
  1. 企业宏管理是对业主、顾客、员工三者的管理,三者的利益关系构成了企业的静态利益三角关系。

    Enterprise 's great management refers to the management of the owners , the customer and the staff .

  2. 结果表明,拓展并培育民营企业家资源可有效增进我国的静态比较利益和动态比较利益,这是增进我国比较利益的关键所在。

    It showed that the appearance and growth of private entrepreneur resources can promote the comparative benefit effectively .

  3. 一般认为,国际贸易利益由两部分构成:静态贸易利益和动态贸易利益。

    Generally speaking , the trade benefits can be divided into two parts : static benefits and dynamic benefits .

  4. 国家利益的存在使这种静态比较利益的实现遇到障碍。

    The existence of nation interest makes the realization of this kind of static state comparative interest run into the obstacle .

  5. 它是使人们从追求静态比较利益的思维模式中解放出来,转而追求动态递增的比较利益。

    It makes people liberate out from the thoughtcast which pursue the static comparative interests , then pursue the dynamical comparative interests .

  6. 第四部分结合中国的加工贸易的实际,具体分析了中国在垂直专业化分工下不利的贸易现状,并从贸易条件层面证实了我国静态贸易利益流失的事实。

    The fourth part takes a example of processing trade , analyzes the adverse status in international trade and proves the loss benefits of static trade in China from the aspect of TOT .

  7. 比较优势理论过分强调静态的贸易利益,而竞争优势理论主张贸易利益的动态性。

    Comparative advantage puts emphasis on static trade benefits excessively , but competitive advantage emphasizes dynamic trade benefits .

  8. 静态上讲,利益协调是不同利益主体与利益客体以及同一主体的不同利益之间表现出的和谐状况。

    On the one hand , interest coordination is the harmonious co-existence of different interest subjects and objects , and the different aspects of the same interest subject .