
  • 网络Agreement On Safeguards;safeguards
  1. 根据特保措施,任何WTO成员都有权对大批涌入的中国产品施行特保措施,其条件却比《WTO保障措施协定》下的更宽松。

    Under the special safeguard mechanism , WTO Member countries can apply safeguard measures in response to surges in imports from China on less restrictive conditions than those under the current WTO Agreement on Safeguards .

  2. 在因进口剧增而造成的国内产业的严重损害或严重损害威胁的情况下,WTO成员方可以援引GATT第19条和WTO《保障措施协定》来实施保障措施。

    In case of sharp increase of import causing the serious injure or the threatening of serious injure on the domestic industry , WTO members can invoke the emergency actions according to GATT XIX and WTO Agreement on Safeguards .

  3. 美国的201条款与WTO的保障措施协定存在抵触。

    There exists conflict between the American " Article 201 " and the " Safeguard Measures " of WTO .

  4. WTO的《保障措施协定》提供了对成员方内部产业安全的保护手段,也因此引起了保障措施争端。

    Agreement of Safeguard Measurement of WTO offers some means to protect industry safety of its members , and also leads to the dispute of safeguard measures .

  5. 目前中国正在依照《外贸法》第29条和《保障措施协定》,起草有关保障措施的立法。

    China was in the process of drafting safeguard legislation in accordance with Article 29 of the Foreign Trade Law and the Agreement on Safeguards .

  6. 《反倾销协议》和《保障措施协定》是世界贸易组织规则项下重要的保护国内产业的制度工具。

    The " Anti-dumping Agreement " and " Guarantee Measure Protocal " are the system tool of the important domestic industry protection under World Trade Organization 's rule .

  7. 贸易保障措施是WTO协定所允许的贸易限制手段之一。

    Safeguard measures are one of the allowed trade restrictions in WTO Agreement .

  8. WTO成员的国内保障措施立法基本上与《保障措施协定》保持一致。

    Most WTO members keep their own safeguards regulations basically comply with Agreement on Safeguards .

  9. 本文所指的保障措施制度主要包括WTO《保障措施协定》和关贸总协定第19条的保障条款。

    In this issue , the safeguard measures mainly refers to " Agreement on Safeguards " of WTO and " Article XIX of GATT 1994 " .

  10. 第二章分别从保障措施的实体要件、程序要件及实施方面对WTO《保障措施协定》与中国《保障措施条例》的相关规定进行了阐释与对比分析。

    Chapter Two respectively from the material and procedural factors and specific implementation , analyzes the Agreement on Safeguard Measures and the Regulation on Safeguard Measures of the People s Republic of China .