
zhèng shì
  • legal wife;the wife's eldest son
正室 [zhèng shì]
  • (1) [legal wife]∶旧指大老婆

  • (2) [the wife's eldest son]∶旧指嫡长子

正室[zhèng shì]
  1. 明清小说中的正室形象是个很少被关注的形象系列。

    Principal wife images in Ming and Qing Dynasty novels are image series which are paid little attention to by the researchers .

  2. 原来王夫人时常居坐宴息,亦不在这正室,只在这正室东边的三间耳房内。于是老嬷嬷引黛玉进东房门来。

    Since Lady Wang seldom sat in this main hall but used three rooms on the east side for relaxation , the nurses led Daiyu there .

  3. 首先,对明清小说中的正室形象,作了类型划分;其次,对各类形象作了较为细致的讨论与阐释。

    First of all , the type division of the principal wife images in Ming and Qing Dynasty novels is made . Secondly , the images of various types are made more detailed discussion and interpretation .

  4. 她们在明清小说中数量较多,凡涉及家庭类题材的,几乎无一例外地要写到家庭主妇&正室,她们是构成家庭关系的主要成员之一。

    There were a large number of principal wife images in Ming and Qing Dynasties novels in which when the family theme were involved , almost without exception , the housewives , who are main members constituting family relationship , were being talked about .