
  • 网络Formal institutional arrangements;formal system arrangement
  1. 俄罗斯经济过渡期的制度安排处于一种空心化的状态,正式制度安排的约束力下降,长期让位于非正式制度安排,制度体系维持着一种两难的平衡。

    The system arrangement in Russia during the transferring period is in a state of hollowness , the formal system arrangement control diminishes , and informal system arrangement control grows , thus the system is in a dilemma .

  2. 根据现代新制度经济学理论,一项社会活动的运行是正式制度安排与非正式制度安排合理作用的结果。

    According to the theory of modern new system economics , the motion of a social activity depends on the resultant forces of formal system arrangement and informal system arrangement .

  3. 在改革的道路上,正式制度安排不可独立前行,只有加上了非正式制度安排的有力协助,我国的会计改革才能易于克服阻力,轻装前进。

    During the innovation , formal institutional arrangement could not march alone .

  4. 由于非正式制度安排不像正式制度安排那样具有突变机制,而是一个长期渐进累积的过程。

    Informal institution , unlike the mutation mechanism of formal institution , has a long-term accumulation .

  5. 由于地方政府是制度的供给者,因此,地方政府通过集群政策对集群实施治理是一种正式制度安排。

    Since the local authorities provide the policies , they impose official governance through the cluster policies to the clusters .

  6. 因此,即使正式制度安排已经发生了变迁,非正式制度安排可能仍会顽强地发挥着作用。

    Therefore , even if changes of formal institution have taken place , informal institution may still play an important role .

  7. 我国生态环境问题主要是由于生产的外部不经济、正式制度安排的缺陷和各种灾害造成的。

    In China the eco-environment problems are derived from the external economies and normal institutional defects and some other natural disasters .

  8. 其原因是人们的思路局限于规范市场的正式制度安排,而忽视了规范市场的非正式制度安排。

    This may have resulted from our dependence on the formal institutional arrangements regarding market regulation , with informal institutional arrangements completely neglected .

  9. 它有机地将森林资源的非正式制度安排与正式制度安排结合在一起,结果使森林资源产权制度安排得到有效实施。

    As a result , this " ready-to-be formal institutional arrangement " makes the property right institutional arrangement of the forest resources implemented effectively .

  10. 公司治理模式作为企业正式制度安排,直接影响经营者在企业决策制定与执行中的行为表现。

    As the formal institution arrangement , the mode of corporate governance has influence on manager 's behavior when manager makes and carries out decisions .

  11. 产权是影响农地可持续利用的重要因素,土地登记是确保产权安全的正式制度安排。

    Land ownership is one of the important elements to affect sustainable farmland use , while land registration is a formal institution to insure property security .

  12. 村庄制度变迁无疑受到正式制度安排和非正式制度的双重影响,任一单一的制度安排都无法促使制度变迁发生。

    Undoubtedly , the economic principle change of villages will be influenced by both formal and informal arrangements systems . Not a single institutional arrangements can promote institutional change occur .

  13. 作为反映经济基础的正式制度安排,法律对经济生活的调整和对经济资源的配置功能至关重要。

    As an arrangement of formal institution which reflects the economic foundation , law performs a significant function as a regulation of economic lives and an arrangement of economic resources .

  14. 第二,明确信托业应有的市场地位、确认实践中信托业由各金融机构混业经营趋势、为信托业发展提供交易模式指导等,都需要《信托业法》提供正式制度安排;

    Secondly , it can supply formal system to erect the status of trust industry , notarize the current of mixed management in trust business , and offer the trust transaction mode .

  15. 温州地方政府适时的政策创新,促使民营企业的非正式制度创新逐步转变为正式制度安排,为民营企业从非法走向合法奠定了坚实的基础。

    The timely policy innovation facilitates the private enterprises ' gradually turning from informal institutional innovations to formal ones , thus establishing the solid foundation for private enterprises to change from illegality to legality .

