
  1. 麦积山石窟第133窟造像碑研究综述

    Summarizes The Research On the Buddhist Steles in Cave 133 at Maiji Mountain Grottoes

  2. 北魏豫北佛教造像碑的样式特征与风格演变(上)

    The Modes and Style Evolvement of Joss Statues In North Henan made in the Dynasty of Bei Wei ( I );

  3. 本文主要对刘碑寺造像碑的现状、造像内容进行详细介绍,并对造像题材、风格以及艺术成就进行探索研究。

    This article introduces the actuality , contents in detail , and studies the subject , character and the artistic accomplishment of the monument .

  4. 作者在本部分考证了豫北地方志中收录的北魏造像碑,并对豫北佛教造像碑的地域性特征以及其样式与风格进行了归纳总结。

    The author examined the Bei Wei joss statues recorded in the local chronicles of North Henan , and summed up the regional characters and styles .

  5. 佛、道造像碑是五、六世纪流行于中国北方地区的一种特殊的宗教文化遗存。

    Steles with religious images of Buddhism and Taoism were erected widely in the north of China in the 5th and 6th century as a special form of religion worship .

  6. 本文首次深入地对佛、道造像碑的源流、性质进行了探讨,认为其受中土传统碑石、寺庙、石窟寺中心塔柱等多元文化的影响,直接源流是石窟寺的中心塔柱。

    This article deeply discusses the origin and characters of steles with the images of Buddhism and Taoism for the first time , and reaches the conclusion that these steles were mainly derived from the stupa-shaped column in central grotto while were also influenced by Chinese traditional steles and temples .

  7. 文章对焦作市博物馆收藏的北齐造像从碑体形制、造像内容以及雕造年代等方面进行了论述,并对石刻和与之相关的寺院及文献记载进行了分析。

    This paper discusses the sculpture steles of Beiqi stored in Jiaozuo Municipal Museum in terms of the form , content and age of steles , and analyses the statue steles related to temples and documents .