
  • 网络Internal components;Inner components
  1. 介绍了采用光学仪器结合机械模板的方法完成对EAST装置内部部件的安装准直。

    Optical instruments integrating with machine template is used to align the assembly of EAST in-vessel components .

  2. 不要损坏内部部件。b柱连接点,外侧使用车身锯在区域中切断b柱的顶部。

    Do not damage internal components.b-pillar connection point , outercut through top of B-pillar in area using the body saw .

  3. 其内部部件映射到组合装配的SCA组件。

    Its internal parts map to SCA components that are assembled by the composite .

  4. SunHydraulics公司是一家高品质液压插装阀、集流腔设计和加工企业,能够作为内部部件安装于液压驱动系统中,用于控制力度、速度和机械运动。

    Sun Hydraulics is a leading designer and manufacturer of high performance hydraulic cartridge valves and manifolds which control force , speed and motion as integral components in fluid power systems .

  5. 在PPS中,内部部件的库存较低时,将生成生产请求,以生产此部件。

    In the PPS , when the stock of an internal part is running low , a production request is generated to get this part produced .

  6. 通过拆卸法兰盖或弹簧腔室,可以接近所有内部部件。

    All internal parts accessible by removing blind flange or spring chamber .

  7. 进行此操作时,不要损坏内部部件。

    Do not damage the internal components when doing this .

  8. 在乘法运算过程中,一种用于产生双倍数的内部部件。

    In the multiplication , an internal component that doubles a given digit .

  9. 在注入润滑油之前,注入器圆头螺栓必须拧松半圈,打开阀门内部部件通道。

    The injector button head must be unscrewed one half turn to open the internal valve before injecting grease .

  10. 在防回流阀前应该安装一个过滤器,以保护所有内部部件不会受到不必要的污染。

    A strainer should be installed ahead of the backflow preventer to protect all internal components from unnecessary fouling .

  11. 其内部部件备有与高频保护电路在一起的无源分频器,高频保护电路可防止高音驱动器过载损坏。

    Its internal components available high-frequency and circuit protection with passive divider , high-frequency driver protection circuit to prevent high-overload damage .

  12. 设置阀杆防尘圈,保护阀门内部部件不受外部环境侵蚀。

    Equipped with dustproof ring of valve handle in order to protect the interior parts of valve from erosion of exterior arvironmart .

  13. 提出了基于对象层次结构的3维几何模型和运动模型建模方法,解决了复杂航天器建模过程中的几何形状的表示问题,并且实现了航天器运动特性的表达与航天器内部部件的运动建模;

    A new 3d modeling method for spacecrafts that could deal geometric and kinematical model based on the object hierarchical structure was presented .

  14. 论文分析了处理器内部部件的工作原理,详细阐述了微处理器的取指单元、译码单元、执行单元、寄存器组和控制核心的设计。

    The work principle of every part of microprocessor is analyzed , and a strong emphasis is laid on the design of program counter , instructions decipher , execute unit , register group and control center .

  15. 基于XML的入侵检测表达在大规模分布式网络入侵检测中,不同IDS间或IDS内部各部件间信息共享和协作有着十分重要作用。

    Under the condition of large scale and distributed network , XML based intrusion detection representation plays a important role in communication and coordination among different Intrusion Detection Systems ( IDS ) or among different components of a single IDS .

  16. NBI真空系统的性能对束传输效率以及整个束线内部各部件的使用寿命与安全都有着非常重要的影响。

    The transmission efficiency of neutral beam is largely affected by the performance of vacuum system of neutral beam injector ( NBI ) as well as the life and safety of the equipment inside the NBI system .

  17. 如果小部件包含有内部小部件,那么必须调用此方法。

    This method must be called if the widget contains inner widgets .

  18. 确保身体内部各个部件正常工作的方法是活动身体外部的所有部件。

    The way to make sure all the internal parts are working is by moving all the external parts .

  19. 根据电视导引头系统的工作原理,具体分析了系统内部各部件的工作方式和控制框图,建立了电视导引头系统的仿真数学模型。

    A mathematical model for the television homing seeker System is established on the analysis of its working principle .

  20. 打开后盒盖,我发现该机器内部的部件都生锈了。

    Opening the back of the case , I found that the internal components of the machine were all rusted .

  21. 美国太平洋阀门独特的注入器具有双球止回保护,防止泄露,并保护阀门内部活动部件。

    Pacific Valves ' unique injector has a double ball check protection against leakage and a positive shut-off internal valve .

  22. 联接件基座分体组合拼装统一固定。整体嵌装产品内部或部件上。

    The linking piece bases are combined and assembled separately and fixed uniformly and are embedded inside the product or at the components as a whole .

  23. 然后,从燃气热泵的工作原理出发,建立了热力学模型,说明了系统内部各部件之间的匹配关系。

    After that , from the GHP working principle , the thermodynamic model of GHP is established and the matching relationship between the system components is shown .

  24. 喷气涡流纺是利用高速气流和喷嘴内部各部件的配合作用成纱的。

    Air-jet vortex spinning ( MVS ) is a new technology for spinning yam by using high-speed airflows and the coordinated action of various components inside the jet nozzle .

  25. 译码单元由指令缓存器和指令译码器构成,针对12位的指令代码翻译成16位控制信号,传送给处理器内部各个部件,用以保证各部件正常工作。

    The encoding unit , composed of instruction buffer and command encoder , translates the 12-bit command code to 16-bit control signal , and ensures each part of the system to work steadily .

  26. 集成测温电路是一种数字模拟混合集成电路,主要用来测量某特殊设备内部电子部件环境工作温度。

    The integrated temperature measurement circuit is a digital and analog hybrid integrated circuits , which is often used in measuring the ambient temperature of the internal electronic components of a special device .

  27. 作为航空发动机滚动轴承内部重要部件之一的保持架,其动态性能对轴承乃至整个传动系统的稳定性与可靠性有着极大的影响。

    As one of the important parts in the aero-engine rolling bearing , the dynamic performance of the cage has a great effect on the stability and reliability of the bearing and the whole transmission system .

  28. 我们可以拆开我的玩具车去看它的内部构造、部件和如何装配的。

    We would take apart my toy cars and look at the casting , molding and assembly .

  29. 同时,本章还定性分析讨论了一次仪表内部的电气部件对零点漂移的影响。

    Meanwhile , how the other components of the primary instrument influence zero drift is also analyzed qualitatively .

  30. 容器两侧承受不同内部压力的部件需设计为能经受最大整体压力。

    Vessel parts subject to different internal pressure on both sides shall be designed to withstand the most severe combination of the pressures .