
  • 网络paper making fiber material
  1. 加拿大短叶松JackPine作为造纸纤维原料的研究进展

    Progress of Research on Jack Pine Application as Fiber Raw Material in the Pulp and Paper Industry

  2. 竹子是我国重要的造纸纤维原料。

    Bamboo is an important raw material for papermaking in China .

  3. 21世纪的造纸纤维原料

    Fiber Resources for Pulp and Paper Industry in the 21 ~ ( st ) Century

  4. 它对造纸纤维原料的快速鉴定和筛选利用具有重要的意义。

    The results can be of great importance for managing and evaluating quality constituents of fibrous raw materials in the future .

  5. 废纸是制浆造纸纤维原料的重要来源,利用生物酶法对废纸浆进行生物脱墨是一种新的造纸生物技术,酶法脱墨所使用的酶种主要是纤维素酶。

    Waste paper is important recycled resource for the paper making industry . A new kind of biotechnology , enzymatic de-inking or bio-deinking for the waste paper pulp using some enzymes from different microorganisms , has been utilized in paper making industry , and the main enzyme used was cellulases .

  6. 主成分分析法在常用造纸植物纤维原料分类中的应用

    Classification of Plant Fibrous Material with Principal Component Analysis

  7. 造纸植物纤维原料制浆前的预处理技术

    Pretreatments of Papermaking Cellulose Raw Materials Before Pulping

  8. 运用主成分分析法构造了常用造纸植物纤维原料分类的模型,并将该方法应用于实例检验。

    The classification model of papermaking plant fibrous material was established by using principal component analysis .

  9. 我国制浆造纸木材纤维原料的现状及发展对策

    Present Situations and Development Strategy on Raw Material of Wood Fiber for Pulp and Paper Industry in China

  10. 红麻是麻纺与造纸重要的纤维原料作物。

    Kenaf is an important fiber crop for textile industry and paper manufacture .

  11. 制浆造纸工业将纤维原料转换成纸浆、纸张以及纸板。

    The pulp and paper industry converts fibrous raw materials into pulp , paper , and paperboard .

  12. 预测了未来我国造纸工业对纤维原料的需求,提出了原料结构调整的指导思想、基本原则、战略目标及全国造纸工业原料基地建设规划的设想;

    The paper predicts the demand of fiber raw material in the forthcoming future and discusses the guideline , principle and target of fiber raw material structure adjustment as well as the plan of fiber raw material base construction .

  13. 目前造纸工业为了节约纤维原料和水资源,大量使用高得率浆、脱墨废纸、涂布损纸以及提高纸机白水循环封闭程度。

    In current papermaking industry , for saving fiber materials and fresh-water , a great deal of high-yield pulps , deinking pulps and coating brakes were used , and the close degree of white water circulation was enhanced .

  14. 本文就国内外造纸工业的一般现状、造纸纤维原料的发展趋势和环境保护等问题作了阐述。

    The general current status of paper industry , the trend of raw materials for papermaking and environmental protection are reviewed in this paper .

  15. 在有些国家,造纸和刨花板工业已开始逐步利用这种木材。开发和应用非木材是解决我国造纸纤维原料短缺的有效途径。

    In some countries paper and chipboard industries have developed to utilize the wood . The exploitation and application of material could be propitious to make up the lack for paper material .