
  • 网络Security measures;gate &guared
  1. 没有迹象表明例行的保安措施存在问题。

    There are no indications that standard security arrangements were at fault .

  2. 知道吗?改变的不只是保安措施。

    You know what ? Security 's not all that changed .

  3. 美国港航保安措施概述

    Summarizing of America 's Security Measures for Seaports and Cargo Shipments

  4. 尽管花了大力气保障公众的安全,但保安措施上仍有疏漏。

    There have been security lapses despite efforts to protect the public .

  5. 各机场也在准备迎接新的保安措施。

    Airports are also braced for a fresh security measures .

  6. 这些住宅均配备有最新设备及超级严密的保安措施。

    Such homes are equipped with the latest gadgets and ultra-tight security .

  7. 嗯,我们今天这里有额外的保安措施。

    Hmm , we have a little extra security in place today .

  8. 你是说他们那没有保安措施吗?

    Are you telling me they didn 't have any safeguards in place ?

  9. 反正他保安措施已经安排好了。

    It 's not like he left me unprotected .

  10. 看来你的保安措施加强了。

    I see you 've stepped up your security .

  11. 现在我要在一间保安措施最好的监狱里寻求真相。

    And I 'm looking for the truth in a maximum security prison .

  12. 在严密的保安措施下,乌鲁木齐昨日逐渐恢复了商业活动。

    Commercial life gradually resumed yesterday in Urumqi under a blanket of security .

  13. 不同的机场有不同的保安措施。

    The security measures vary from airport to airport .

  14. 他们的保安措施有着明显的薄弱之处。

    There are definite weaknesses in their security arrangements .

  15. 我比谁都了解赌场的保安措施,那是我发明的。

    I know more about casino security than any man . I invented it .

  16. 马虎的;松懈的松懈的保安措施使小偷有机可乘。

    Lax security allowed the thieves to enter .

  17. 保安措施太周密了我不能从外面进去。

    It 's too secure . I can 't get in from the outside .

  18. 总统的专机降落时,机场的保安措施很严密。

    There was tight security at the airport when the President 's plane landed .

  19. 如果你需要保安措施,多加10元。

    You want to use the hotel safe ? It 's an extra ten .

  20. 保安措施部署在该地区可能会进一步阻碍进入机场。

    Security measures deployed in the area could further hamper access to the airport .

  21. 这里的保安措施可以说是个笑话。

    Security around here is a joke .

  22. 但是你的老板加强了保安措施。

    But your employer has tightened security .

  23. 关于加强海上反恐保安措施的几点思考

    Thoughts on Strengthening Maritime Security Counter-Terrorism Measures

  24. 规避保安措施的技术;

    Techniques used to circumvent security measures ;

  25. 中国保安措施要论

    On Security Measure in China

  26. 香港是全球向银行客户提供这项保安措施的市场之一。

    Hong Kong is one of the first places to offer such security measure to bank customers .

  27. 双重认证加强网上银行的保安措施,并保障银行客户免受网上银行诈骗活动影响。

    Two-factor authentication strengthens the security controls of Internet banking and protects bank customers from Internet banking frauds .

  28. 本文就这些问题和我国现行保安措施的性质及其改善作了一些探讨性论述。

    All these issues and the nature of our current security measures had made some improvements exploratory discussion .

  29. 还有报道称,在四川省的阿坝州和甘孜州也有大规模保安措施。

    There have also been reports of large-scale security measures in the ABA and Ganzi prefectures in Sichuan .

  30. 船舶保安措施的落实,对提高船舶安全管理水平具有深远的影响。

    The accomplishment of ship security measures has a far-reaching influence on the enhancement of ship safety management level .