
  1. 她也自己种植粮食来回避战时配给,后来还辞去了她在国家经济委员会的工作,因为那份工作要求她支付社保税。

    She also grew her own food to avoid wartime rationing , and later quit her editorial job with the National Economic Council so as not to pay social security taxes .

  2. 另外,其中一些资金可用来为雇主资助部分的社保税假期,以维持创造就业机会。

    Alternatively , some of this amount could be used to fund a partial social security tax holiday for employers , in order to maintain job creation .

  3. 没有北京户口的人不能在北京买房买车,除非他们缴纳五年以上的社保或个人所得税。

    Without a Beijing hukou , people are not allowed to buy an apartment or a car in the city , unless they pay social insurance or income tax for more than five years .