
  • 网络socio-political;social politics;sociopolitical;social policy
  1. 其中一条“肥胖、粗鲁、自大、种族主义、自私”还被人升级为更加现代社会政治的“酒鬼、胖子、赌徒、流氓、Tesco”。

    The sentiments expressed in the suggestion of " Fat , rude arrogant , racist , selfish " are put into a more modern socio-political ( 9 ) setting with : " Dipso fatso bingo asbo ( 10 ) Tesco ( 11 )" .

  2. 论老子的社会政治思想及哲学启示

    On Laozi 's Socio-Political Ideology and An Enlightenment of Its Philosophy

  3. 同样从社会政治学上看,城市对20世纪思想、文化的贡献也意义重大。

    In social politics , too , the city 's contribution to 20th century thought and culture was no less portentous

  4. 考古工作是一项重要文化事业,也是一项具有重大社会政治意义的工作。历史文化遗产不仅生动述说着过去,也深刻影响着当下和未来。

    Archeological work is not only an important cultural undertaking but also has great social and political significance . Historical and cultural heritages tell vivid stories of the past and profoundly influence the present and future .

  5. 经济全球化特别是我国加入WTO,对社会政治、经济、文化及人们的思想意识等社会生活的各个方面产生重要影响,同时也使高校思想政治教育面临新的挑战。

    Globalization , especially joining WTO have great influence on politics , economy , culture and ideology while bring new challenge to ideological education in tertiary school at the same time .

  6. 论和谐社会政治文化构建的主体性原则

    On Entity Principle of Politics and Culture Construction of Socialist Harmonious Society

  7. 简论郭嵩焘对西方社会政治制度的观察与思考

    Guo Songtao 's Observation and Reflection on the Western Social Political Systems

  8. 法治是人类社会政治文明发展的成果。

    Ruling by law is the fruits of development with political civilization .

  9. 社会政治、经济稳定是莆田田径运动发展的保证;

    Social political and economic stability its essential guarantee ;

  10. 政府信用建设是维护社会政治秩序的重要保障;

    Government credit development is the important guarantee in maintaining social political order ;

  11. 中国村民自治状态下的乡村社会政治控制问题研究

    The Research of the Country Political Control Problems in the Chinese Village People Autonomy

  12. 殷商时期政治上大量使用妇女,妇女在社会政治生活还占有一席之地。

    In the Period women are broadly employed in the society and political affairs .

  13. 作为晚清社会政治近代化的构成,留学活动无疑对此期政局影响甚大。

    Undoubtedly , it had a great influence on the political situation within that period .

  14. 社会政治学与社会经济学

    Social Political Science and Social Economics

  15. 我们国家政治道德的加强既是我国社会政治文明的表现,又是政治文明进步的动力。

    Magnificent political moral and eximious political style are the precondition and the guarantee of civilized political behavior .

  16. 先分析了今后一段时期内将对我国住房消费信贷体系发展有重要影响的主要社会政治经济因素。

    The paper firstly analyze some important factors which would exert great influence on housing financial reform and development .

  17. 他的作品主要可以分为航海小说,丛林小说和社会政治小说三大类。

    Conrad 's works mainly fall into three categories : sea fictions , jungle fictions and social political novels .

  18. 但是随着社会政治、经济的发展,这种命运共同体已经变成一种利益共同体。

    Along with the development of social politics and economy , this destiny community had changed into one of interest .

  19. 但忽视诗歌与社会政治之间的关系,是它们共同的弱点。

    However , nearly all of them did not pay enough attention to the interaction between poetry and social politics .

  20. 但是,人类社会政治实践显示:德性之维与德性之路二者之间存在着鸿沟。

    But the human social politics practice demonstrates , that there is a gap from virtue theory to virtue practice .

  21. 在其治下,辽东社会政治、经济、文化水平都有长足进步。

    Under its rule , the political , economic and cultural levels of Liao dong society had made great progress .

  22. 通过这三次发展,该教团提出了把宗教活动与社会政治活动相联系的学说。

    The Order offered the teaching which connected the religious action with the political action through the evolution of three times .

  23. 乌托邦研究范式、问题场域和功能属性的转型,本质上是社会政治经济变革的结果。

    Utopian paradigm problem field and functional properties of the transition is the result of the change of socio-politics and economy .

  24. 在政治领域中创造的财富,主要表现为社会政治制度和政治生活的进步即政治文明。

    The achievements made in the political world are mainly represented as social political systems and political progress , i.e. political civilization .

  25. 我们研究中国传统社会政治思想史,对此应该有充分认识。

    We , who research on the history of social political thoughts in traditional China , should have a full understanding of this .

  26. 我国的政治道德建设和政治文明建设的相融互动推动社会政治的良性发展。

    Either the political moral construction or the political civilization construction can make the other enhanced , which assure our society recuperate well .

  27. 民本思想是儒家传统文化中的一个重要概念,对古代社会政治与法律的发展产生了深远的影响。

    In chinese tradition culture idea that thought of common people first is cardinal play a important role on ancient politics and law .

  28. 可以说,研究利益集团及其对社会政治生活和政治发展的影响,是当代西方政治学的主题之一。

    Researches on benefit groups and their influences upon social politics and the development of politics is a main subject in modern western politics .

  29. 小说从多角度反映了改革开放以来的社会政治、经济文化以及世态人情,具有浓烈的当今生活气息。

    His novel reflected social politics , economic culture and human feelings since the reform of society , which was full of dense life flavor .

  30. 它反映了在一定的社会政治、经济、文化环境变迁下,所形成的一种必然的时代文化诉求。

    It reflects a certain social , political , economic , cultural and environmental changes , the formation of inevitable cultural aspirations of the era .