
  1. 通过多时相航空遥感影像和MSS、TM、ETM卫星遥感影像的解译、对比,分析渤海湾北部滨外沙坝近50年来的演变过程。

    This paper systematically analyzes the evolution of offshore bars in the north area of the Bohai Sea bay in the recent 50 years based on interpreting and comparatively analyzing both the multi-temporal aerial remote sensing images and satellite remote sensing images such as MSS , TM , ETM .

  2. 华东地区植被概况江苏岸外沙脊群的地貌形态及动力格局

    Geomorphology responses on dynamics pattern of Jiangsu Offshore sandbanks , eastern China

  3. 渤海湾北部滨外沙坝演变的遥感分析

    Sandy Beach ; Analysis on Evolution of Offshore Bars in the North Area of the Bohai Sea Bay Using Remote Sensing

  4. 海湾内由滨外沙坝形成的其它岛屿或沙嘴,通常显示同样的岸线特点。

    Other islands that rise from offshore bars within a bay , or that from spits , commonly show the same shoreline characteristics .

  5. 砂体受波浪的改造搬运再沉积,在河口沙坝前方形成与岸线近似平行的滨外沙坝砂体。

    The transformation of sand transport by waves and then deposited in the estuary sand bar formed in front of approximately parallel with the coast shoreline outside the sand bar sand .

  6. 研究结果显示,绿潮起源于黄海南部辐射沙洲(俗称外沙)条斑紫菜养殖筏架,该区域特殊的地理位置和养殖作业方式,是绿潮漂浮群体形成的根源。

    The results showed that the blooms originated in Porphyra yezoensis cultivation raft in the outer radial sand ridges in south Yellow Sea , in which , the special circumstance and cultivation pattern were attributed to the formation of floating green algae group .

  7. 论文基于粒子系统方法对沙尘暴这一自然现象进行实时仿真展现,主要研究内容如下:首先,对国内外沙尘暴仿真现状进行了分析。

    The real-time simulation that based on particle system method of sandstorm phenomenon is displayed in this paper . The study in the thesis is as follows : Firstly , the current situation of sandstorm simulation in domestic and foreign has been studied .

  8. 相同处理浓度下,除工业城市包头正常天气的PM2.5及其有机提取物处理的微核率显著高于沙尘(p0.01)外,沙尘暴和正常天气样品处理结果无显著差异(p0.05);

    In the same concentrations , the treatments of dust storm samples and normal samples were not significant different ( p0.05 ) except the treatments of normal ambient air PM2.5 from Baotou city and its organic extracts were significant higher than those of dust storm ( p0.01 ) .

  9. 晚期为2ka至今的海平面缓慢波动期,以现代苏北岸外辐射沙脊群为代表。

    And the late stage was a period of slow sea level fluctuation from 2 ka to present when the radiant ridges were formed off North Jiangsu Province coast .

  10. 江苏岸外海底沙脊群西洋水道的稳定性分析

    Stability analysis of Xiyang channnel in submarine sand ridges offshore of Jiangsu

  11. 江苏岸外辐射沙脊群烂沙洋潮流通道稳定性研究

    Stability of major tidal channel in radial submarine sand ridges system off Jiangsu Province

  12. 江苏岸外潮流沙脊群形成的过程与机制

    Developing Process and Mechanism of Tidal Sand Ridges off the Coast of Jiangsu Province

  13. 江苏岸外辐射沙脊群东沙稳定性研究

    Stability study on the Dongsha Sandbanks in submarine radial sand ridges field off Jiangsu Coast

  14. 苏北岸外海底沙脊群内大洪水道的稳定性分析

    Study of the stability of Dahong tidal channel in the North Jiangsu offshore submarine ridges

  15. 需外的沙家浜风景区,更是因为一典京剧《沙家浜》而名震大江南北,成为了常熟的旅游必不可少的一处红色旅游项目。

    The Shajiabang scenic area outside the city was so famous because of , a Beijing Opera and has become a must for a vocation in Changshu .

  16. 东沙是江苏岸外辐射沙脊群中的第二大沙洲,具有独特的地形地貌和水动力条件,对它进行稳定性研究为揭示整个辐射沙洲及其邻近岸滩的动态演变都非常有益。

    Dongsha sandbank is one of the largest sandbanks in the radial submarine sand ridges system off Jiangsu Province . It has special landform characters and hydrodynamic condition .

  17. 综述了国内外海底沙脊地貌的研究成果、技术方法以及东中国海沙脊研究中存在的问题。

    Some study results and technologies of submarine sand ridges geomorphology are summarized , and several unfathomed issues of sand ridges on the eastern China seas are discussed in this paper .

  18. 输沙通道方式延长沉沙池使用时间,清淤量小且无池外弃沙,回淤量小,适当维护可保持输水输沙条件,整体减沙运行效果十分明显。

    Sediment transport channel way to extend the use of settling basin , dredging small pool outside the abandoned sand , a small amount of siltation , proper maintenance can keep the water transfer sediment transport conditions , the overall reduction of sand run effect is very obvious .

  19. 汕头港外栏门沙整治措施研究

    Studies of the regulation measured to the sand bar outside Shantou harbour

  20. 8422柱状岩心补充了若干现代南黄海沙脊群&苏北岸外辐射状沙脊群的特征。

    And column core 8422 has complemented many characteristics of modern South Yellow Sea sand ridges-radiant sand ridges off North Jiangsu Province .

  21. 系统地介绍了国内外河口悬沙通量研究的进展,目前对于河口悬沙通量主要采用模型研究、水文学方法、机制分解、仪器直接测量等方法从理论和实际相结合的角度来进行研究。

    The progress of the suspended sediment flux in the world is reviewed in this paper , the methods of researching in theory , simulation experiment , mathematical modeling , hydrological , mechanism analysis and field measurement with the advanced instruments have been adopted to study the suspended sediment flux .

  22. 长江口北槽口外细颗粒悬沙沉降速度

    Settling Velocity of Fine Suspended Sediment in the Changjiang Estuary

  23. 丹东新港外航道的悬沙分析对航道稳定性的初步探讨

    Analysis of suspension in outer waterway off the new Dan Dong port & a tentative discussion on stability of the waterway

  24. 除了词这一形式外,《浣溪沙》还作为一个曲牌出现在宋元明南曲中。

    In addition to the form word , Huan XiSha also appeared in the Yuan Ming southern melody as a tune .

  25. 分析结果表明,修正后的流速剖面更符合实际情况,边界层参数除了受水流加速度的影响外,还和沙纹等因素有关。

    The analysis indicates that the parameters are associated not only with the acceleration or deceleration of currents but also with sand ripples .