existing and developing as the main technique of contour .

  25. 笔墨作为中国传统绘画系统的有机部分,既是造型绘画的手段,又是精神表现的载体。

    Works as an organic part of Chinese traditional painting , is both a means of modeling painting , but also the spirit of the performance of the carrier .

  26. 尤其在中国绘画中,线不仅作为造型的基本手段而存在,而且具有丰富的内涵和独特的装饰美感。

    Especially in the Chinese drawing , the line not only exists as a modeling essential method , but also has the rich connotations and the unique decoration esthetic sense .

  27. 中国传统绘画,以线作为造型的基本手段,在平面上表现物体的空间关系、运动形态和内部结构。

    Line , as the very basic sculpting method in China traditional drawing , is used to describe the matter dimensional relations , movement modality and inner frames on plane .

  28. 通过现代包装设计与装饰艺术空间关系的探讨,论述了包装设计的装饰性及所运用的造型、技术手段、材料等和现代包装设计的发展趋势。

    The decorating function , the modeling , the technical measure and material of packaging design , and the developing trend of modern packaging design were introduced through the discussion on the relationship between modern packaging design and decoration art .

  29. 版画作为造型表现艺术手段,除了具备所有的绘画艺术都共有的最基本的机制和约束之外,更具有它自身独有的特殊机制和规律,其中的大部分与教育功能有关。

    Woodcutting , a kind of means for displaying the art of shaping , possesses its own unique mechanism and law , most of which relates to the educational function , besides general mechanism and restraints all painting arts share .

  30. 综合版画挑战传统审美模式,在制作技艺上突破版画的边界限定,在图式、造型、媒介手段的综合运用方面改变着中国版画的视觉形态。

    Integrated print challenge the traditional aesthetic mode , in the production of art prints the border on the limit break in the pattern , shape , the integrated use of media tools to change aspects of the visual form of printmaking in China .