
  • 网络memory bandwidth
  1. 数据每遍历用户内核一次,就要被拷贝一次,这会消耗CPU周期和内存带宽。

    Each time data traverses the user-kernel boundary , it must be copied , which consumes CPU cycles and memory bandwidth .

  2. 内存带宽是低端系统用于ATMUNI时的主要瓶颈之一。

    Memory bandwidth is one of the main bottlenecks in low-end systems for ATM UNI .

  3. 这些工作负荷会占用大量的浮点单元或内存带宽。

    These workloads heavily use either the floating-point units or the memory bandwidth .

  4. 它包含了很多的优化,可最小化内存带宽,因而更适合于小型的便携设备。

    It includes a number of optimizations that minimize memory bandwidth and therefore make it ideal for smaller , portable devices .

  5. 测试结果表明,本路由协议具有组网迅速、拓扑反应灵敏、对CPU、内存和带宽开销较小等显著优点。

    The result shows that this routing protocol has the obvious advantages of fast networking , sensitive topological reaction and low overhead on CPU 、 memory and bandwidth .

  6. 同样由于节点性能的差异,网络中个别节点可能没有足够的CPU时间片、内存和带宽来完成消息的转发,导致了网络的分裂。

    For the same reason of the nodes ' difference performance , the network may become division because those specific nodes may have not enough CPU time block , memory and bandwidth to complete the transmitting of messages . 3 .

  7. 现代图形应用系统需要绘制大量的几何体,这给绘制硬件带来内存、带宽等问题。

    Modern graphics application systems have to render many geometric datasets , thus facing the problems of memory and bandwidth .

  8. 然而,由于无线移动设备电池,内存和带宽有限,许多已存在的认证协议不适合于无线移动通信中,因此设计出适用于无线移动设备的安全协议是十分重要。

    However , due to the mobile devices typical with constraints on available power consumption , bandwidth and storage limitation , most of these existing authenticated key agreement protocols are not suitable for wireless mobile communications .

  9. 由于这些网络功能需要消耗大量的能量、内存、带宽等资源,一些自私或恶意的节点为了节约自身的资源而不参与合作。

    As a result of these network functions need to consume a large amount of energy , memory , bandwidth , and other resources , some selfish or malicious nodes in order to save their own resources without the participation and cooperation .

  10. 主要的可用资源包括CPU、内存和网络带宽。

    The major resources available include CPU , memory , and networking bandwidth .

  11. 一个Web页面不会妨碍其他Web页面的发送,尽管可能会由于诸如服务器内存或网络带宽之类的受限资源而使它们相互之间略有妨碍。

    One Web page doesn 't block delivery of another , although they might interfere with each other slightly for such constrained resources as server memory or network bandwidth .

  12. 保证VIOS具有足够的CPU、内存和网络带宽。

    Make sure VIOS has sufficient CPU , memory , and network bandwidth .

  13. 这个资源管理工具可以管理CPU、内存和磁盘带宽。

    This is also a resource management tool , which lets you manage CPU , memory , and disk bandwidth .

  14. 为了保证QoS,计算机系统和网络系统必须分配足够的CPU、I/O、内存和网络带宽资源。

    Computer systems and network systems must allocate enough resources such as CPU , I / O , memory and bandwidth to guarantee the QoS .

  15. 虽然CPU的时钟频率下降,内存和I/O带宽并没有减少,使相当均衡的表现要实现跨越大多数应用。

    While the CPU clock rates are down , memory and I / O bandwidth wasn 't reduced , allowing fairly balanced performance to be achieved across most applications .

  16. 指出ECC与RSA、DSA等传统公钥密码体制在安全性、速度、内存需求、带宽需求等方面各自所具有的优势。

    Point out that ECC has many advantages over RSA and DSA , especially on security , speed , memory requirement , bandwidth requirement .

  17. 该机制主要利用字节码重写技术,在不修改主动代码的前提下可以实现服务的强制性终止和针对主体的CPU、内存以及网络带宽的资源监控。

    By means of byte code rewritten , the mechanism can forcibly unload the given service and can monitor main CPU , memory and networking bandwidth resources without modifying any of original code .

  18. 这些特征意味着服务实现最终在一个或多个物理容器中运行,容器具有有限的CPU周期、存储空间、内存、网络带宽等资源。

    These characteristics recognize that service realization ultimately runs in one or more physical containers with limited resources such as CPU cycles , storage , memory , network bandwidth , and so on .

  19. 一个可伸缩的程序能够通过使用更多的处理器、内存或者I/O带宽来相应地处理更大的工作负载。

    A scalable program can handle a proportionally larger workload with more processors , memory , or I / O bandwidth .

  20. 在一个特定的打印系统开发的早期,原型测试显示出没有充足的处理器、内存和数据带宽来满足指定的页面打印目标。

    Early in a particular printing system 's development , prototype testing revealed that there was insufficient processor , memory , and data bandwidth available to meet specified page printing targets .

  21. 此外,性能还受到工作负载类型、服务所需的质量和底层硬件(处理器、磁盘、内存和网络带宽)的规格的影响。

    Performance is also influenced by the type of workload , the required quality of service and the specification of the underlying hardware ( processors , disks , memory , network bandwidth ) .

  22. 在共享内存并行中,考虑到的内存带宽的限制,两线程和四线程分别取得了1.55和2.26的加速比。

    In shared-memory parallelization , we got a accelerate ratio of 1.55 and 2.26 with 2 and 4 threads .