
  • 网络inner chiasma
  1. 小儿急性腹泻病医院内交叉感染监测与控制

    Monitoring and controlling of cross-infection of acute diarrhea of children in hospitals

  2. 改进医院空调设计防治医院内交叉感染

    Modify the air condition design to prevent the cross infection in hospital

  3. 浅析医院内交叉感染与医院病房空调设计

    The cross - infection In hospital and air - conditioning design in sickroom

  4. 目的通过消化内镜有效的清洗消毒,防止因内镜检查引起的医院内交叉感染。

    OBJECTIVE To effectively clean and disinfect digestive endoscope in order to prevent cross infection in hospital .

  5. 是切断各种传播途径、预防院内交叉感染的有效措施之一。

    It is one of the effective means that block the transmission and cross-infection of patients in hospital .

  6. 以每个周期内交叉口的车辆平均延误作为控制指标,来判断该控制器的控制性能。

    The performance of the controller is evaluated by the average vehicle delay of the intersection in each period .

  7. 时效时间延长,针状析出相增多,在晶粒内交叉生长,珠光体和贝氏体增多。

    With prolonging of aging time , the needle-like precipitated phase increased , and in the internal cross grain growth .

  8. 物体表面的清洁消毒与手卫生对防止鲍曼不动杆菌院内交叉感染具有重要意义。

    Depuratory and disinfection of object surface and hand health are important for preventing cross infection of Acinetobacter baumannii in hospital .

  9. 其次,分析了带内交叉相位调制和带内四波混频效应对再生信号时间抖动的影响。

    The influence of intra-channel cross phase modulation and intra-channel four wave mixing effect on the performance of regeneration signals is investigated .

  10. 因此目前非常重要的是在医院提供足够的空间和必要的有效措施以控制院内交叉感染。

    It is very important to provide adequate space in hospital wards and implement effective infection control measures in order to avoid cross-contamination in hospitals .

  11. 因此,应重视脑卒中患者感染菌的监测,严格控制院内交叉感染,合理使用抗生素。

    Therefore , infection bacteria monitoring should be emphasized in patients with stroke , cross-infection should be strictly controlled , antibiotics should be reasonably applied .

  12. 不同企业的价值模块和模块化价值链在共同的界面标准内交叉连接、融合贯通,形成企业价值网络。

    The value modularity and modular value chains from different enterprises were linked crossly by the common interfacial standard and the enterprises value network was engendered .

  13. 目的探讨影响医院病室空气细菌总数计数检测结果的因素,为控制院内交叉感染提供理论依据。

    OBJECTIVE In order to provide theoretical evidence for controlling cross infection in hospital , the affecting factors of the total bacterial count in the air of ward were studied .

  14. 比较了不同的色散管理系统下,由带内交叉相位调制和带内四波混频引起的定时抖动与寄生脉冲对系统的影响。

    The relationships between impulse power and error bit of the traditional dispersion-compensated systems : pre : post-and hybrid-compensation in the presence of SPM , IXPM and IFWM were investigated .

  15. 进一步推导得到了经过狭缝光阑截取的随机电磁光束通过湍流大气传输,输出平面内交叉谱密度矩阵元的解析表达式。

    Furthermore , analytical expressions are derived for the elements of the cross-spectral density matrix of a stochastic electromagnetic beam truncated by a slit aperture and passing through the turbulent atmosphere .

  16. 作者分析了医院内交叉感染的因素,并介绍了早期诊断及应用抗生素、654-2等药物治疗的体会。

    The causes of hospital cross-infection are analysed . The experience in early diagnosis and application of antibiotics and 654 - 2 in the treatment of this disease is also introduced here .

  17. 通过对手机高温高压消毒,保护了医护人员和患者的安全与健康,有效地控制了院内交叉感染。

    By high temperature and pressure disinfection of dental handpiece , the safe and health of patients and medical care staffs are protected so as to control cross infection in the hospital .

  18. 结论合理应用抗生素、加强被褥消毒、强化洗手等是减少烧伤病区内交叉感染的必要措施。

    CONCLUSIONS To use antibiotic rationally , to strengthen sterilization of bed unit , to wash hands before and after operation are the necessary measures to prevent cross infection in burn wards .

  19. 这种折旧形式允许按百分比折旧,可以允许根据税务的律法在一个期间内交叉,不根据资产的实际损耗记入科目。

    This form of depreciation allows percentage depreciation , possibly staggered within a period allowed by the tax authority , without taking into account the actual wear and tear on the asset .

  20. 根据切割实验证明内脏大神经传入冲动,除了主要在脊髓水平交叉上升外,部分在延髓内交叉。

    Hemisection of the spinal cord showed that the splanchnic afferent pathways ascended bilaterally in the spinal cord and crossed chiefly at the level of the spinal cord , but partially in the medulla .

  21. 在无脉冲作用时域,被激发到单重激发态的粒子数可以通过系统内交叉过程跃迁至三重态,两个子系统耦合在一起。

    However , in the time domain between the subpulses , the population of the singlet excited state will relax to the lowest triplet state through the ISC process . Thus two subsystems are coupled with each other .

  22. 方法闭合复位,模拟骨小梁走向,向股骨头颈内交叉穿入3枚斯氏针,股骨远折段穿入2枚螺纹半针,组合成不规则四边形固定。

    Methods Closed reductions were performed with 3 Steinman 's pins inserted into the head and neck of femur by simulating the orientation of bone trabecula and 2 semi-spiral pins into the proximal femur to make an irregular quadrangle .

  23. 首先,对于工程测试信号,在EMD分解的基础上,利用对数似然检验法确定有用分量范围,然后在此范围内通过交叉对比来提取材料损伤特征信息。

    First of all , for engineering test signal , based on the EMD decomposition , use logarithm likelihood test method to determine the useful components , then is by cross-comparing to extract feature information of material damage within this range .

  24. 卢布对美元的平均内隐交叉商业汇率

    Average implicit cross-commercial rate of the rouble to the US dollar

  25. 结论:膝关节内的交叉韧带囊肿较为少见。

    Conclusion Intraarticular cysts of the cruciate ligaments are uncommon .

  26. 间日疟原虫与异种疟原虫之间的红内期交叉反应抗原分析

    Study on cross-reaction antigens of blood stage between Plasmodium vivax and other species

  27. 防止矩形髓内钉交叉的新方法

    A new method to prevent rectangle nail crossing

  28. 这种情况下,很难控制单向流区域内的交叉污染。

    The cross contamination in this kind of unidirectional flow area is hardly controlled .

  29. 蝶形电极结构载流子注入全内反射交叉脊形光波导开关

    Intersectional Rib Optical Waveguide Switch With Bow-tie Electrode on Carriers Injection Total Internal Reflection

  30. 目的:采用微创性的弹性髓内针交叉固定技术治疗儿童长骨干骨折。

    Objective : To evaluate the results of using elastic flexible intramedullary nailing in the treatment of children 's long bone fractures .