
  • 网络plastic artist
  1. 造型艺术家,乃至与他近似的史诗诗人,沉湎在形象的纯粹观照里。

    The sculptor , as well as his brother , the epic poet , is committed to the pure contemplation of images .

  2. 抒情的天才独能感觉到一个画景象征世界从神秘的玄同忘我之境中产生。这一境界另有一种色彩,一种因果,一种速度,与造型艺术家和史诗诗人的世界绝不相同。

    Out of this mystical process of un-selving , the poet 's spirit feels a whole world of images and similitudes arise , which are quite different in hue , causality , and pace from the images of the sculptor or narrative poet .

  3. 下面是今年最令人难忘的四个设计,包括参与塑造这些造型的一些艺术家们的评论。

    Here are four memorable designs from the year , including commentary from some of the artists who helped shape the looks .

  4. 本文力图从艺术家本体入手,阐明在造型艺术中艺术家情感与理性的关系,分析中西艺术家在造型艺术中情感与理性的不同倾向。

    This thesis , beginning with the identity of artists , attempts to illuminate the relationship between the emotion and reason of artists in the plastic arts and analyze the different emotion and reason tendency of Western and Chinese art in plastic arts .