
  • 网络MEMORY;Memory Failure
  1. 基于指针映射集的动态内存故障测试方法研究

    Research on Dynamic Memory Faults Testing Method Based on Pointer Mapping Sets

  2. 尽管内存故障会导致严重的问题,但对家用机而言,内存故障导致的严重后果要比服务器上的低得多。

    While memory errors can cause serious problems , they 're a lot less serious for PCs than for servers , Glaskowsky said .

  3. 该DDR2内存故障注入工具还能够对注入的有效性进行判断并回收,可以对注入结果进行保存和管理。

    The tool also can judge the validity of fault injection which can be saved and managed .

  4. 在大量工程软件测试数据的基础上,提出了有工程背景的多种故障模型,包括动态内存故障模型,变量的定值与引用故障模型等。

    By analysis the cause of software fault , some software fault models are built , such as variable 's defining and using fault model , dynamic memory fault model , and so on .

  5. 内存泄漏故障静态测试方法研究

    Research on Static Testing Method of Memory Leak Faults

  6. 软件内存错误故障原因分析及其防范

    Analysis of the memory errors of software and prevention

  7. 这篇论文主要对实时嵌入式数据库进行了研究。嵌入式实时内存数据库故障恢复技术

    The study of the real-time embedded database is described in the paper . A Crash Recovery Technique for Embedded Real-Time Main Memory Databases

  8. 提出了一种新的指针分析方法,通过静态分析程序中指针的映射关系来检测内存泄漏故障;

    A new pointer analysis method is put forward which detects memory leak faults of software by analyzing static relationship of pointer mapping .

  9. 测试结果表明,该方法能够有效检测内存泄漏故障,而且误报率也较低。

    Results of experimentation show that this method can detect memory leak faults effectively , and the probability of producing false positives is lower .

  10. 大多数管理员不经常使用ps命令对可能存在的内存瓶颈进行故障排除。

    Most administrators tend to shy away from ever using the ps command to troubleshoot a possible memory bottleneck .

  11. 一种分布式实时内存数据库的系统故障恢复模式

    A scheme for crash recovery of distributed real-time main memory database

  12. 实时数据库系统的内存数据库组织与故障恢复人工智能在数据库组织技术中的研究与应用

    A MAIN MEMORY DATABASE ORGANIZATION AND RECOVERY TECHNIQUES IN REAL-TIME DATABASE SYSTEMS The research and application of artificial intelligence in technology of database organization

  13. 描述了一起电子式普通三相电能表计度器与内存不符的故障处理过程。

    This paper describes a fault 's treatment process which is caused by the inconsistency of general three-phase electric energy meter and the memory .

  14. 在生产实践中最常见的内存管理问题有:内存泄漏、内存碎片、内存保护以及发生内存方面的故障时无法得到有效的内存信息而无法定位故障等。

    In developing , mostly familiar problems are : memory leaking , memory fragments , memory protects and difficult memory fault as lack of effectual memory information , etc.