
  • Jin Xin;【人名】Xin Jin
  1. 金鑫甚至把苏格兰酿造的高度数麦芽啤酒BrewmeisterSnakeVenom卖到了大约2700元人民币一瓶。

    Mr. Jin even sold a bottle of Brewmeister Snake Venom , a high-alcohol barleywine-style beer from Scotland , for about 2700 renminbi , or more than $ 420 .

  2. 金鑫的一个酒吧牛啤堂(NBeerPub)坐落在北京老城区里的一块休闲之处,现在有很多中国年轻人光顾这里,饮用DeliriumTremens、LindemansFramboise和BrewdogPunkIPA之类的进口啤酒。

    Now , one of Mr. Jin 's bars , NBeerPub , tucked away in a laid-back part of Beijing 's old town , buzzes with young Chinese customers ordering imports like Delirium Tremens , Lindemans Framboise and Brewdog Punk IPA .

  3. 欢迎各界朋友莅临温岭市金鑫工具厂参观、指导和业务洽谈。

    Welcome all friends to visit the guidance wenling city xinhui tool factory and business cooperation .

  4. 与金鑫公司的首次合作,我公司深表荣幸!

    It 's a great honor for us to cooperate with Jinxin for the first time .

  5. 为了绿色的承诺&浙江桐庐金鑫宾馆创建绿色饭店纪实

    For the green promise

  6. 温岭市金鑫工具厂的诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。

    Wenling city xinhui tool factory of the good faith , the strength and product quality for the industry 's approval .

  7. 很少人能吸引公众的注意力,比起金鑫,他是个浅色皮肤的人,看起来像个绅士。

    Few people are as likely to attract more public attention as Jin , a light-skin man , who looks like a gentlemen .

  8. 香港——金鑫十年前刚开始销售进口优质啤酒的时候,他的酒吧经理预计或许一、两个月才能卖出一箱。

    HONG KONG - When Jin Xin first started selling imported premium beer a decade ago , his bar manager predicted that it would take a month or two just to sell a single case .

  9. 委托人聘用代理人提供如下法律服务,但并不仅限于此:因金鑫工业集团违反与委托人的合资合同所产生的所有法律纠纷。

    The services that client employs attorneys to perform include but are not limited to : to represent the client in any claim , cause of action or defense that client may have against jinxin , relative to jinxin 's breach of a joint venture contract with client .