
  • 网络Bowdoin College;college
  1. 泰德鲍尔(tedpower)毕业于缅因州的鲍登学院(bowdoincollege),获得了人类学学位,他并未用毕业前的最后几个月时间去找工作。

    Ted power , who graduated with a degree in anthropology last month from Bowdoin College in Brunswick , Maine , did not spend his last few months of University sweating out his job search .

  2. 网飞公司总裁兼联合创始人里德•哈斯廷斯在前往缅因州鲍登学院就学前,曾是一名挨家挨户推销真空吸尘器的销售员。自那之后,他的事业大有进展。

    As CEO and co-founder of Netflix , Reed Hastings has come a long way since he sold vacuum cleaners as a door-to-door salesman before attending Bowdoin College in Maine .

  3. 在鲍登学院(Bowdoin),两人学的都是音乐专业,从来没有上过经济类课程。

    At Bowdoin , Arlyn Davich and her brother Eric were music majors who never took an economics course .

  4. 同样毕业于鲍登学院的《财富》杂志总编辑苏安迪为同一期杂志撰写了一篇关于旧金山市长李孟贤的报道。

    Fortune managing editor ( and fellow Bowdoin graduate ) Andy serwer wrote about San Francisco Mayor ed Lee for the same issue .

  5. 在拿到鲍登学院的学士学位和哈佛大学的硕士学位后,他返回纽约,运用所学到的知识,确保下一代能够拥有平等的机会。

    After graduating from Bowdoin and getting his masters at Harvard , he returned to New York city and used his education to ensure that the next generation would have a chance at the same opportunity .

  6. 他的父亲是奥斯维辛集中营的幸存者,后来在芝加哥成为了一名成功的建筑师。弗里德兰原本是在缅因州的鲍登文理学院读书的。

    The son of an Auschwitz survivor who became a prosperous Chicago architect , he had originally gone to Bowdoin , a liberal arts college in Maine .