
wài huì dài kuǎn
  • foreign exchange loan
  1. 外汇贷款业务以外的其他金融业务收入,按收入全额征收工商统一税,税率为5%;

    Consolidated industrial and commercial tax is levied in full amount of the incomes from other financial businesses than foreign exchange loan business at a 5 percent tax rate ;

  2. 在此基础上,提出了利用金融市场交易规避高速公路外汇贷款利率风险和汇率风险的几种方案及其比较分析。

    This paper , based on the use of financial market transaction evades foreign exchange loan interest rate risk expressway and the exchange rate risk and comparative analysis of several schemes .

  3. 在周三发布的一份声明中,俄罗斯央行(BankofRussia)表示,会向为俄大型出口商提供外汇贷款的银行出借美元和欧元,作为贷款的抵押。

    In a statement published on Wednesday , the Bank of Russia said it would lend dollars and euros to banks putting up foreign currency loans to big exporters as collateral .

  4. 贵行能否给我们提供一笔外汇贷款?

    Could you supply a foreign exchange loan to us ?

  5. 它们甚至连外汇贷款增长都未能遏制。

    They did not even curb foreign-exchange borrowing .

  6. 公路建设外汇贷款风险管理研究

    The Research on the Risk Management of Foreign Currency Debt of Highway Construction Units

  7. 一些国家的外汇贷款无法偿还的机率也加大了。

    Chances are greater that foreign currency loans in some countries will not be paid back .

  8. 银行外汇贷款数据显示,一些公司借款者可能也一直在进行外汇投机。

    Bank foreign exchange lending numbers suggest some corporate borrowers may also have been conducting currency speculation .

  9. 本文结合公路建设外汇贷款资金流的特点,在外汇贷款的提款期、还款期推荐了不同的外汇贷款风险管理方法,并分析了湖南省各别项目的贷款风险,推荐了几种风险管理方案。

    The paper recommends the different method of risk management to the different periods of cash flow .

  10. 银行要优先给予企业人民币及外汇贷款支持;

    The banks shall give priority consideration to the granting of loans to Enterprises both in RMB and foreign exchanges .

  11. 国内贷款合同及有关文件的准备,包括工商贷款、外资企业贷款、外汇贷款;

    Drafting domestic commercial loan agreements , including industrial and commercial loans , foreign invested enterprises loans , and foreign currency loans ;

  12. 公路建设使用大量的外汇贷款,背负沉重债务负担的同时,面临着巨大的汇率风险。

    Large amount of exchanges will be used in road construction , and a heavy burden of debt and great risk of exchange rate will be faced .

  13. 外汇贷款业务的利息收入,按减去利息支出后的差额计算征收工商统一税,税率为5%。

    I.Consolidated industrial and commercial tax is levied at a5 percent rate on interest incomes from foreign-exchange loan business by calculating the balance after subtracting interest expenditure .

  14. 同时,大量浮动利率的外汇贷款,在市场利率变幻莫测的情况下,也有遭受巨大损失的可能性。

    Meanwhile , a lot of loan in foreign currency in floating interest rate may suffer enormous lost in a situation that the market interest rate is changeable .

  15. 2004年,印度领导人对非居民投资者设置了繁琐的手续,还采取了限制外汇贷款等等措施,以此遏制大量资金流入本国。

    Consider India where , in 2004 , leaders resisted a flood of incoming capital by throwing red tape at non-resident investors , restricting foreign-exchange borrowing and so on .

  16. 在脱维亚贷款中占比超过90%的外汇贷款特别令人担忧,因为借贷者原本依靠本国货币的收益偿还贷款,而本币的贬值给他们带来了额外的压力。

    Foreign exchange loans , ranging to 90 per cent of lending in Latvia , are a particular concern because of the extra burden on borrowers who make repayments out of local currency earnings .

  17. 在这段时间内,外资银行的纷纷进入,在外汇贷款、国际结算、人民币业务等领域已经占有了相当的份额。

    During this period , foreign banks are now coming into China in succession and will have occupied considerable sections of the total market in the field of foreign exchange , international settlement and RMB operation .

