
  1. 可以通过EnterpriseWorks/VITA来了解更多关于造纸的信息。

    You can order more information about making paper from EnterpriseWorks / VITA .

  2. 也可以通过EnterpriseWorks/VITA来了解更多关于造纸的信息。

    You can also order information about making paper from the group EnterpriseWorks / VITA .

  3. 基于Web的制浆造纸企业生产信息统计系统设计

    Design of Production Information Statistics System of Papermaking Enterprise Based on Web

  4. 评析了我国造纸企业计算机信息系统(CBIS)与(CIMS)的发展现状和问题,分析了产生这些问题的原因。在此基础上,提出了我国造纸企业CBIS的发展战略与对策。

    The present situation and problems of computer - based information system ( CBIS ) and CIMS for Chinese pulp and paper mills are surveyed , and the causes of these problems are analyzed . The development strategy and countermeasures of CBIS for Chinese mills are proposed .

  5. 大型造纸企业管理信息系统的设计和实施

    Design and Implementation of Management Information System in a Large Scale Paper Mill

  6. 我国造纸企业计算机信息系统研究的现状、问题与对策

    The Present Situation , Problems and Countermeasures of Computer-Based Information Systems for Chinese Pulp & Paper Mills

  7. 该了系统成功地解决了造纸企业物料信息的自动采集和传递,增强了数据信息传递的及时性,解决了由于信息错误导致的库存量增加,减少了工人劳动强度,提高了工作效率。

    The software system can make the paper corporation use auto-collection and auto-transfer for its material information , make the data information transfer on time , decrease the storage because of the correct information , reduce the workload , improve the work efficiency .

  8. 从CBIS技术的发展看我国造纸企业管理决策信息系统的问题与开发战略

    Management and Decision Making Information Systems for China 's Paper Mills : Problems and Development Strategy Based on the Analysis of Development Process of CBIS Technique

  9. 造纸过程采样数据信息处理与优化

    Sampled Data Information Processing and Optimization In Papermaking Process