
  • 网络social work;Bachelor of Social Work
  1. 威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校(UniversityofWisconsin,Madison)的社会工作学副教授朗尼•伯杰(LonnieBerger)说,加总父母全部支出时,18岁以上子女的支出很重要。

    Lonnie Berger , associate professor of social work at the University of Wisconsin , Madison , says post-18 expenditures matter in adding up all costs to parents .

  2. 关于社会工作学的几个基本理论问题

    Some Basic Theoretical Issues Concerning Study of Social Work

  3. 增权作为社会工作学领域的理论具有强烈的实践指向性,网络传播的兴起使增权理论的实践性得以更充分的体现,网络传播增权成了一个崭新的课题。

    Empowerment as a theory of the field of social work practice with a strong directional . The rise of network communication empowerment theory can be more fully reflected in practice , network communication empowerment has become a new topic .

  4. 她在研究生院攻读社会福利工作学硕士学位。

    She was in graduate school , studying for a master 's degree in social work .

  5. 太平绅士,香港大学社会工作及社会行政学系主任。

    " JP ", dean of the Institution of Department of Social Work and Social Administration of Hong Kong University .

  6. 我们的四个误区及其反思&对当前我国维护社会稳定工作的社会学思考适应社会稳定工作的需要深化高校两课教学改革的探索和实践

    Four Misconceptions in our Country and Their Reflection The study and Practice of Deepening " Twin Courses " Teaching Reform in Higher School to Meet the Requirements of Social Stability

  7. 这个最初是医学研究范畴的问题后来发展成为精神学科、心理学、教育学、社会学和社会工作学共同研究的课题。

    This problematic filed , which in the beginning belonged to category of medical research , then developed into what was being researched jointly in subjects such as Neurology , Psychology , Education , Sociology and Social work .

  8. 第二章回顾了作为历史实践形态的法律社会工作,并展望性地分析了法律社会工作学作为一门独立学科存在的可行性。

    The second chapter explores the practice of social work of law under the context of history of social work and extrapolate the viability of social work of law as a formal discipline .

  9. 本论文选择深度访谈法、行动研究方法、采取参与式观察法等方法收集并分析资料,行动过程中主要采用了社会工作的小组工作方法,并使用了社会工作及社会学的相关理论。

    This paper choose depth interview method , action research methods , such as participatory observation method to collect and analyze material , action process mainly adopts social work team working methods , and use a social work and the related theory of emotional sociology .