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  1. 我们被造为神做工。

    We are made to work for God .

  2. 指导性案例的选择应以促进司法统一和法律续造为标准。

    Selection of guiding case shall be for purpose of promoting uniform interpretation of law and judicial law-making .

  3. 在那儿,理智以她的法律造为纸鸢而飞放,真理也使事实从桎梏中自由了。

    Where Reason makes kites of her laws and flies them , and Truth sets Fact free from its fetters .

  4. 你们抬着摩洛的帐幕,和理番神的星。就是你们所造为要敬拜的像。

    Yea , ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch , and the star of your god Remphan , figures which ye made to worship them : and I will carry you away beyond Babylon .

  5. 本论文是以色彩为视点,以原型与意造为线索,以史籍和画作为途径,对晚期古典设色山水画风格样式和色彩语言及其演化所进行的理论研究。

    This paper is based on color as a viewpoint , archetype and conception creating as a clue , historical records and paintings as a method to research the style and color language of late classical landscape painting and its evolution .

  6. 在中国文论史上,以突出文学形式锤造为特色的魏晋南北朝文论,实现了一次有重大意义的理论突破。

    In Chinese history of literary theory , it was the literary theory in the Kingdom of Wei , the Jin Dynasty and the Northern and Southern Dynasties which was characteristic of fabricating literary forms that accomplished a theoretical breakthrough of great significance .

  7. 工业源中制浆造纸业为主要污染行业,COD排量占38.29%。

    Of the industrial pollution sources , the pulp and papermaking industry is the largest pollution source whose COD excreta reaches 38.29 % .

  8. 你造黑暗为夜,林中的百兽就都爬出来。

    You bring darkness , it becomes night , and all the beasts of the forest prowl .

  9. 循环经济与区域经济可持续发展的实证研究&以浙江富阳造纸业为例

    Empirical study of Recycle Economy and Regional Economic Sustainable Development & Example Lifted with the Paper Industry of Fuyang

  10. 对症治疗和放弃拒绝治疗者无长期生存。结论食管癌穿孔治疗首选胃造瘘为宜,它优于附膜编织网支架及鼻饲营养治疗。

    Conclusions Gastrostomy is better than nasal feeding and metal mesh stent with special plastic film in perforated esophageal carcinoma .

  11. 人们认为,当以权责收生造造为邦无资本运营预算轨造的会计基本。

    We believed that should have the manufacture take the power and responsibility as the state-owned capital management budget system 's accounting basis .

  12. 文中以项目检验监造实践为基础,从项目全局出发简要分析了项目检验监造的策划、监造组织构成、检验监造实施、监控、收尾的整个流程和方法。

    Base on the project inspection practice , the article analyzes the project inspection planning , inspection team grouping , inspection management process , etc. .

  13. 贫穷问题太严重了,该地区的许多家庭都面对同样的贫穷境况:大部分人每年只靠一造稻米为生。

    The poverty was just too severe , a poverty felt by many families in the area : most people lived off one crop of rice per year .

  14. 声请承认及执行之一造,为取得前条所称之承认及执行,应于声请时提具。

    To obtain the recognition and enforcement mentioned in the preceding article , the party applying for recognition and enforcement shall , at the time of the application , supply .

  15. 袁世凯与张之洞议定分借款、造路为两事,既能保护利权,又解决了资金问题。

    Yuan Shih-kai and Chang Chih-tung discussed the fate loan , which to make the road and load was two matters . This could protect the economic rights and interests , and solve the fund problem .

  16. 试验结果表明适宜的水分为84%~10%,适宜的造球时间为30min,内配煤量对生球强度影响很小。

    The experimental results show that the proper pelletizing parameters are 8.4 % ~ 10 % of water addition and 30 minutes of pelletizing time . The coal addition has little influence on strength of green pellets .

  17. 造模方法为:老年脾虚模型组小鼠单日游泳至耐力极限,喂饲甘蓝,双日100%精练猪脂0.5ml/只灌胃,连续8d。

    The specific method : The mice of the aged model group with spleen deficiency were fed on cabbage on odd-numbered days and filled with refined pig fat into the stomache on even-numbered days consistently for eight days after they swam to its endurance limit .

  18. 多年冻土地区供水水源选择及其评价&以大兴安岭西林吉造纸厂用水为例

    Selection and Evaluation of Water Supply Sources in the Permafrost Area

  19. 肩吾的之,他造得泰山为他的居所;

    Jianyu obtained it , and built Mount Tai as his inhabitation .

  20. 迪隆指出,一些全国性品牌的销售增长,源自制造商更为积极的促销活动。

    Mr Dillon noted that some of the national brand growth resulted from more aggressive promotional spending by manufacturers .

  21. 单纯造瘘组为62.5%、30.0%和12.0%。

    And in the group of colostomy , the relevant rates were 62.5 % , 30.0 % and 15.0 % respectively .

  22. 我们被神所造且是为他而被造,在你明白这个道理之前,生活并没有意义。

    We were made by God and for God , and until you figure that out , life isn 't going to make sense .

  23. 如今你们口中所出的,只管去行,为你们的妇人孩子造城,为你们的羊群垒圈。

    Build you cities for your little ones , and folds for your sheep ; and do that which hath proceeded out of your mouth .

  24. 在勘探车展开之后,把重工造在那里为该矿区造辆矿车并把第二个矿场也放在那。

    After your expansion is done , place WF and make a harv for that far away tib field , and put your next Ref there .

  25. 基于上市公司集团关联性的相关理论分析,本文以中国证券市场上出现的造系运动为例,对集团关联上市公司中控股股东代理问题进行了分析。

    Based on the theories of listed companies ' affiliation with business groups , this paper analyses the agency problems of controlling shareholders in Chinese group-affiliated listed companies .

  26. 全能的神,栽培的人,他造葡萄树为葡萄树的样子,也必然让枝子成为枝子的样子。

    And the Husbandman , the mighty God , who made the Vine what it is , will as surely make the branch what it ought to be .

  27. 增生后的中新生代大陆构造发展时期,以沿边裂陷、沿边走滑构造岩浆带和沿边走滑叠缩陆内造山带发育为特征。

    In Meso-Cenozoic Era of continental tectonic development , it is characterized by taphrogeny , strike-slip tectonic-magmatic belts and slip-telescoped intracontinental orogenic belts along the boundary faults of terrenes .

  28. 造模时间为一个月,一个月后模型组和模型对照组继续给予高脂饲料喂养,其余各组改用普通饲料喂养。

    Molding time for a month , a month after the model group and the model control group continued to give high fat feeding , other groups with common feed .

  29. 造模动物为36只健康豚鼠,以肌肉匀浆混悬液给豚鼠进行项背部皮下注射,每周一次,共六周。

    36 healthy guinea pigs were chose to make the model . Mixture of CFA and homogenate was hypodermic injected behind the neck , once a week , totally 6 weeks .

  30. 中密度纤维板产品、强化复合地板产品、竹材制品、非木质造板产品为四川省木材及人造板加工的主导产品。

    MDF ( Medium Density Fiber-board ), FL ( Laminating Flooring ), Bamboo products and no-wooden making boards are the main products of wood and artificial board processing in Sichuan province .