
  • 网络Market Maker;marketmaker
  1. 引入造市商制度;

    Apply the market maker system ;

  2. 实际上,这种观点的背后是一些人呼吁在纽约证交所(NewYorkStockExchange,简称NYSE)恢复人类造市商。

    In fact , that sentiment is behind the calls of some to reinstate human market makers on the New York Stock Exchange .

  3. SEC在美东时间周一凌晨12:26发布的一份新闻稿中称,将修改它在上周五颁布的一项有关造市商在周五之后不能卖空金融类股的规定。

    The SEC , in a release issued at12:26 a.m.EST Monday , reversed a position it had taken Friday when it said that market makers couldn 't short financial stocks after Friday .

  4. 上周三,骑士损失4.40亿美元的当天,纽约证交所推出了自己的电脑驱动交易系统“零售流动性计划”(RetailLiquidityProgram,简称RLP),希望藉此能夺回一些被造市商抢去的交易量。

    On Wednesday , the same day that knight lost $ 440 million , the NYSE launched its own computer driven trading system , called the retail liquidity program , that the exchange hopes will reclaim some of the trading volume it has lost to market makers .

  5. 它的目标是利用意大利境内MTS电子债券市场结构中的一个漏洞。在该市场中,造市商必须承诺在一天的至少5小时内,为最低数量的债券提供报价。

    It aimed to exploit a weakness in the structure of the Italian-based MTS electronic bond market , in which marketmakers had to commit themselves to quote prices for bonds for at least five hours a day for minimum amounts .

  6. 经营交易研究公司Nanex的埃里克•斯科特•亨塞德估计,过去七年造市商通过快速执行这些个人投资者和其他人的交易指令创造了50亿美元的利润。

    Eric Scott hunsader , who runs trading research firm nanex , estimates market makers have been able to generate $ 5 billion in profits rapidly trading the orders of individual investors and others in the past seven years .

  7. 有些人说,造市商提供了服务。

    Some say that market makers provide a service .

  8. 骑士这样的造市商可能偶尔会出问题,交易可能不得不取消。

    Market makers like knight may occasionally blow up , and trades may have to be cancelled .

  9. 但回复到纽交所人类造市商排他、垄断的交易模式,会让二十年来的进展付之东流。

    But to revert to the clubby , monopolistic days of human NYSE market makers would be to throw away two decades of improvement .

  10. 另一份监管申报文件显示,纳斯达克还将向承诺买入和卖出能源期货达到一定量以上的造市商支付津贴。

    Nasdaq will also pay a stipend to market makers committed to buy and sell energy futures above certain volumes , according to another filing .

  11. 20世纪70年代,凯恩说服高管们成为纽约市发行债券的造市商,在银行内的名望迅速上升,而当时正处残酷的金融危机时期。

    But his reputation within the bank soared in the 1970s when he convinced senior executives to make a market in bonds issued by New York City , then in the midst of a brutal financial crisis .

  12. 根据周一修改后的规定,那些进行真实造市和对冲操作(包括衍生品合约)的造市商可以继续进行卖空操作。

    The new rules as of Monday : Those engaged in bona fide market making and hedging activity , including in derivative contracts , could continue to short .