
  1. 心理素质是当今社会人才必备的重要素质之一。

    Psychic quality is one of momentous qualities that current social talents have to possess .

  2. 行动导向教学是职业教育适应社会人才需求的重要教育方式之一。

    Thoughts on Building the " Action-oriented " Practical Teaching System of Higher Vocational Education ;

  3. 加强理工科大学人文素质教育对于培养合格的社会人才具有重要的意义。

    It is very important to strengthen the humanity education of science and engineering college for training acceptable social talent .

  4. 针对专科教育和本科教育的基本特征不同,为满足社会人才的需求,专科教育和本科教育在课程设置、教学目的上应有所调整,各有特点。

    Because differences exist between undergraduate education and specialized education , their curriculum provision and academic goal should be adjusted .

  5. 论现代社会人才观下体育院校大学生人文素质的培养

    The Cultivation of Students ' Humanity Qualities in Sports Academies on the Basis of Modern Society 's View of Talents

  6. 另外,开设了科举制度,为以后中国封建社会人才选拔方式提供了一个蓝本。

    Moreover , the government began to use imperial examination which offered a way to Chinese feudalistic society selecting talented persons .

  7. 知识型员工日益频繁的流动,成为当今社会人才流动的一大特点。

    The knowledge type employee is multifarious day by day of flow , become nowadays a society a talented person flow of one great characteristics .

  8. 就业力不足是社会人才供给与需求之间最深层次的内在矛盾,也是大学生就业难问题症结所在。

    The under-employment is the talent supply and demand between the deepest inner contradiction , also be the crux of the problem of employment of College students .

  9. 为更好借助社会人才资源为军队建设服务,2005年我军建立并实行了非现役文职人员制度。

    In order to help the community of human resources services for military construction , 2005 PLA has established and implemented a system of non-commissioned civilian personnel .

  10. 通过调研数控技术应用专业社会人才需求情况,建立了毕业生就业的行业分布、岗位设置及对应的能力要求。

    By investigating the social requirement for numerical control technology application talents , gets the ability requirement corresponding to industry distribution and post setting of graduate employment .

  11. 作为培养未来社会人才的学校,教育教学的重点应以培养学生的创新意识和实践能力为主。

    As training social talents for the future , in school the focal point of educational teaching should rely mainly on training students ' innovative consciousness and practice ability .

  12. 培养训练学生的口语表达能力,不仅仅是提高学生的外在素质和综合能力的需要,更是当今社会人才走向市场和人际交往的需要。

    Cultivating and training the students'expressing ability is not only required by improving their quality and comprehensive ability , but also needed by todays talent market and people 's communication .

  13. 科学技术和经济的发展,使得现代社会人才的竞争日趋激烈,二十一世纪必将形成对人才,特别是创新人才的需求。因此,创新人才的培养是时代的要求。

    The development of sci-tech and economy makes the competition for talents in modern society be increasingly sharp , the requirements for talents , especially for innovative talents , are sure to happen in next century .

  14. 高等职业教育的成功与失败直接取决于实践教学体系是否能够支撑对学生职业技能的培养,进而适应社会人才市场对技术应用型人才的需求和要求。

    The success and failure of higher polytechnic education directly depend on whether practical teaching system can support cultivation of professional techniques of the students to meet the demand of social talent market for applied technology-style talents .

  15. 经济的发展、科技的进步需要高素质的人力资源,而现今我国在人力资源培训上仍存在不少问题,影响整个社会人才的可持续发展。

    The economic development and the scientific and technical progress need high-quality human resource . However there still are many problems in the training of human resource in China , which have great influence on the sustainable development of human resource of the whole society .

  16. 创建绿色育人环境培养社会需求人才&在创绿中前进的江门市第一职业高级中学

    The green appearance of No.1 Vocation High School of Jiangmen City

  17. 论社会福利人才培养与社会工作专业教育介入&从城市居民最低生活保障制度看专业低保工作者的培养

    On Training Social Welfare Qualified Personnel and Social Work Specialized Education Intervention

  18. 21世纪社会对人才质量要求的趋势分析

    Analysis of the 21st-century trend of requirements in talent quality

  19. 小康社会体育人才需求趋势与培养对策研究

    Demand trend and cultivation of sports talents in well-off society of China

  20. 科学发展观视阈下社会工作人才素质

    Quality of social work professionals in perspective of scientific concept of development

  21. 信息素质是信息化社会对人才的必然要求。

    Information quality is the necessary requirement of information society .

  22. 试析福建省对社会体育人才的需求

    The Findings Report of Fujian Society Physical Culture Person of Ability Requirement

  23. 面向21世纪,培养新型社会体育人才

    Facing 21 century and training new social sports talents

  24. 自信是现代社会对人才素质的基本要求,自信是个体成长、成熟、成才、成功的重要心理品质。

    Confidence is one of basic requirements for talents in our modern society .

  25. 未来社会对人才的要求对课程设计提出新的挑战;

    To meet the demands of the future community which needs various intellectuals ;

  26. 知识经济社会的人才培养

    Talent education for the society of knowledge economy

  27. 社会工作人才队伍的状况在一定程度上决定着我国社会主义和谐社会的构建。

    The status of social work personnel to some extent determines the socialist harmonious society .

  28. 但是社会工作人才的缺乏却无法满足社会的需求。

    But the lack of social work personnel cannot satisfy the needs of the community .

  29. 学校具有为社会培养人才和发展人的全面素质的双重职能,维护和增进学生的心理健康是学校素质教育的重要内容。

    It is the important content that the school safeguards and promotes students mental health .

  30. 培养社会实用型人才是地方高校的根本职责。

    It is a fundamental function for a local college to cultivate societal utility talents .