
  1. 这四家外资法人银行将在完成工商登记等法定手续后正式对外营业。

    The four foreign corporate banking business registrations and other legal formalities to be completed after the official business .

  2. 于上周获得全面人民币业务牌照的星展、恒生等第二批外资法人银行,目前仍处于相关业务及产品的准备阶段。

    Last week was full of RMB business license DBS , and the second batch of Hang Seng Bank foreign legal persons , are still in business and related products for the stage .

  3. 昨天,据国务院法制办公室副主任宋大涵解释,条例规定只有在中国注册的外资法人银行才可全面经营人民币业务,主要是为了防止外资银行总行的金融危机波及到其在中国的分行。

    The requirement is aimed at preventing global financial woes of foreign banks from spilling over to their branches in china , song dahan , vice-minister of the state council 's legislative affairs office , said yesterday .

  4. 普华永道报告显示,现有76家外资银行在华经营业务,其中有20家已设立外资法人银行,因而可以提供范围更广的人民币产品服务。

    The PWC report cites that 76 foreign banks are now operating in China , with 20 having locally incorporated their operations to enable them to offer a wider range of local currency products .

  5. 外资银行扩张计划所面临的诸多挑战中,包括近期监管政策变化限制了外资法人银行的借贷量,以及人才严重短缺。

    Among the challenges facing the expansion plans of foreign banks are the recent regulatory changes restricting the amount that locally incorporated banks can lend , and acute talent shortages .