
  • 网络angiography catheter
  1. 三种造影导管适当备用可提高造影成功率。

    Proper selection for the three kinds of the angiography catheter can improve the procedure success rate .

  2. 13例用血管加压素作了动脉灌注并保留导管持续灌注24h,其中3例造影导管作为定位标记,24h后外科手术。

    Of them remained a catheter as a location mark and underwent a surgical operation 24 hours after radiological intervention .

  3. 方法249例病人术前均接受Allen试验检查,选择右侧桡动脉作为穿刺插管的部位,血管途径建立以后,置入造影导管,进行选择性冠状动脉造影。

    Methods All 249 patients received Allen test before operation . The catheter was inserted into the right radial artery for angiography .

  4. 不同5F造影导管在经桡动脉冠脉造影中的对比研究

    Coronary Angiography by Transradial Approach with Different 5F Angiography Catheter

  5. 但是,如果经证实或估计简单的造影导管碎栓是无效的,则需要采用专用的PMT器械。

    However , commercial PMT devices are required if it is proved or estimated that simple catheter fragmentation unefficient .

  6. 目的探讨使用1.33mm(4F)造影导管经桡动脉入路行诊断性冠状动脉造影的可行性。

    Objective To assess the feasibility of coronary angiography by transradial approach with 4 F catheter .

  7. 方法将造影导管放入103例拟进行对窄QRS心动过速射频消融患者的冠状静脉窦-心大静脉远端进行造影,观察心脏静脉的形态、位置、数目及内径。

    Methods Retrograde cardiac venography was used to examine the morphology , position , number and the diameter of cardic veins in 103 patients .

  8. 目的比较采用标准造影导管与气囊导管造影在经内镜逆行胰胆管造影术(ERCP)中对肝内胆管结石的诊断价值。

    Objective A comparison of diagnostic value between balloon and standard catheter in visualizing intrahepatic ductal stone ( HDS ) at ERCP was conducted .

  9. 目的比较使用4F及6F造影导管经股动脉径路行冠状动脉造影的可行性。

    Objectives To compare 4F Catheter with 6F catheter in the diagnostic coronary angiography by femoral artery approach .

  10. 目的:比较两种5F共用型造影导管与通用型Judkins导管在经桡动脉冠脉造影中的应用情况,分析两种共用型造影导管的优缺点。

    Objective : To probe the virtue and disadvantage of the transradial approach for diagnostic coronary angiography with different 5F angiography catheter .

  11. 其中14例经8F导引管置入Magic-BD导管,采用可脱式球囊闭塞颈内动脉破口及颈内动脉,或经5F造影导管送入金属弹簧圈闭塞同侧颈内动脉。

    In 14 patients the homolateral internal carotid arteries were occluded by positioning Magic-BD catheter and ballon to the arterial rupture site or transplanting metallic spring coil via 5F catheter .

  12. 目的评价应用4Fr造影导管在经桡动脉途径行冠状动脉造影的可行性与安全性。

    Objective To evaluate the feasibility and safety of 4 French ( Fr ) catheters for coronary angiography through radial artery .

  13. 结论:①使用较小直径造影导管经桡动脉径路施行诊断性冠状动脉造影术后不需严格卧床,患者损伤小,止血方便,血管并发症少,可作为某些经选择病例的首选径路。

    Conclusion : ① With low complication rate and easy hemostasis , it should be the approach of choice for some select patients .

  14. 目的探讨使用猪尾造影导管与单一化疗药盒连接实现肝脏肿瘤多重化疗的可行性及初步疗效。

    Objective To evaluate the feasibility and efficacy of multiple chemotherapy in treating malignant liver neoplasm via port-catheter system ( PCS ) by using a pigtail catheter .

  15. 带导丝的造影导管索耦合一端以便导线在动脉中无意中失去后可以方便、快捷地收回。

    An angiographic guide wire with a tether coupled to one end so that a guide wire unwittingly lost in an artery may be easily and quickly withdrawn .

  16. 乳腺导管造影显示导管充盈缺损或中断6例(15.8%)。

    The galactograms showed introluminal filling defect or duct-cut-off sign in6 cases ( 15.8 % ) .

  17. 方法6例术后发生急性重症肺栓塞患者均采用肺动脉造影及导管、导丝碎栓术。

    Methods Six patients were performed emergency pulmonary arteriography and interventional therapy by catheter and guide wire .

  18. 结论乳腺导管造影在导管肿瘤良恶性的鉴别及导管炎性疾病的诊断中有极高的应用价值,可为临床提供准确的诊断和治疗依据。

    Conclusion Galactography plays important role in diagnosis and differentiation of the breast duct tumor and chronic mastitis diseases , and provides significant information for clinic .

  19. 经门静脉CO2超声造影在留置导管肝癌中的初步应用

    CO_2 Enhanced Ultrasonography via Portal Vein in the Pestoperative Patients of Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Indwelling Portal Catheter

  20. 方法:22例急性消化道大出血病人,按Seldinger′s技术进行造影诊断及导管内治疗。

    Methods : 22 cases with acute gastrointestinal bleeding were involved in the study . Seldinger ′ s technique was used to catheterize patients .

  21. 方法采用Seldinger技术,对40例输卵管妊娠患者进行超选择性子宫动脉插管造影,经导管灌注氨甲喋呤(MTX)后,明胶海绵颗粒栓塞子宫动脉。

    Methods By using Seldinger ′ s method , 40 cases of tubule pregnancy received superselective angiography of uterine artery , followed by perfusion of methotrexate ( MTX ) through the catheter and embolization of uterine artery with gelatin sponge .

  22. 超声造影诊断乳腺导管内原位癌1例

    Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography of brest ductal carcinoma in situ : case report

  23. 乳导管造影在乳导管内乳头状病变中的应用价值

    Clinical application of galactography in patients with intraductal papillary lesions

  24. 逆行肾盂造影时输尿管导管弯曲,呈S形。

    On retrograde pyelography the catheter is curved asS shape .

  25. 术后2周,分别行选择性冠状动脉造影,并经导管冠状动脉内注射pcD-NA3-bFGF2000μg。

    Two weeks after the operation , 2 ? 000 μ g of pcDNA_3-bFGF eukaryotic expression plasmid was directly injected into the coronary artery by catheter .

  26. 造影MRM在乳腺导管癌中的诊断价值

    Diagnostic value of MR mammography in breast ductal carcinoma

  27. 含微气泡造影剂除扩张导管外,对病变的定位指示作用强。对比声学造影前后高频超声的诊断符合率分别为60%及73.3%。

    Results The accuracy rate of high frequency ultrasound and mammary duct contrast on nipple discharge were 60 % and 73.3 % , respectively .

  28. 二氧化碳超声造影在肝癌留置导管者中的初步应用超声场强化中药有效成分提取动力学模型

    Ultrasonic enhancement of co_2 contrast in the hepatocellular carcinomas with indwelling arterial catheter kinetic model for ultrasonic enhancement of extraction process of Chinese traditional medicine

  29. 结论乳腺导管造影能明确乳腺导管病变的部位、性质和范围,对导管癌的早期诊断及在手术方案的制定方面具有重要的应用价值。

    CONCLUSION Breast galactography can make definite diagnosis in knowing the position character and range of breast duct disease , It plays important application value in the early diagnosis of ductal carcinoma and guiding the surgery indication .