
chū bǎn fǎ
  • publication law;press law;law of publication;law of the press
  1. 出版法构建探论

    On the Construction of the Press Law

  2. 国会已通过新的出版法。

    Congress has approved the new publication laws .

  3. 在立法工作上不仅及时完成对刑法和出版法的修正工作,而且出台大量有关新闻出版的解释案和单行法。

    In the legislative work , not only completed the rectification of criminal law and publishing law in time , and introduced a large number of the interpretation of the case of press and publication and single law .

  4. (英国人61%的工作对话花在了开玩笑上。)但一本新出版的法英商务关系指南认为,法国人的会议截然不同。

    ( Approximately 61 per cent of British work conversation is spent trying to be funny . ) But French meetings are different , says a new guide to Franco-British business relationships .

  5. 学术期刊向作者收取版面费不仅是一种违反我国著作权法的行为,也是一种违反我国出版管理法关于禁止出卖、出租版面之规定的行为。

    Tile requirement for publishing fee by academic journals is not only breaking the law on works , but also breaking the China 'S regulation on prohibiting sale or rent of printed pages .

  6. 2003年1月,法制出版社又出版了该法的另一种英译本。

    In January , 2003 , the China Legal Publishing House published another English version of the Law ( hereinafter referred to as v2 ) .

  7. n.摘要出版商决定出版一本国际法摘要。

    digest The publisher decided to publish a digest of international law .

  8. 出版商决定出版一本国际法摘要。

    The publisher decided to publish a Digest of international law .

  9. 他们刚刚出版了他们的法英双语词典的全新版本。

    They have just published a major new edition of their French English bilingual dictionary .