
  • 网络Jinghai;jinghai county
  1. 静海县浅层咸水赋存条件及动态特征

    Occurrence and dynamic characteristics of shallow salt groundwater in Jinghai County

  2. 静海县土壤中的主要污染物为远距离迁移而来的化石燃料的燃烧产物。

    The main PAHs contaminant source in Jinghai County wasthe production of incomplete combustion of fossil fuels which were transported over long distances by atmosphere movement .

  3. 天津市的农村社区主要分布在武清区、宝坻区、滨海新区和静海县、宁河县、蓟县一带。

    The rural communities of Tianjin mainly distribute in Wuqing , Baodi , Binhai district and Jinghai , Ninghe area .