
  • 网络System Availability;High Availability
  1. 基于随机Petri网的可修系统可用性模糊评价

    Availability Fuzzy Evaluation Based on Stochastic Petri Net for Repairable System

  2. 活跃型用户对P2P文件共享系统可用性的影响

    Impact of Availability in P2P File Sharing System Caused by Active Peers

  3. Web应用环境中的系统可用性设计

    High-availability Design for Web-based Applications

  4. 随机Petri网在系统可用性分析中的应用

    Application of Stochastic Petri Net to System Availability Analysis

  5. 在这个FaultHandler中,我们更新系统可用性指示器来反映目标QueueManager的不可用性。

    Within this Fault Handler , we update the system availability indicator to reflect the unavailability of the target Queue Manager .

  6. 在入站消息处理的开始阶段,系统可用性指示器被设置为true,表示端点系统可用。

    At the start of inbound message processing , the system availability indicator is set to true to indicate that the endpoint system is available .

  7. 经过几十年的时间,Petri网的理论不断的完善,Petri网在各行各业中不断的被应用。本文主要讨论了Petri网在系统可用性分析中的应用。

    In this paper , the application of stochastic Petri net on system availability analysis is mainly discussed .

  8. 系统可用性分析模块采用基于组合模型和基于Petri网两种方法分析各功能子系统及全系统的可用性。

    System availability analysis module analyzes various subsystems which constitute the target system and system-wide availability based on combination model and Petri nets .

  9. DB2提供几个实用程序,能够节省您的时间,使用这些实用程序而不是程序代码可以帮助您提高系统可用性和性能。

    DB2 has several utilities that can save you time & and using them instead of program code can help you improve system availability and performance .

  10. 以综合考虑系统可用性、系统停机时间以及系统损失3个指标为例进行探讨,并寻找到了2个可以用之对软件Rejuvenation周期进行优化的目标函数。

    And two cost functions , combining system availability , system downtime and system cost , were also presented .

  11. 在这种计算方法的基础上分析了SDH的自愈保护机制以及各种故障对系统可用性的影响。

    Finally , this paper analyzes the availability of the synchronized digital hierarchy ( SDH ) self healing ring and the influence of the protective scheme .

  12. 并据此开发了一个计算机可用性建模与评估工具,以实现对系统可用性、可运行性、部件MTBF(MeanTimeBetweenFailure)的阈值与实测值等多种评测指标的测试与分析。

    On this basis a computer modeling and assessment tool is developed to test and analysis the system availability , system performability , the threshold and measured value of MTBF ( Mean Time Between Failure ) of the parts .

  13. 以系统可用性、可信性、能力模型ADC为基础,采用层次分析和模糊综合评判相结合的方法对ADC模型进行改进,并建立其效能评估模型。

    Based on the system usability , credibility and capability of model ADC , the layer analysis method and fuzzy synthetic evaluation are used to modify the ADC model and establish the efficiency evaluation model .

  14. 以用户为中心的GUI设计旨在提高系统可用性,但是众多的以用户为中心的设计研究只给出一些设计准则和经验性的方法,缺乏对实际软件设计的可操作指导。

    User Centred Design ( UCD ) for GUI aims at providing highly usability for the system . But most existed approaches on UCD provide only some empirical criteria without the operational guideline for the process of GUI design .

  15. 随着SAN中数据量的快速增长,要满足存储资源的管理、异构平台的数据共享、存储系统可用性和可扩展性等方面的要求,就必须采用存储虚拟化技术。

    With growing explosion of data in SAN , Storage Virtualization ( SV ) technology must be used to satisfy the demand of storage resource management , sharing of data between heterogeneous platforms , the availability and scalability of the storage system .

  16. 实验中采用CauchyCodes作为编码算法,分别从K桶大小对系统可用性影响、文件分块数量对系统可用性的影响、相同冗余度下系统可用性比较等方面进行了仿真评估。

    Our experiment used the Cauchy Codes as coding algorithm to assess the system from many aspects , including the impact of K bucket size on system availability , the impact of File block number on system availability , comparison of system availability under same redundancy .

  17. 文章针对系统可用性,分析了BWFS所面临的网络相关故障,从系统软件角度阐述了BWFS所采用的网络容错技术,并对其效能进行了相应的测试比较。

    Aiming at the system availability , the article analyses the fault about network faced by BWFS , expatiates the technology of network fault-tolerant adopted by BWFS from the view of system software , tests and compares its efficiency .

  18. 基于随机回报网的机群系统可用性建模及仿真

    Modeling and Analysis of Cluster System Availability with Stochastic Reward Net

  19. 邮政11185呼叫中心系统可用性分析与实现

    Analysis and Implementation of Availability for Post 11185 Call Center System

  20. 面向用户的普适计算系统可用性度量模型

    User Oriented Measurement Model for the Availability of Pervasive Computing Systems

  21. 汉语语音合成系统可用性研究

    Study on the Usability for Chinese Text To Speech System

  22. 数据库检索系统可用性评价指标与实证研究

    Usability Evaluation Indicators and Empirical Study of Database Retrieval System

  23. 空间导向标识系统可用性研究

    A Study on Usability of Sign Orientation System in Space

  24. 一种光纤通信系统可用性的算法及分析

    An Algorithm and Analysis of Availability of Fiber Optic Systems

  25. 地空导弹武器系统可用性分析

    The availability analysis of ground to air missile weapon system

  26. 基于界面场景的儿童讲故事系统可用性评估

    Usability Evaluation of Storytelling System for Children Using Interface Scenarios

  27. 可修复系统可用性模型的建立与分析

    Establishment and Analysis of Availability Models for Maintainable System

  28. 冗余是一种提高系统可用性的常用方法。

    Redundancy is a common approach to increasing the availability of a system .

  29. 价值工程在提高潜射导弹武器系统可用性中的应用

    The Application of Value Engineering for Improving the Availability of Submarine Launched Missile System

  30. 串并联系统可用性优化方法

    Availability optimization design of series - parallel system