
  • Travel mode;Ways of travelling;trip mode;Getting around
  1. 随着社会经济发展和城市建设的加快以及人们出行方式的需要,地铁已经成为北京市最重要的交通工具之一,北京地铁因而得到高速发展,地铁火灾的安全问题也逐渐成为人们关注的焦点。

    With the acceleration of social economic and urban construction , and the requirement of people getting around , subway has become one of the most important vehicles in Beijing and is developing at high speed .

  2. 城市居民个人属性与出行方式链相关性分析

    Correlation Analysis between Urban Residents ' Attributes and Trip Mode Chain

  3. 就在不到一代人的时间里,坐飞机已经成了很多旅行者的出行方式。

    Within a generation flight has become the method used by many travellers .

  4. 在伦敦,坐出租车并不只是一种出行方式。

    Travelling by taxi in London is not just a way of going from one place to another .

  5. 这项技术能实现完全自由的出行方式。

    This technology would allow total freedom of movement .

  6. “政府认为,电动滑板车可以鼓励大家把汽车留在家里。目的是通过提供另一种出行方式来扩展交通网络。负责伦敦计划的运营商表示,人们使用电动滑板车时的许多问题都是可以解决的。”

    So the government believes these things can encourage us all to leave our cars at home . The idea is they kind of extend the transport network , by giving us another way to get around . And the operators of the London scheme say many of the issues people have with e-scooters can be addressed .

  7. 上海市居民出行方式与城市交通CO2排放及减排对策

    Resident Travel Modes and CO_2 Emissions by Traffic in Shanghai City

  8. 基于AHP法出行方式的分析

    The analysis based on AHP out pattern

  9. 出行方式选择:神经网络与多项Logit模型的比较研究

    Travel Mode Choice Modeling : A Comparison of Neural Networks and Multinomial Logit Model

  10. 停车换乘(ParkRide,PR)选择意向调查是建立高效的PR系统、促进个体出行方式向PR系统转移的基础步骤。

    The stated preference survey on P R is a basic step for building the effective P R system and promoting the transfer from individual trip modes to P R system .

  11. 步行巴士(walkingbus)指一群孩子在两个以上大人的护送下步行上下学的方式,被认为是一种健康又环保的出行方式。

    A walking bus is a large group of kids who walk to and from school , supervised by two or more adults and considered as a healthy and environmentally-friendly option .

  12. 基于TDM概念调节大城市繁华区域出行方式的调查分析&以停车收费价格调节出行方式为例

    Analysis on the TDM-based Trip-mode Regulation Survey in Megapolis Downtown & A Case Study on Regulating Trip-modes By Parking-Pricing

  13. 按照Logistic回归分析的思想,对未来丹东市居民出行方式进行了预测,计算结果与调查得到的出行方式比例十分吻合。

    Based on the idea of Logistic regression analysis , the transportation means of dwellers in Dandong City was forecast and the results were in good agreement with their practice .

  14. 通过模型检验指标的比较,认为巢式Logit模型可以更好的拟合通勤出行方式选择行为。

    Though both models have highly accuracy , the nested logit model is considered to be better in fitting the commuting mode choice behavior according to the test indexes .

  15. 本文以上海为例,应用LEAP模型,研究了在确保交通需求增长的前提下,发展不同的交通出行方式对能源需求和大气污染物排放的影响。

    The paper , taking Shanghai as an example , applies LEAP model to investigate the impact of travel modal split shift on the energy demand and air pollutant emissions as economy and transport demand grow annually .

  16. 通过建立模型并运用SPSS软件对数据样本进行拟合处理,分析了新建轨道交通项目对周边居民出行方式的主要影响因素,得到了相关研究结论。

    Through the establishment of model and data using SPSS software to fit the sample processing and analysis of new rail transit project on the surrounding residents travel mode structure of the main factors have been related findings .

  17. 通过分析调查数据和总结以往模型,建立了Logistic形式的出行方式选择模型,用长春市居民出行调查数据进行了参数标定和模型验证。

    By analyzing the survey data and summarizing the former models , a travel mode choice model based on the Logistic model was built , and its calibration of the parameters and validation was performed by means of the travel survey data of the Changchun inhabitants .

  18. 由于近年来高速铁路在人们的出行方式中占据了越来越大的比重,因此关注高速铁路场景下的LTE用户通信,具有一定的实际意义。

    In recent years high speed railway in the way people travel occupy an increasingly large proportion , so it is of certain practical significance to pay attention to LTE user communication in the high speed railway scene .

  19. Ypartnership旅游行销公司首席执行官彼得•叶萨维奇表示,在过去十多年中,周末游一直是美国最受欢迎的休闲出行方式。

    Peter Yesawich , CEO of Ypartnership , which tracks travel trends , said the weekend getaway has reigned as the most popular American leisure trip for over a decade .

  20. 城市交通出行方式对能源与环境的影响

    Urban Travel Modal Split and Its Impact on Energy and Environment

  21. 基于活动的出行方式选择模型与交通需求管理策略

    Activity-based travel mode choice model and analysis on traffic demand management

  22. 城市交通出行方式选择的演化博弈分析

    Evolutionary Game Analysis of the Travel Mode Choice for Urban Travelers

  23. 讨论影响各交通方式距离曲线的主要因素,确定距离曲线模型所采用的参数,并提出一些参数的简单量化方法,建立出行方式距离曲线模型。

    Nine parameters are used to build the travel curve model .

  24. 护理干预对维持性血透病人出行方式的影响

    Influence of nursing intervention on going-out manner of patients with hemodialysis

  25. 我们的出行方式会对环境产生巨大的影响。

    The way we travel has tremendous implications for the environment .

  26. 城市居民出行方式选择的满意准则模型

    Satisfaction Rule Model of Modal Selection of Going outside for Civilians

  27. 它是最拥挤最不舒适的出行方式。

    It 's the most crowded and uncomfortable way to travel .

  28. 基于区间数的多属性出行方式选择模型

    Travel mode choice model with multiple attributes based on interval number

  29. 城市居民出行方式选择预测方法研究

    Study on Methods for Forecasting Urban Residents Trip Mode Split

  30. 丹麦人致力于骑自行车这种出行方式以抵抗温室效应。

    The Danes are devoted to biking and to fighting global warming .