
  • 网络Memory Speed
  1. 所以一个假设特定网络设备的测试,例如,或者Systemz工具集内存速度在RationalDeveloperforSystemzUT上可能无效。

    So a test that presumes a particular network device , for example , or System z toolset memory speed of would not be valid on Rational Developer for System z UT .

  2. 如果存在数据,您就得到一次缓存命中(cachehit),并以内存速度获取项(几十纳秒)。

    If the data is there , then you have a cache hit and you get the item you want at memory speed ( tens of a nanosecond ) .

  3. 处理器速度比内存速度增加得更快导致了所谓的处理器与内存墙问题,为了弥补这种差距,现代计算机主要依赖一个具有容量小而速度快的cache的存储层次组织。

    Processor speed has been increasing at a much greater rate than memory speed leading to the so called processor-memory gap . In order to compensate for this gap in performance , modern computers rely heavily on a hierarchical memory organization with a small amount of fast memory called cache .

  4. 因此,write-behind缓存在访问所有写入数据以及所有缓存命中读取时都能提供内存速度,而且还有一些其他好处,我们将在下文介绍。

    Thus , a write-behind cache gives you memory speed for accessing data on all writes , and for all cache-hit reads , and has other benefits that you will see later .

  5. 但是,内存速度几乎没有增长。

    But memory speed has not increased at anywhere near this rate .

  6. 如果所有数据都在缓存中,那么只需从磁盘读取一次数据;毕竟,所有的请求都可以用内存速度从缓存中得到满足。

    If all the data fits in the cache , then the data is read from disk only once ; after that , all requests are satisfied from the cache at memory speed .

  7. 同样,这里会出现内存和速度之间的传统折衷,因为压缩减少了内存消耗,但该压缩需要消耗CPU周期。

    Again , the classic trade-off between memory and speed arises , as compression reduces memory consumption but that compression requires cycles .

  8. 整个系统的功能满足了设计的预期,但性能基准测试结果表明,系统在CPU运行速度,内存访问速度和I/O吞吐量方面都有较为明显的性能损失,还存在性能优化的空间。

    The entire system to meet the design expectations , but the benchmark results show that the system has much obvious performance loss , there is room for performance optimization .

  9. 这不仅避免了使用hub服务器的需求,而且VLAN还允许LotusDomino服务器之间以内存的速度而不是LAN的速度相互通信。

    Not only does this ability remove the need for a hub server , but VLAN allows the Lotus Domino servers to communicate with each other at memory speeds , not LAN speeds .

  10. 因为具有高Symmetrix缓存读中率的工作负载都是以内存访问速度实现的,所以在EFD中存储所需要的数据可能不会对性能有大的改进。

    Because workloads with high Symmetrix cache read-hit rates are serviced at memory access speed , storing the data needed on EFDs may not result in a significant increase in performance .

  11. 共享内存是速度最快的进程间通信技术,而且非常灵活。

    Shared memory is the fastest of the interprocess communications options available and is quite flexible .

  12. 当然,在使用迭代器时,要在占用的内存和速度之间有所取舍。

    Of course , there is a trade-off between memory used and the speed penalty of running through the iterator .

  13. 在各种复杂的分支传动扭振系统中,由于计算工作量大而对计算机内存及速度提出了一定的要求。

    In complex branched transmission systems , the calculation of the torsional vibration demands the computer to have more memory and fast speed .

  14. 但是,由于排料问题的复杂性,实现微型机自动排料受到微型机内存和速度限制。

    Due to the complication of the stock cutting problem , microcomputer-aided automatic stock cutting is limited by the memory and speed of the computer .

  15. 由于TCP/IP协议比较复杂,受单片机内存和速度限制,如何将TCP/IP协议简化是本文所要研究和解决的重点问题。

    Because of complexity of TCP / IP and limited resources of MCU , how to predigest TCP / IP is the emphasis in this thesis .

  16. 另一方面,由于普通计算机内存和速度的限制,递归法往往无法实现求解高阶偏相干系数,这大大限制了其使用可能。

    However , on the other hand , the iterative method is not fit to calculate the high order coherency because of the limitations of the memory and speed in a regular computer .

  17. 此方法意味着脚本在不同的机器上可能会运行不同的时间长度,可用内存和CPU速度可以影响一条独立语句运行所花费的时间。

    This approach means that the script may run for different periods of time on different machines , as the available memory and CPU speed can affect how long it takes to execute a single statement .

  18. 因此,在实际计算时,由内存、收敛速度和计算速度等方面考虑,Krylov子空间的维数m不应该太大。

    Therefore , the dimension m of Krylov subspace should not be too much from memory , convergence and computational considerations .

  19. 但是在计算金属屏蔽盒外部远场情况时,如果还直接使用时域有限差分法,现有的计算机内存和CPU速度是根本不可能的。

    It is problematic to directly determine the far field outside the metal enclosure by using FDTD method because of the necessity of modeling the entire interest space , both from the CPU and memory point of view .

  20. 封装形式对内存芯片的速度、容量、电气性能、散热效能、抗干扰、品质等产生明显影响本文评价了DRAM的产品类型、市场状况、封装趋势、内存模块动态,并展望了其发展前景

    Packaging style can effect the speed , capacity , electronic performance , scatter efficiency , anti-jamming , and quality of the DRAM chip . The DRAM production types , market status , packaging trend , DRAM module developments and the packaging technology 's development foreground are described in this paper

  21. 基于内存的缓存速度快,而基于网络的缓存的可伸缩性比较好。

    Memory-based caching is fast , and network-based caches are scalable .

  22. 该算法具有合理利用内存,收敛速度快等优点。

    Subspace method uses storage reasonably and converges rapidly .

  23. 高速缓存器技术可以有效地弥补处理器和内存之间的速度差异;

    Caches are widely used to reduce the speed gap between processors and memories .

  24. 内存控制器的速度和效率,对计算机系统的整体性能有较大影响。

    The access speed and efficiency have great influence on the whole performance of computer system .

  25. 由于它占用内存大、速度慢,并且冗长,所以经常受到人们的指责。

    It often gets criticized for using too much memory , being too slow , and / or being too verbose .

  26. 其实我们并不是很清楚我们将会面临什么样的挑战,但是计算机的内存和运转速度着实是一项真正的挑战。

    Tomlinson : We didn 't really know it , but the size and speed of computers was a real challenge .

  27. 在脚本中最好是小心地使用闭包,内存和运行速度都值得被关注。

    It 's best to exercise caution when using closures in your scripts , as they have both memory and execution speed concerns .

  28. 样例选择是通过调整内存、处理器速度、处理器数量等配置选项产生的。

    This sample selection occurred by adjusting the memory , processor speeds , and number of processors , to name a few of the configuration options .

  29. 在现有计算机内存和运算速度条件下,电性各向异性地层中频率域电磁响应的数值模拟是一个难点。

    The numeric simulation of electromagnetic responses in frequency domain for electrical anisotropic formation is a challenge in current conditions of computer memory and operation speed .

  30. 通过控制表实现计算机模糊控制,可以降低对计算机内存容量和速度的要求,控制表根据人们对控制对象的认识和操作经验确定的模糊控制规则离线处理。

    Computer fuzzy control with control table may reduce the level of memory size and computing speed . Control table can be off-line gained by fuzzy rules .