
  1. PLC计算机集散控制系统在垃圾电厂的应用

    The Application of PLC Computer-based Centralized and Spread Control System in Garbage Power Station

  2. 介绍了基于DCS系统的垃圾焚烧发电站自动化系统的设计与实现方案。

    The design and implementation approaches of DCS system for power station based on garbage-burning is introduced .

  3. 总之,验证了IMS安全机制下反垃圾语音系统阻止垃圾语音信息的有效性。

    The anti-spam call system implemented in an IMS network is effective in blocking SPIT .

  4. 根据这些时间戳,还可以计算出系统在垃圾收集方面花费的时间百分比,可以用这个指标比较各种JVM设置。

    From these timestamps , you can also calculate the percent of time that the system spends in garbage collection , which you can use to compare various JVM settings .

  5. JDK1.4.1中新的收集器都是为解决多处理器系统中垃圾收集器的问题而设计的。

    The new collectors in JDK1.4.1 are all designed to address the issue of garbage collection on multiprocessor systems .

  6. 无线测温系统在垃圾处理厂中的应用

    The Application of Wireless Temperature Measuring System in Rubbish factory

  7. 分布式控制系统在垃圾焚烧过程中的应用与设计

    The Design and Application of Distributed Control System to the Refuse Incineration Process

  8. 后者就是这个物理系统的垃圾。

    The latter is the garbage of this system .

  9. 该系统由垃圾道门口旁边的一个面板来控制。

    The system is controlled from a board fixed next to the chute door .

  10. 计算机监控及电气控制双备份系统在垃圾焚烧系统中的应用

    Application of Computer Monitoring and Double Preparations for Electrical Control in Garbage Combustion System

  11. 这些新收集器是为了解决在多处理器系统中垃圾收集器成为伸缩性瓶颈这一问题的。

    These new collectors address the problem of the garbage collector being a scalability bottleneck on multiprocessor systems .

  12. 在庭院、水资源系统、垃圾处理系统、能源系统、建筑等方面进行农家服务设施的生态化设计,并从节能、物质循环、美观原则出发建立相关模式。

    Besides , establishing relative ecological design model by the principle of energy conservation , cycle of matter and aesthetics .

  13. 本文采用A(缺氧活性污泥)/B(A/O淹没式生物膜)复合系统处理垃圾填理场渗沥液。

    Composite system of anoxic activated sludge and submerged A / O biofilm reactor is applied to treat urban refuse infiltration liquid .

  14. 还将对管理建筑垃圾的在线系统和垃圾处理费的付款状况展开研究。

    Research will be carried out into an on-line system to manage construction waste and into the introduction of a payment system to cover treatment costs .

  15. 介绍了徐州市垃圾生产煤气实例,并进行了城市环卫系统生产垃圾燃料的经济效益和实用分析。

    This paper present a practical example of producing fuel gas from domestic waste and analyzed the economic efficiency of producing fuel gas by the city environmental sanitation system .

  16. 烟气净化系统是垃圾焚烧系统中最主要的设备之一,而烟气急冷控制系统又是其核心。

    Flue gas purification system is the most main one of the equipment in the garbage incineration system . And its core is the smoke wheeze cold control system .

  17. 封场覆盖系统是垃圾卫生填埋场建设的重要组成部分,覆盖系统包括气体导排层、土工膜、排水层、植被表土层。

    Closure cover system is one of important parts of landfill site construction , it includes landfill gas discharge guid ing layer , geotechnical film , drainage layer and plant cover surface soil layer .

  18. 最糟糕的是在伦敦东区,怀特教堂,贝瑟尔格林,这里是非常可怕的地方,未成年妓女潜伏在小巷里,而一个未被建成的污水系统将垃圾流入到街道上。

    The worst ones were in the east end , Whitechapel , Bethnal Green , terrifying places , underage prostitutes lurking in the alleys , and an unbuilt sewage system pumping crap into the streets .

  19. 转运是生活垃圾处理的重要衔接环节,转运系统在垃圾处理系统中占有举足轻重的地位,是垃圾处理水平整体提高的枢纽或瓶颈,研究转运系统具有重要意义。

    As the important engagement part , transportation link plays a quite vital role in the MSW disposal system , and transportation system is becoming the hub or " bottleneck " of the overall improvement of waste disposal level . It is important to study transportation system .

  20. 不过我们带给海洋生态系统多少塑胶垃圾是无可否认的事实,而塑胶极佳的耐用度也保证了它在未来几年会是一项议题。

    But it 's undeniable how much plastic trash we 've introduced into marine ecosystems , and the wonderful durability of plastic guarantees it 'll be an issue for years to come .

  21. 基于GIS的城市生活垃圾收运管理系统机动小型垃圾收集车

    Municipal Waste Collection and Transportation Management System Based on GIS

  22. 现在由Java虚拟机(而不是系统)管理垃圾收集。

    The Java Virtual Machine now manages garbage collection rather than the system .

  23. 为了研究生物反应器填埋场系统对生活垃圾的处理效果,在对系统的运行特性进行研究基础上,以COD表示有机物质量浓度的变化,建立了生物反应器填埋场系统有机物降解动力学模型。

    With parameter COD , the biodegradation kinetic models of organic compound ( COD ) in bioreactor landfill system were established .

  24. 本工作展示了未来运用AFM观察生物学反应、研究核基因转录与调控的分子机理、基因组合形成基因系的系统性和垃圾DNA的相互作用的前景。

    This work shows that direct AFM observation can be used to investigate gene transcription and regulation , formation of gene lineage and junk DNA interaction .

  25. 此功能包含清除Cookies,清除历史记录,清除页面文件和其他系统残留的垃圾文件。

    This feature is included to clear Cookies , Clear History , Clear the page file and other system residue spam .

  26. 采用SBR系统处理城市垃圾渗滤液,研究了不同C/N、DO和MLSS对同时硝化反硝化脱氮效率的影响。

    Urban landfill leachate was treated by sequencing batch reactor ( SBR ) system . The influence of various C / N , DO and MLSS concentrations on the process of simultaneous nitrification and denitrification was studied .

  27. 生物反应器填埋场系统中有机垃圾降解特性研究

    Characteristics of organic refuse decomposition in the bioreactor landfill system

  28. 采用热等离子体系统处理医疗垃圾

    Medical Waste Treatment by a Thermal Plasma System

  29. 德国双轨制系统与包装垃圾的处理

    Duales System Deutschland and Packaging Garbage Treatment

  30. 基于新型分类收集系统的生活垃圾焚烧过程污染物控制及其机理研究

    Mechanism of Pollution Control during the Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Based on Newly Established Waste Source-Classified Collection System