  16. 它包含内部治理和外部治理两个方面,除正式制度安排外,文化在大学治理中也发挥着重要作用。

    The university governance is this kind of system , including two aspects as inner governance and exterior governance . In addition to formal system arrangement , culture plays an important role in university governance .

  17. 创业文化的相对淡薄、正式制度安排的错位与缺位、制度实施机制建设的滞后,是制约我国创业行为的制度性因素。

    It is factors in system including faint culture for starting a business , misplacement of formal institutional arrangement , the backward of the establishment of organs for carrying out systems that hinder us from starting a business .

  18. 制度安排可分为正式制度安排与非正式制度安排两大类,在对两者制约腐败的方式和功能进行理论分析后,提出了制约腐败的政策建议。

    The institutional arrangement can be divided into formal and informal ones . After the theoretic analyzing on the ways and function of restricting corruption of the two kinds of arrangements , the article puts forward policy suggestions of restricting corruption .

  19. 公共权力主体与客体是合法性的结构载体,合法性往往通过公共权力主体的制度安排来实现,表现为非正式制度安排(意识形态)和正式制度安排的良性互动。

    The owner and the object of public power is the structural carrier of the legitimacy . The owner realizes its legitimacy through institutional arrangement , that is , the well interaction of informal institution ( ideology ) and formal institution .

  20. 自由开放的文化氛围不仅可以为园区服务提供强大的精神动力和价值坐标,而且为园区科技发展提供一种终极理念,是促使正式制度安排发挥作用的不可缺少的保障。

    A free and open cultural atmosphere can not only provide strong spiritual motive and value coordinate for service in parks , but also a kind of ultimate concept for develop in parks , which is indispensable safeguard of the formal system arrangement .

  21. 诉讼规则作为一项正式制度安排具有理性和形式性的特点,由于其预设和社会生活逻辑具有差异性,诉讼制度的不完全运作是可以理解和接受的。

    As a formal institution , the legal rules always have the characteristic of rational and formalization . Due to the usual disaccord between its pre-anticipation and the logics of social lives , the legal rules ' ill-functioning in many cases can commonly understood and accepted .

  22. 共同治理的核心,就是通过企业内部的正式制度安排来确保每个产权主体具有平等参与企业所有权分配的机会,同时又依靠相互监督的机制来制衡各个产权主体的行为。

    The core of commom governance is to insure that every property right owner has the equal opportunity to distribute the ownership of enterprise through the arrangement of corporate system and to restrict the conduct of every property right owner based on the mechanism of mutual supervision .

  23. 正式的制度安排:权力道德建设的根本措施

    Formal Institution Regulation : The Basic Measure of Authority Morality Construction

  24. 从本质上来看,政府规制既是一种特殊的公共品,又是一种正式的制度安排。

    Essentially , regulation is special public goods and also a formal institution .

  25. 正式的制度安排也被视为经济发展的必要条件。

    Formal institutional arrangements have also been seen as a necessary condition for economic development .

  26. 就权力道德建设的对策而言,正式的制度安排是权力道德建设的根本措施;

    In regard to the counterplan of the authority morality construction , the formal system is basic measure ;

  27. 作为正式的制度安排,法律应该担负起更多的资源整合和配置功能。

    As a formal institutional arrangement , the law should shoulder more functions on resources integration and configuration .

  28. 土地整理是一项正式的制度安排,是伴随着最严格的耕地保护制度而提出来的。

    Land Consolidation is a formal institutional arrangement , and is accompanied by the most stringent farmland protection system of their argument .

  29. 作为企业的利益主体,股东、经理和职工在一系列正式制度的安排下为了各自的利益而相互博弈。

    As the main stakeholders of enterprise , stockholder , manager and employee contest with each other for their interests under a set of formal rules .

  30. 作为一种兼具投机性与投资性、高风险与高收益的证券交易方式,世界主要的证券市场都将其作为正式的制度安排确立下来。

    Both as a speculative and investment , high risk and high yield securities trading , major world security markets are as the establishment of formal institutional arrangement .