  18. 湖南省高速公路建设进行外汇贷款风险管理是高速公路建设自身的客观要求,同时也是国家外债整体安全和国际资本市场的客观要求。

    Hunan Province highway construction on foreign exchange loan risk management is the highway construction itself , but also the objective requirement of national debt overall safety and the objective requirement of the international capital market .

  19. 虽然在高速公路建设外汇贷款风险管理工作中仍存在诸如外汇贷款风险管理机制不够完善等困难,但目前进行外汇贷款风险管理工作是完全可行的。

    Although in highway construction foreign exchange loan risk management work still exist in the foreign exchange loan risk management mechanism , such as imperfect difficulties , but the current foreign exchange loan risk management work is completely feasible .

  20. 本文从湖南省高速公路建设及其使用外汇贷款的实际出发,分析了湖南省高速公路建设进行外汇贷款风险管理的必要性与可行性及进行外汇贷款风险管理工作中存在的困难。

    This research from Hunan Province highway construction and using foreign exchange loan reality , Hunan Province highway construction on foreign exchange loan risk management , the necessity and feasibility of foreign exchange loan risk management and problems in work .

  21. 贷款余额为273亿美元,占全部外汇贷款的23.7%,存款余额为48.1亿美元,占全部外汇存款的5.5%。

    The foreign banks had a loan balance of us $ 27.3 billion and a deposit balance of us $ 4.81 billion , accounting for23.7 percent of the aggregate foreign exchange lending and5.5 percent of the total foreign exchange deposits in china .

  22. 改革开放以来,湖南省高速公路建设使用了大量的外汇贷款,尤其是美元与日元贷款,而在目前的利率与汇率制度下,不可避免地面临着巨大的外汇贷款风险,尤其是利率风险与汇率风险。

    Since the reform and opening , construction of Hunan Province highways uses a lot of foreign exchange loan , especially Japanese yen loans and American dollars . These loans face huge foreign exchange loan risk of interest rate risk under the current foreign exchange system .

  23. 最大的外汇抵押贷款公司EcuGroup,为伦敦金融城700余名业主管理着价值约8亿英镑的抵押贷款。

    Ecu Group , the biggest currency mortgage company , runs about 800m worth of them for more than 700 City homeowners .

  24. 纵观其过程,可以总结出以下几点经验:加强营销、完善信贷机制降低不良资产、加强外汇转贷款管理以及注重专业人才的培养。

    Throughout the process , it can be summed up the following experience : Strengthen sale , perfect credit mechanism to reduce non-performing assets , strengthen foreign exchange loan management and pay attention to the training of professionals .

  25. 中国银行吉林省分行是中国银行在吉林省设立的区域性机构,目前在外汇存贷款、国际结算、外汇资金和银行卡等业务领域居于业内领先地位。

    As the territorial agent of Bank of China in Jilin Province , Bank of China Jilin Branch has been overwhelming in the business areas of Forex business , international accounting , credit card , and so on .

  26. 所以正确政策引导和政策支持是当务之急,例如可以给予劳动力密集型出口导向型的加工贸易小型企业科研投入的税收优惠和进口国外先进技术和设备的外汇低息贷款。

    As a result the right policy guide and support to Export oriented enterprise is urgent issue . For example to offer tax favorable term and low-interest loan to small Labor intensive and Export oriented enterprise who want to import high-tec equipment form foreign market .

  27. 外汇抵押人民币贷款

    Renminbi loans mortgaged by foreign exchange

  28. 办理外汇存款和贷款、国际汇兑结算、外汇票据贴现、外汇见证担保等业务。

    Handle foreign exchange deposits and loans , international remittance and settlement , foreign exchange Bill discount , witness and guarantee .

  29. 运用出口信贷、外汇抵押人民币贷款和按出口收汇率分类指导贷款等方面,积极支持外贸企业扩大出口。

    Export credit , foreign exchange mortgage RMB loans and classified lending guidance based on export receipts ratios will all be used to assist foreign trade enterprises to increase exports .

  30. 境内外汇筹资转贷款可以保证外汇资金来源与运用在币种、金额、期限等条件上完全匹配,从而可以在实现中间业务收入的同时完全规避期限和条件上的错配风险。

    It can ensure the source of foreign exchange and using funds perfectly matched in the currency , amount , time limit conditions , thus it can realize the intermediate business income and completely avoid the mismatch risk in terms and conditions .