
  • 网络static memory;SRAM;dynamic memory
  1. 数据区域同时包括静态分配的内存(比如全局和静态数据)和动态分配的内存(通常称为堆)。

    The data region includes both statically allocated memory ( such as global and static data ) and dynamically allocated memory ( often called the heap ) .

  2. 用十字链表存储导纳矩阵元素,可有效地克服以往静态数组浪费内存的缺点.当网络结构改变时,导纳矩阵的动态存储结构能够快速地实现导纳矩阵的修改,从而减少整个潮流计算的时间。

    At the same time , when the power system structure is changed , the new dynamic method can rapidly modify the element of conduction matrix , and reduce the time of load flow .

  3. 新方法中,先建立程序的函数动态调用树,其中包含程序分配释放内存的信息,再在调用树中总结程序的静态性质,为内存泄漏定位提供有价值的信息。

    In the new approach , dynamic function calling tree with data about memory allocation and release of the running program is constructed first , then the static property of the program is extracted from the dynamic tree which provides some valuable information for memory leak detection and location .