
  • 网络Internal control mechanism;internal control system
  1. 论我国上市公司内控机制的完善

    On Perfecting Internal Control Mechanism of China 's Listed Companies

  2. 合理的内控机制是提高研究生培养质量的关键。

    Efficient internal control mechanism is the key method of improving graduate quality .

  3. 运用CSA创新商业银行内控机制

    Applying CSA to Create Internal Mechanism in the Commercial Bank

  4. 完善采购管理必须强化对采购流程的监督和审计,健全内控机制。而ERP管理和供应链管理(SCN)的发展又推动和提升了采购管理的发展水平。

    To improve the purchase management firstly have to strengthen the supervise and audit of the purchase flow and improve the internal control system , while the development for the SCM & ERP promotes and advances the developmental level of the purchase management .

  5. 本部分主要是从受托人责任缺位产生的道德风险、内控机制不健全产生的经营管理风险以及REITs份额法律性质限制产生的流动性风险这三个方面去揭示投资者可能会面临的法律风险。

    It reveals legal risks investors may face , mainly from three aspects , which are , moral hazard generated from the absence of a fiduciary duty , operational management risk incurred by inadequate internal management mechanisms , and liquidity risk arising from limitation on legal nature of REITs involvement .

  6. 国有商业银行经营风险及内控机制

    State commercial bank 's operating risk and inner control mechanism

  7. 对加强基层银行内控机制建设的思考

    Reflect on Reinforcing the Construction of Self-controlled Mechanism within the Grassroots Bank

  8. 教师心理健康内控机制的思考

    Reflection on Inter-regulation Mechanism of Teachers ' Mental Health

  9. 良好的内控机制是现代企业制度的管理核心。

    Sound inner control mechanism is the supervisory core of modern enterprise system .

  10. 加强内控机制建设;

    To intensify internal control mechanism construction ;

  11. 脆弱性的微观生成机理是由于单一的公有产权结构和薄弱内控机制生成的;

    The micro mechanism is the unitary public property right and the unsubstantial internal-controlling system .

  12. 总经理更换视角下的上市公司内控机制有效性研究

    The Study on Internal Control Mechanism of List Company from the Angle of CEO Change

  13. 基于风险管理的国有商业银行会计内控机制创新

    On the Innovation of Internal Accounting Control Mechanism of State-owned Commercial Bank Based on Risk Management

  14. 建立金融机构风险预警内控机制防范经营风险

    Setup the Inner-Control System of Financial Institution Risk Prediction and Be on Guard against Managing Risk

  15. 对内控机制的影响。

    The impact on internal management .

  16. 有健全的内控机制,制定和实施了统一授信制度;

    They shall have the well-established internal control system and formulate and execute the unified credit system ;

  17. 信息披露制度是金融机构防范风险的内控机制和外控机制的有机结合点。

    The information announcing system is a combining point which connecting the inside and outside controlling mechanism of financial institution .

  18. 最后从国有商业银行内部的信贷管理制度、信贷监管制度及信贷管理组织体系等方面阐述了如何防范国有商业银行信贷风险的内控机制设计。

    At last , the article describes how to restructure the internal control system to prevent credit risk in the bank .

  19. 商业银行开始实施资产负债比例管理和风险管理,加强了内控机制。

    The commercial banks have gradually implemented asset-liability ratio management and risk management mechanism , which enhanced their internal control system .

  20. 内部审计在评价和监督铁通公司内控机制的有效运转,保障铁通公司各项经营的合法、稳健、理性方面起到不可替代的作用。

    Internal audit is irreplaceable in evaluation and oversight of effective functioning , ensurance of legitimate , steady and rational business .

  21. 金融控股集团内部交易的规范有赖于内控机制建设、外部监管、市场披露三个层面的共同作用。

    For effective regulation of financial holding conglomerate relys on collective use of internal control , external supervision and market disclosure .

  22. 内控机制不完善。为保证寿险公司的正常经营,必须加强团体人身综合保险承保风险管理建设。

    We must strengthen underwriting risks management for group personal comprehensive insurance in order to guarantee normal operation of life insurance companies .

  23. 尤其在东亚金融危机以来,以及巴林银行等倒闭后,内控机制建设变得尤为迫切。

    Especially after East Asia Financial Crisis and Bahrain Bank went bankrupt , the construction of the internal control system became more urgent .

  24. 但仅仅依赖于住房置业担保机构自身的风险内控机制,还不足以有效防范其所面临的各种风险。

    But it is not enough to effectively guard against the risks only rely on its own internal control mechanism of security agency .

  25. 加强内控机制建设,是防范和化解基层银行风险的内在要求。

    Reinforcing the construction of self - controlled mechanism is the internal demand for guarding and dispelling the risk within the grassroots bank .

  26. 然后通过法制建设、内控机制及其他制度建设来提出相应的防治对策。

    The law system construction , internal control mechanism and other ways will also be referred to for the remedy of the situation .

  27. 构建全面风险管理体系和内控机制,保证业务稳健发展和银行价值的稳步增长;

    Construct all-round management system of risk and interior control system , ensure to develop the business and increase the bank value firmly ;

  28. 荷兰税务局大企业税收风险管理的方式是通过对企业内控机制的判定来实现的。

    In addition , the Netherlands Tax Bureau has realized the supervision of tax risk in large enterprises by the way of establishing tax internal control .

  29. 内部治理主要表现为基于风险的内控机制,而外部治理则主要体现在政府监管部门的监管以及中介机构和行业自律组织的协调补充。

    The internal governance has the mechanism of risk-based internal control , and the external governance contains supervision of government , mediator and industry self-regulatory organization .

  30. 金融控股公司的内部风险和外部风险,必须借助于有效的法人治理结构、内控机制和外部监管加以防范。

    Effective corporation management structure , internal control mechanism , and outer supervision must be used to keep away internal and external risks of financial holding companies .